Class HyperLogLogPlusPlus

  • public class HyperLogLogPlusPlus
    extends Object
    The implement of HyperLogLogPlusPlus is inspired from Apache Spark.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HyperLogLogPlusPlus

        public HyperLogLogPlusPlus​(double relativeSD)
    • Method Detail

      • getNumWords

        public int getNumWords()
      • updateByHashcode

        public void updateByHashcode​(HllBuffer buffer,
                                     long hash)
        Update the HLL++ buffer.
      • merge

        public void merge​(HllBuffer buffer1,
                          HllBuffer buffer2)
        Merge the HLL buffers by iterating through the registers in both buffers and select the maximum number of leading zeros for each register.
      • estimateBias

        public double estimateBias​(double e)
        Estimate the bias using the raw estimates with their respective biases from the HLL++ appendix. We currently use KNN interpolation to determine the bias (as suggested in the paper).
      • query

        public long query​(HllBuffer buffer)
        Compute the HyperLogLog estimate.

        Variable names in the HLL++ paper match variable names in the code.

      • trueRsd

        public double trueRsd()
        The rsd of HLL++ is always equal to or better than the rsd requested. This method returns the rsd this instance actually guarantees.
        the actual rsd.