Class StreamGraphUtils

  • public final class StreamGraphUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class that contains helper methods to generating StreamGraph.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StreamGraphUtils

        public StreamGraphUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • validateTransformationUid

        public static void validateTransformationUid​(StreamGraph streamGraph,
                                                     Transformation<?> transformation)
        Throw IllegalStateException if the PhysicalTransformation's uid or hash is not set when auto generate uid is disabled.
        streamGraph - The given graph that the transformation is added to
        transformation - The transformation needed to validate
      • configureBufferTimeout

        public static <T> void configureBufferTimeout​(StreamGraph streamGraph,
                                                      int nodeId,
                                                      Transformation<T> transformation,
                                                      long defaultBufferTimeout)
        Configure a stream node's buffer timeout according to the given transformation.
        streamGraph - The StreamGraph the node belongs to
        nodeId - The node's id
        transformation - A given transformation
        defaultBufferTimeout - The default buffer timeout value