Class SourceWatermarkSpec

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • SourceWatermarkSpec

        public SourceWatermarkSpec​(boolean sourceWatermarkEnabled,
                                   RowType producedType)
    • Method Detail

      • needAdjustFieldReferenceAfterProjection

        public boolean needAdjustFieldReferenceAfterProjection()
        Description copied from interface: SourceAbilitySpec
        Does this spec needs adjust field reference after projection. If the spec contains RexNode or references fields in scan table, the referenced field indices maybe changed after projection pushdown with scan reuse. Under such case, this method need to return true to notify planner doesn't reuse the scan.
      • getDigests

        public String getDigests​(SourceAbilityContext context)
        Description copied from interface: SourceAbilitySpec
        Additional digests to generate when this spec is applied to the source.
        context - The context about the source.