Interface DispatcherGateway

    • Method Detail

      • submitJob

        CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> submitJob​(ExecutionPlan executionPlan,
                                                 Duration timeout)
        Submit a job to the dispatcher.
        executionPlan - ExecutionPlan to submit
        timeout - RPC timeout
        A future acknowledge if the submission succeeded
      • listJobs

        CompletableFuture<Collection<JobID>> listJobs​(Duration timeout)
        List the current set of submitted jobs.
        timeout - RPC timeout
        A future collection of currently submitted jobs
      • getBlobServerPort

        CompletableFuture<Integer> getBlobServerPort​(Duration timeout)
        Returns the port of the blob server.
        timeout - of the operation
        A future integer of the blob server port
      • triggerSavepointAndGetLocation

        default CompletableFuture<String> triggerSavepointAndGetLocation​(JobID jobId,
                                                                         String targetDirectory,
                                                                         SavepointFormatType formatType,
                                                                         TriggerSavepointMode savepointMode,
                                                                         Duration timeout)
        Triggers a savepoint with the given savepoint directory as a target, returning a future that completes with the savepoint location when it is complete.
        jobId - the job id
        targetDirectory - Target directory for the savepoint.
        formatType - Binary format of the savepoint.
        savepointMode - context of the savepoint operation
        timeout - Timeout for the asynchronous operation
        Future which is completed once the operation is triggered successfully
      • stopWithSavepointAndGetLocation

        default CompletableFuture<String> stopWithSavepointAndGetLocation​(JobID jobId,
                                                                          String targetDirectory,
                                                                          SavepointFormatType formatType,
                                                                          TriggerSavepointMode savepointMode,
                                                                          Duration timeout)
        Stops the job with a savepoint, returning a future that completes with the savepoint location when the savepoint is completed.
        jobId - the job id
        targetDirectory - Target directory for the savepoint.
        savepointMode - context of the savepoint operation
        timeout - for the rpc call
        Future which is completed with the savepoint location once it is completed
      • triggerCheckpointAndGetCheckpointID

        default CompletableFuture<Long> triggerCheckpointAndGetCheckpointID​(JobID jobId,
                                                                            CheckpointType checkpointType,
                                                                            Duration timeout)
        Triggers a checkpoint, returning a future that completes with the checkpoint id when it is complete.
        jobId - the job id
        checkpointType - checkpoint type of this checkpoint (configured / full / incremental)
        timeout - Timeout for the asynchronous operation
        Future which is completed once the operation is triggered successfully