Class AllToAllBlockingResultInfo

    • Field Detail

      • numOfPartitions

        protected final int numOfPartitions
      • numOfSubpartitions

        protected final int numOfSubpartitions
      • subpartitionBytesByPartitionIndex

        protected final Map<Integer,​long[]> subpartitionBytesByPartitionIndex
        The subpartition bytes map. The key is the partition index, value is a subpartition bytes list.
    • Method Detail

      • isBroadcast

        public boolean isBroadcast()
        Description copied from interface: IntermediateResultInfo
        Whether it is a broadcast result.
        whether it is a broadcast result
      • isPointwise

        public boolean isPointwise()
        Description copied from interface: IntermediateResultInfo
        Whether it is a pointwise result.
        whether it is a pointwise result
      • getNumPartitions

        public int getNumPartitions()
        Description copied from interface: IntermediateResultInfo
        Get number of partitions for this result.
        the number of partitions in this result
      • getNumSubpartitions

        public int getNumSubpartitions​(int partitionIndex)
        Description copied from interface: IntermediateResultInfo
        Get number of subpartitions for the given partition.
        partitionIndex - the partition index
        the number of subpartitions of the partition
      • getNumBytesProduced

        public long getNumBytesProduced()
        Description copied from interface: BlockingResultInfo
        Return the num of bytes produced(numBytesProduced) by the producer.

        The difference between numBytesProduced and numBytesOut : numBytesProduced represents the number of bytes actually produced, and numBytesOut represents the number of bytes sent to downstream tasks. In unicast scenarios, these two values should be equal. In broadcast scenarios, numBytesOut should be (N * numBytesProduced), where N refers to the number of subpartitions.

        the num of bytes produced by the producer
      • getNumBytesProduced

        public long getNumBytesProduced​(IndexRange partitionIndexRange,
                                        IndexRange subpartitionIndexRange)
        Description copied from interface: BlockingResultInfo
        Return the aggregated num of bytes according to the index range for partition and subpartition.
        partitionIndexRange - range of the index of the consumed partition.
        subpartitionIndexRange - range of the index of the consumed subpartition.
        aggregated bytes according to the index ranges.
      • resetPartitionInfo

        public void resetPartitionInfo​(int partitionIndex)
        Description copied from interface: BlockingResultInfo
        Reset the information of the result partition.
        Specified by:
        resetPartitionInfo in interface BlockingResultInfo
        partitionIndex - the intermediate result partition index
      • getAggregatedSubpartitionBytes

        public List<Long> getAggregatedSubpartitionBytes()