Window that represents a time interval from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). |
A Window that represents a count window. |
The default window into which all data is placed GlobalWindows. |
Result type for trigger methods. |
A Trigger that fires once the watermark passes the end of the window to which a pane belongs. |
A Trigger that continuously fires based on a given time interval. |
A Trigger that fires once the current system time passes the end of the window to which a pane belongs. |
A Trigger that continuously fires based on a given time interval as measured by the clock of the machine on which the job is running. |
A trigger that can turn any Trigger into a purging Trigger. |
A Trigger that fires once the count of elements in a pane reaches the given count. |
A trigger that never fires, as default Trigger for GlobalWindows. |
A WindowAssigner that can merge windows. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into fixed-size windows based on the count number of the elements. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into sliding windows based on the count number of the elements. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into windows based on the current system time of the machine the operation is running on. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into windows based on the timestamp of the elements. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into sliding windows based on the current system time of the machine the operation is running on. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into sliding windows based on the timestamp of the elements. |
A WindowAssigner that windows elements into sessions based on the current processing time. |
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A WindowAssigner that windows elements into sessions based on the current processing time. |
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A WindowAssigner that assigns all elements to the same GlobalWindow. |
A SessionWindowTimeGapExtractor extracts session time gaps for Dynamic Session Window Assigners. |