Class AbstractCatalogView

    • Method Detail

      • getOriginalQuery

        public String getOriginalQuery()
        Description copied from interface: CatalogView
        Original text of the view definition that also preserves the original formatting.
        Specified by:
        getOriginalQuery in interface CatalogView
        the original string literal provided by the user.
      • getExpandedQuery

        public String getExpandedQuery()
        Description copied from interface: CatalogView
        Expanded text of the original view definition This is needed because the context such as current DB is lost after the session, in which view is defined, is gone. Expanded query text takes care of this, as an example.

        For example, for a view that is defined in the context of "default" database with a query select * from test1, the expanded query text might become select `test1`.`name`, `test1`.`value` from `default`.`test1`, where table test1 resides in database "default" and has two columns ("name" and "value").

        Specified by:
        getExpandedQuery in interface CatalogView
        the view definition in expanded text.
      • getOptions

        public Map<String,​String> getOptions()
        Description copied from interface: CatalogBaseTable
        Returns a map of string-based options.

        In case of CatalogTable, these options may determine the kind of connector and its configuration for accessing the data in the external system. See DynamicTableFactory for more information. If a CatalogTable should not be serializable, an implementation can simply throw a runtime exception in this method.

        Specified by:
        getOptions in interface CatalogBaseTable