Interface ExecutionDeployer.Factory

    • Method Detail

      • createInstance

        ExecutionDeployer createInstance​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                                         ExecutionSlotAllocator executionSlotAllocator,
                                         ExecutionOperations executionOperations,
                                         ExecutionVertexVersioner executionVertexVersioner,
                                         Duration partitionRegistrationTimeout,
                                         BiConsumer<ExecutionVertexID,​AllocationID> allocationReservationFunc,
                                         ComponentMainThreadExecutor mainThreadExecutor)
        Instantiate an ExecutionDeployer with the given params. Note that the version of an execution vertex will be recorded before scheduling executions for it. The version may change if a global failure happens, or if the job is canceled, or if the execution vertex is restarted when all its current execution are FAILED/CANCELED. Once the version is changed, the previously triggered execution deployment will be skipped.
        log - the logger
        executionSlotAllocator - the allocator to allocate slots
        executionOperations - the operations of executions
        executionVertexVersioner - the versioner which records the versions of execution vertices.
        partitionRegistrationTimeout - timeout of partition registration
        allocationReservationFunc - function to reserve allocations for local recovery
        mainThreadExecutor - the main thread executor
        an instantiated ExecutionDeployer