
Helm installation #

The operator installation is managed by a helm chart. To install run:

helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

Alternatively to install the operator (and also the helm chart) to a specific namespace:

helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator --namespace flink --create-namespace

Note that in this case you will need to update the namespace in the examples accordingly or the default namespace to the watched namespaces.

Overriding configuration parameters during Helm install #

Helm provides different ways to override the default installation parameters (contained in values.yaml) for the Helm chart.

To override single parameters you can use --set, for example:

helm install --set image.repository=apache/flink-kubernetes-operator --set image.tag=1.0.1 flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

You can also provide your custom values file by using the -f flag:

helm install -f myvalues.yaml flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

For more information check the Helm documentation.

Validating webhook #

In order to use the webhook for FlinkDeployment validation, you must install the cert-manager on the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.7.1/cert-manager.yaml

The webhook can be disabled during helm install by passing the --set webhook.create=false parameter or editing the values.yaml directly.

Watching only specific namespaces #

The operator supports watching a specific list of namespaces for FlinkDeployment resources. You can enable it by setting the --set watchNamespaces={flink-test} parameter. When this is enabled role-based access control is only created specifically for these namespaces for the operator and the jobmanagers, otherwise it defaults to cluster scope.

Working with Argo CD #

If you are using Argo CD to manage the operator, you will encounter the issue which complains the CRDs too long. Same with this issue. The recommended solution is to split the operator into two Argo apps, such as:

  • The first app just for installing the CRDs with Replace=true directly, snippet:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: flink-kubernetes-operator-crds
    repoURL: https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator
    targetRevision: main
    path: helm/flink-kubernetes-operator/crds
    - Replace=true
  • The second app that installs the Helm chart with skipCrds=true (new feature in Argo CD 2.3.0), snippet:
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: flink-kubernetes-operator-skip-crds
    repoURL: https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator
    targetRevision: main
    path: helm/flink-kubernetes-operator
      skipCrds: true