Class DefaultKeyedStateStoreV2

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultKeyedStateStoreV2

        public DefaultKeyedStateStoreV2​(@Nonnull
                                        AsyncKeyedStateBackend asyncKeyedStateBackend)
    • Method Detail

      • getValueState

        public <T> ValueState<T> getValueState​(@Nonnull
                                               ValueStateDescriptor<T> stateProperties)
        Description copied from interface: KeyedStateStoreV2
        Gets a handle to the system's ValueState. The key/value state is only accessible if the function is executed on a KeyedStream. On each access, the state exposes the value for the key of the element currently processed by the function. Each function may have multiple partitioned states, addressed with different names.

        Because the scope of each value is the key of the currently processed element, and the elements are distributed by the Flink runtime, the system can transparently scale out and redistribute the state and KeyedStream.

        Specified by:
        getValueState in interface KeyedStateStoreV2
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of value stored in the state.
        stateProperties - The descriptor defining the properties of the state.
        The partitioned state object.
      • getListState

        public <T> ListState<T> getListState​(@Nonnull
                                             ListStateDescriptor<T> stateProperties)
        Description copied from interface: KeyedStateStoreV2
        Gets a handle to the system's key / value list state. This state is optimized for state that holds lists. One can adds elements to the list, or retrieve the list as a whole. This state is only accessible if the function is executed on a KeyedStream.
        Specified by:
        getListState in interface KeyedStateStoreV2
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of value stored in the state.
        stateProperties - The descriptor defining the properties of the state.
        The partitioned state object.
      • getMapState

        public <UK,​UV> MapState<UK,​UV> getMapState​(@Nonnull
                                                               MapStateDescriptor<UK,​UV> stateProperties)
        Description copied from interface: KeyedStateStoreV2
        Gets a handle to the system's key/value map state. This state is only accessible if the function is executed on a KeyedStream.
        Specified by:
        getMapState in interface KeyedStateStoreV2
        Type Parameters:
        UK - The type of the user keys stored in the state.
        UV - The type of the user values stored in the state.
        stateProperties - The descriptor defining the properties of the state.
        The partitioned state object.
      • getReducingState

        public <T> ReducingState<T> getReducingState​(@Nonnull
                                                     ReducingStateDescriptor<T> stateProperties)
        Description copied from interface: KeyedStateStoreV2
        Gets a handle to the system's key/value reducing state. This state is optimized for state that aggregates values.

        This state is only accessible if the function is executed on a KeyedStream.

        Specified by:
        getReducingState in interface KeyedStateStoreV2
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of value stored in the state.
        stateProperties - The descriptor defining the properties of the stats.
        The partitioned state object.
      • getAggregatingState

        public <IN,​ACC,​OUT> AggregatingState<IN,​OUT> getAggregatingState​(@Nonnull
                                                                                           AggregatingStateDescriptor<IN,​ACC,​OUT> stateProperties)
        Description copied from interface: KeyedStateStoreV2
        Gets a handle to the system's key/value aggregating state. This state is only accessible if the function is executed on a KeyedStream.
        Specified by:
        getAggregatingState in interface KeyedStateStoreV2
        Type Parameters:
        IN - The type of the values that are added to the state.
        ACC - The type of the accumulator (intermediate aggregation state).
        OUT - The type of the values that are returned from the state.
        stateProperties - The descriptor defining the properties of the stats.
        The partitioned state object.