Class ResourceManagerOptions

  • @PublicEvolving
    public class ResourceManagerOptions
    extends Object
    The set of configuration options relating to the ResourceManager.
    • Field Detail


        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> JOB_TIMEOUT
        Timeout for jobs which don't have a job manager as leader assigned.
      • IPC_PORT

        public static final ConfigOption<Integer> IPC_PORT
        Defines the network port to connect to for communication with the resource manager. By default, the port of the JobManager, because the same ActorSystem is used. Its not possible to use this configuration key to define port ranges.

        public static final ConfigOption<Integer> REDUNDANT_TASK_MANAGER_NUM
        The number of redundant task managers. Redundant task managers are extra task managers started by Flink, in order to speed up job recovery in case of failures due to task manager lost. Note that this feature is available only to the active deployments (native K8s, Yarn). For fine-grained resource requirement, Redundant resources will be reserved, but it is possible that we have many small pieces of free resources form multiple TMs, which added up larger than the desired redundant resources, but each piece is too small to match the resource requirement of tasks from the failed worker.

        public static final ConfigOption<Double> START_WORKER_MAX_FAILURE_RATE
        The maximum number of start worker failures (Native Kubernetes / Yarn) per minute before pausing requesting new workers. Once the threshold is reached, subsequent worker requests will be postponed to after a configured retry interval (START_WORKER_RETRY_INTERVAL).

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> START_WORKER_RETRY_INTERVAL
        The time to wait before requesting new workers (Native Kubernetes / Yarn) once the max failure rate of starting workers (START_WORKER_MAX_FAILURE_RATE) is reached.

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> DECLARE_NEEDED_RESOURCE_DELAY

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> STANDALONE_CLUSTER_STARTUP_PERIOD_TIME
        Time in milliseconds of the start-up period of a standalone cluster. During this time, resource manager of the standalone cluster expects new task executors to be registered, and will not fail slot requests that can not be satisfied by any current registered slots. After this time, it will fail pending and new coming requests immediately that can not be satisfied by registered slots. If not set, JobManagerOptions.SLOT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT will be used by default.

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> TASK_MANAGER_TIMEOUT
        The timeout for an idle task manager to be released.

        public static final String CONTAINERIZED_MASTER_ENV_PREFIX
        Prefix for passing custom environment variables to Flink's master process. For example for passing LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an env variable to the AppMaster, set: containerized.master.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "/usr/lib/native" in the config.yaml.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String CONTAINERIZED_TASK_MANAGER_ENV_PREFIX
        Similar to the {@see CONTAINERIZED_MASTER_ENV_PREFIX}, this configuration prefix allows setting custom environment variables for the workers (TaskManagers).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> TASK_MANAGER_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT
        Timeout for TaskManagers to register at the active resource managers.

        public static final ConfigOption<Duration> RESOURCE_MANAGER_PREVIOUS_WORKER_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT
        Timeout for ResourceManager to recover all the previous attempts workers.