ActorSystemBootstrapTools |
Tools for starting the Actor Systems used to run the JobManager and TaskManager actors.
CustomSSLEngineProvider |
Extension of the ConfigSSLEngineProvider to use a FingerprintTrustManagerFactory .
DeadLettersActor |
Actor which listens to DeadLetter and responds with a failure if
the message was a RPC.
EscalatingSupervisorStrategy |
Escalating supervisor strategy.
FencedPekkoInvocationHandler<F extends Serializable> |
Fenced extension of the PekkoInvocationHandler .
FencedPekkoRpcActor<F extends Serializable,T extends FencedRpcEndpoint<F> & RpcGateway> |
Fenced extension of the PekkoRpcActor .
PekkoRpcService |
PekkoRpcServiceConfiguration |
PekkoRpcServiceUtils |
These RPC utilities contain helper methods around RPC use, such as starting an RPC service, or
constructing RPC addresses.
PekkoRpcSystem |
PekkoRpcSystemLoader |
PrioritySettingThreadFactory |
Wrapper around a ThreadFactory that configures the thread priority.
PriorityThreadsDispatcher |
Pekko dispatcher threads creates threads with configurable priority.
RemoteAddressExtension |
ActorSystem Extension used to obtain the Address
on which the given ActorSystem is listening.
RemoteAddressExtension.RemoteAddressExtensionImpl |
Actual Extension implementation.
RobustActorSystem |