Class CheckedThread

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class CheckedThread
    extends Thread
    A thread that additionally catches exceptions and offers a joining method that re-throws the exceptions.

    Rather than overriding (or supplying a Runnable), one needs to extends this class and implement the go() method. That method may throw exceptions.

    Exception from the go() method are caught and re-thrown when joining this thread via the sync() method.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckedThread

        public CheckedThread()
        Unnamed checked thread.
      • CheckedThread

        public CheckedThread​(String name)
        Checked thread with a name.
        name - the name of the new thread
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • go

        public abstract void go()
                         throws Exception
        This method needs to be overwritten to contain the main work logic. It takes the role of, but should propagate exceptions.
        Exception - The exceptions thrown here will be re-thrown in the sync() method.
      • run

        public final void run()
        This method is final - thread work should go into the go() method instead.
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
        run in class Thread
      • sync

        public void sync()
                  throws Exception
        Waits until the thread is completed and checks whether any error occurred during the execution.

        This method blocks like Thread.join(), but performs an additional check for exceptions thrown from the go() method.

      • sync

        public void sync​(long timeout)
                  throws Exception
        Waits with timeout until the thread is completed and checks whether any error occurred during the execution. In case of timeout an Exception is thrown.

        This method blocks like Thread.join(), but performs an additional check for exceptions thrown from the go() method.

      • trySync

        public void trySync​(long timeout)
                     throws Exception
        Waits with timeout until the thread is completed and checks whether any error occurred during the execution.

        This method blocks like Thread.join(), but performs an additional check for exceptions thrown from the go() method.
