Class SqlGatewayRestOptions

  • @PublicEvolving
    public class SqlGatewayRestOptions
    extends Object
    Options to configure SqlGatewayRestEndpoint.

    By default, the user must select a local address to set ADDRESS, then the server will bind the address to all the local IPV4 address ( and bind the port to BIND_PORT(fallback to the default value of PORT).

    1. If user specifies BIND_ADDRESS, then the server will bind to BIND_ADDRESS and suggest the user that the current client should connect to this BIND_ADDRESS rather than ADDRESS in the log.

    2. If user specifies PORT, then the server will bind the port to BIND_PORT(fallback to the value of PORT).

    3. If user specifies BIND_PORT, then the server will ignore PORT and directly bind the port to the value of BIND_PORT.

    • Field Detail

      • ADDRESS

        public static final ConfigOption<String> ADDRESS
        The address that should be used by clients to connect to the sql gateway server.

        public static final ConfigOption<String> BIND_ADDRESS
        The address that the sql gateway server binds itself to.
      • BIND_PORT

        public static final ConfigOption<String> BIND_PORT
        The port range that the sql gateway server could bind itself to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SqlGatewayRestOptions

        public SqlGatewayRestOptions()