Class AbstractFileStateBackend

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, CheckpointStorage, StateBackend

    public abstract class AbstractFileStateBackend
    extends AbstractStateBackend
    implements CheckpointStorage
    State backends should no longer implement CheckpointStorage functionality. Please inherit AbstractStateBackend instead. Custom checkpoint storage can be additionally implemented as a separate class.
    A base class for all state backends that store their metadata (and data) in files.

    This class takes the base checkpoint- and savepoint directory paths, but also accepts null for both of then, in which case creating externalized checkpoint is not possible, and it is not possible to create a savepoint with a default path. Null is accepted to enable implementations that only optionally support default savepoints and externalized checkpoints.

    Checkpoint Layout

    The state backend is configured with a base directory and persists the checkpoint data of specific checkpoints in specific subdirectories. For example, if the base directory was set to hdfs://namenode:port/flink-checkpoints/, the state backend will create a subdirectory with the job's ID that will contain the actual checkpoints: ( hdfs://namenode:port/flink-checkpoints/1b080b6e710aabbef8993ab18c6de98b)

    Each checkpoint individually will store all its files in a subdirectory that includes the checkpoint number, such as hdfs://namenode:port/flink-checkpoints/1b080b6e710aabbef8993ab18c6de98b/chk-17/.

    Savepoint Layout

    A savepoint that is set to be stored in path hdfs://namenode:port/flink-savepoints/, will create a subdirectory savepoint-jobId(0, 6)-randomDigits in which it stores all savepoint data. The random digits are added as "entropy" to avoid directory collisions.

    Metadata File

    A completed checkpoint writes its metadata into a file '"_metadata"'.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFileStateBackend

        protected AbstractFileStateBackend​(@Nullable
                                           URI baseCheckpointPath,
                                           URI baseSavepointPath)
        Creates a backend with the given optional checkpoint- and savepoint base directories.
        baseCheckpointPath - The base directory for checkpoints, or null, if none is configured.
        baseSavepointPath - The default directory for savepoints, or null, if none is set.
      • AbstractFileStateBackend

        protected AbstractFileStateBackend​(@Nullable
                                           Path baseCheckpointPath,
                                           Path baseSavepointPath)
        Creates a backend with the given optional checkpoint- and savepoint base directories.
        baseCheckpointPath - The base directory for checkpoints, or null, if none is configured.
        baseSavepointPath - The default directory for savepoints, or null, if none is set.
      • AbstractFileStateBackend

        protected AbstractFileStateBackend​(@Nullable
                                           Path baseCheckpointPath,
                                           Path baseSavepointPath,
                                           ReadableConfig configuration)
        Creates a new backend using the given checkpoint-/savepoint directories, or the values defined in the given configuration. If a checkpoint-/savepoint parameter is not null, that value takes precedence over the value in the configuration. If the configuration does not specify a value, it is possible that the checkpoint-/savepoint directories in the backend will be null.

        This constructor can be used to create a backend that is based partially on a given backend and partially on a configuration.

        baseCheckpointPath - The checkpoint base directory to use (or null).
        baseSavepointPath - The default savepoint directory to use (or null).
        configuration - The configuration to read values from.
    • Method Detail

      • getCheckpointPath

        public Path getCheckpointPath()
        Gets the checkpoint base directory. Jobs will create job-specific subdirectories for checkpoints within this directory. May be null, if not configured.
        The checkpoint base directory
      • getSavepointPath

        public Path getSavepointPath()
        Gets the directory where savepoints are stored by default (when no custom path is given to the savepoint trigger command).
        The default directory for savepoints, or null, if no default directory has been configured.
      • resolveCheckpoint

        public CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation resolveCheckpoint​(String pointer)
                                                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: CheckpointStorage
        Resolves the given pointer to a checkpoint/savepoint into a checkpoint location. The location supports reading the checkpoint metadata, or disposing the checkpoint storage location.
        Specified by:
        resolveCheckpoint in interface CheckpointStorage
        pointer - The external checkpoint pointer to resolve.
        The checkpoint location handle.
        IOException - Thrown, if the state backend does not understand the pointer, or if the pointer could not be resolved due to an I/O error.