Interface ManagedSnapshotContext

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    FunctionSnapshotContext, StateSnapshotContext
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ManagedSnapshotContext
    This interface provides a context in which operators that use managed state (i.e. state that is managed by state backends) can perform a snapshot. As snapshots of the backends themselves are taken by the system, this interface mainly provides meta information about the checkpoint.
    • Method Detail

      • getCheckpointId

        long getCheckpointId()
        Returns the ID of the checkpoint for which the snapshot is taken.

        The checkpoint ID is guaranteed to be strictly monotonously increasing across checkpoints. For two completed checkpoints A and B, ID_B > ID_A means that checkpoint B subsumes checkpoint A, i.e., checkpoint B contains a later state than checkpoint A.

      • getCheckpointTimestamp

        long getCheckpointTimestamp()
        Returns timestamp (wall clock time) when the master node triggered the checkpoint for which the state snapshot is taken.