Interface DeclarativeSlotPool

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BlocklistDeclarativeSlotPool, DefaultDeclarativeSlotPool

    public interface DeclarativeSlotPool
    Slot pool interface which uses Flink's declarative resource management protocol to acquire resources.

    In order to acquire new resources, users need to increase the required resources. Once they no longer need the resources, users need to decrease the required resources so that superfluous resources can be returned.

    • Method Detail

      • increaseResourceRequirementsBy

        void increaseResourceRequirementsBy​(ResourceCounter increment)
        Increases the resource requirements by increment.
        increment - increment by which to increase the resource requirements
      • decreaseResourceRequirementsBy

        void decreaseResourceRequirementsBy​(ResourceCounter decrement)
        Decreases the resource requirements by decrement.
        decrement - decrement by which to decrease the resource requirements
      • setResourceRequirements

        void setResourceRequirements​(ResourceCounter resourceRequirements)
        Sets the resource requirements to the given resourceRequirements.
        resourceRequirements - new resource requirements
      • getResourceRequirements

        Collection<ResourceRequirement> getResourceRequirements()
        Returns the current resource requirements.
        current resource requirements
      • offerSlots

        Collection<SlotOffer> offerSlots​(Collection<? extends SlotOffer> offers,
                                         TaskManagerLocation taskManagerLocation,
                                         TaskManagerGateway taskManagerGateway,
                                         long currentTime)
        Offers slots to this slot pool. The slot pool is free to accept as many slots as it needs.
        offers - offers containing the list of slots offered to this slot pool
        taskManagerLocation - taskManagerLocation is the location of the offering TaskExecutor
        taskManagerGateway - taskManagerGateway is the gateway to talk to the offering TaskExecutor
        currentTime - currentTime is the time the slots are being offered
        collection of accepted slots; the other slot offers are implicitly rejected
      • getFreeSlotTracker

        FreeSlotTracker getFreeSlotTracker()
        Returns the free slot tracker.
        free slot tracker
      • getAllSlotsInformation

        Collection<? extends SlotInfo> getAllSlotsInformation()
        Returns the slot information for all slots (free and allocated slots).
        collection of slot information
      • containsFreeSlot

        boolean containsFreeSlot​(AllocationID allocationId)
        Checks whether the slot pool contains a slot with the given AllocationID and if it is free.
        allocationId - allocationId specifies the slot to check for
        true if the slot pool contains a free slot registered under the given allocation id; otherwise false
      • reserveFreeSlot

        PhysicalSlot reserveFreeSlot​(AllocationID allocationId,
                                     ResourceProfile requiredSlotProfile)
        Reserves the free slot identified by the given allocationId and maps it to the given requiredSlotProfile.
        allocationId - allocationId identifies the free slot to allocate
        requiredSlotProfile - requiredSlotProfile specifying the resource requirement
        a PhysicalSlot representing the allocated slot
        IllegalStateException - if no free slot with the given allocationId exists or if the specified slot cannot fulfill the requiredSlotProfile
      • freeReservedSlot

        ResourceCounter freeReservedSlot​(AllocationID allocationId,
                                         Throwable cause,
                                         long currentTime)
        Frees the reserved slot identified by the given allocationId. If no slot with allocationId exists, then the call is ignored.

        Whether the freed slot is returned to the owning TaskExecutor is implementation dependent.

        allocationId - allocationId identifying the slot to release
        cause - cause for releasing the slot; can be null
        currentTime - currentTime when the slot was released
        the resource requirements that the slot was fulfilling
      • releaseSlots

        ResourceCounter releaseSlots​(ResourceID owner,
                                     Exception cause)
        Releases all slots belonging to the owning TaskExecutor if it has been registered.
        owner - owner identifying the owning TaskExecutor
        cause - cause for failing the slots
        the resource requirements that all slots were fulfilling; empty if all slots were currently free
      • releaseSlot

        ResourceCounter releaseSlot​(AllocationID allocationId,
                                    Exception cause)
        Releases the slot specified by allocationId if one exists.
        allocationId - allocationId identifying the slot to fail
        cause - cause for failing the slot
        the resource requirements that the slot was fulfilling; empty if the slot was currently free
      • containsSlots

        boolean containsSlots​(ResourceID owner)
        Returns whether the slot pool has a slot registered which is owned by the given TaskExecutor.
        owner - owner identifying the TaskExecutor for which to check whether the slot pool has some slots registered
        true if the given TaskExecutor has a slot registered at the slot pool
      • releaseIdleSlots

        void releaseIdleSlots​(long currentTimeMillis)
        Releases slots which have exceeded the idle slot timeout and are no longer needed to fulfill the resource requirements.
        currentTimeMillis - current time
      • registerNewSlotsListener

        void registerNewSlotsListener​(DeclarativeSlotPool.NewSlotsListener listener)
        Registers a listener which is called whenever new slots become available.
        listener - which is called whenever new slots become available