Class CsvTableSourceFactoryBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • CsvTableSourceFactoryBase

        public CsvTableSourceFactoryBase()
    • Method Detail

      • requiredContext

        public Map<String,​String> requiredContext()
        Description copied from interface: TableFactory
        Specifies the context that this factory has been implemented for. The framework guarantees to only match for this factory if the specified set of properties and values are met.

        Typical properties might be: - connector.type - format.type

        Specified property versions allow the framework to provide backwards compatible properties in case of string format changes: - -

        An empty context means that the factory matches for all requests.

        Specified by:
        requiredContext in interface TableFactory
      • supportedProperties

        public List<String> supportedProperties()
        Description copied from interface: TableFactory
        List of property keys that this factory can handle. This method will be used for validation. If a property is passed that this factory cannot handle, an exception will be thrown. The list must not contain the keys that are specified by the context.

        Example properties might be: - schema.#.type - - connector.topic - format.line-delimiter - format.ignore-parse-errors - format.fields.#.type -

        Note: Use "#" to denote an array of values where "#" represents one or more digits. Property versions like "" must not be part of the supported properties.

        In some cases it might be useful to declare wildcards "*". Wildcards can only be declared at the end of a property key.

        For example, if an arbitrary format should be supported: - format.*

        Note: Wildcards should be used with caution as they might swallow unsupported properties and thus might lead to undesired behavior.

        Specified by:
        supportedProperties in interface TableFactory