Class PerKeyStateDataViewStore

    • Method Detail

      • getStateMapView

        public <N,​EK,​EV> StateMapView<N,​EK,​EV> getStateMapView​(String stateName,
                                                                                       boolean supportNullKey,
                                                                                       TypeSerializer<EK> keySerializer,
                                                                                       TypeSerializer<EV> valueSerializer)
        Description copied from interface: StateDataViewStore
        Creates a state map view.
        Specified by:
        getStateMapView in interface StateDataViewStore
        Type Parameters:
        N - Type of the namespace
        EK - External type of the keys in the map state
        EV - External type of the values in the map state
        stateName - The name of underlying state of the map view
        supportNullKey - Whether the null key should be supported
        keySerializer - The key serializer
        valueSerializer - The value serializer
        a keyed map state
      • getStateListView

        public <N,​EE> StateListView<N,​EE> getStateListView​(String stateName,
                                                                       TypeSerializer<EE> elementSerializer)
        Description copied from interface: StateDataViewStore
        Creates a state list view.
        Specified by:
        getStateListView in interface StateDataViewStore
        Type Parameters:
        N - Type of the namespace
        EE - External type of the elements in the list state
        stateName - The name of underlying state of the list view
        elementSerializer - The element serializer
        a keyed list state