Class BinaryHashBucketArea

  • public class BinaryHashBucketArea
    extends Object
    Bucket area for hash table.

    The layout of the buckets inside a memory segment is as follows:

     +----------------------------- Bucket x ----------------------------
     |element count (2 bytes) | probedFlags (2 bytes) | next-bucket-in-chain-pointer (4 bytes) |
     |hashCode 1 (4 bytes) | hashCode 2 (4 bytes) | hashCode 3 (4 bytes) |
     | ... hashCode n-1 (4 bytes) | hashCode n (4 bytes)
     |pointer 1 (4 bytes) | pointer 2 (4 bytes) | pointer 3 (4 bytes) |
     | ... pointer n-1 (4 bytes) | pointer n (4 bytes)
     +---------------------------- Bucket x + 1--------------------------
     | ...
    • Field Detail


        public static final int RECORD_BYTES
        The number of bytes that the entry in the hash structure occupies, in bytes. It corresponds to a 4 byte hash value and an 4 byte pointer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values