Class ReconciliationUtils

  • public class ReconciliationUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Reconciliation utilities.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReconciliationUtils

        public ReconciliationUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • updateStatusForDeployedSpec

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> void updateStatusForDeployedSpec​(AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,​?> target,
                                                                                        org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration conf,
                                                                                        java.time.Clock clock)
        Update status after successful deployment of a new resource spec. Existing reconciliation errors will be cleared, lastReconciled spec will be updated and for suspended jobs it will also be marked stable.

        For Application deployments TaskManager info will also be updated.

        Type Parameters:
        SPEC - Spec type.
        target - Target Flink resource.
        conf - Deployment configuration.
        clock - Clock for getting time.
      • updateStatusForDeployedSpec

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> void updateStatusForDeployedSpec​(AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,​?> target,
                                                                                        org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration conf)
      • updateStatusBeforeDeploymentAttempt

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> void updateStatusBeforeDeploymentAttempt​(AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,​?> target,
                                                                                                org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration conf,
                                                                                                java.time.Clock clock)
        Update status before deployment attempt of a new resource spec. Existing reconciliation errors will be cleared, lastReconciled spec will be updated and reconciliation status marked UPGRADING.

        For Application deployments TaskManager info will also be updated.

        Type Parameters:
        SPEC - Spec type.
        target - Target Flink resource.
        conf - Deployment configuration.
        clock - Clock for getting the current time.
      • updateStatusBeforeDeploymentAttempt

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> void updateStatusBeforeDeploymentAttempt​(AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,​?> target,
                                                                                                org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration conf)
      • updateForReconciliationError

        public static void updateForReconciliationError​(FlinkResourceContext ctx,
                                                        java.lang.Throwable error)
      • clone

        public static <T> T clone​(T object)
      • toUpdateControl

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec,​STATUS extends CommonStatus<SPEC>,​R extends io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.CustomResource<SPEC,​STATUS>> io.javaoperatorsdk.operator.api.reconciler.UpdateControl<R> toUpdateControl​(FlinkOperatorConfiguration operatorConfiguration,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          R current,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          R previous,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          boolean reschedule)
      • isUpgradeModeChangedToLastStateAndHADisabledPreviously

        public static boolean isUpgradeModeChangedToLastStateAndHADisabledPreviously​(AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?> flinkApp,
                                                                                     org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration observeConfig)
      • isJobInTerminalState

        public static boolean isJobInTerminalState​(CommonStatus<?> status)
      • isJobRunning

        public static boolean isJobRunning​(CommonStatus<?> status)
      • applyValidationErrorAndResetSpec

        public static <SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> boolean applyValidationErrorAndResetSpec​(FlinkResourceContext<? extends AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,​?>> ctx,
                                                                                                java.lang.String validationError)
        In case of validation errors we need to (temporarily) reset the old spec so that we can reconcile other outstanding changes, instead of simply blocking.

        This is only possible if we have a previously reconciled spec.

        For in-flight application upgrades we need extra logic to set the desired job state to running

        Type Parameters:
        SPEC - Spec type.
        ctx - The current deployment context
        validationError - Validation error encountered for the current spec
        True if the spec was reset and reconciliation can continue. False if nothing to reconcile.
      • toErrorStatusUpdateControl

        public static <STATUS extends CommonStatus<?>,​R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,​STATUS>> io.javaoperatorsdk.operator.api.reconciler.ErrorStatusUpdateControl<R> toErrorStatusUpdateControl​(FlinkResourceContext<R> ctx,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               java.lang.Exception e,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               StatusRecorder<R,​STATUS> statusRecorder)
        Update the resource error status and metrics when the operator encountered an exception during reconciliation.
        Type Parameters:
        STATUS - Status type.
        R - Resource type.
        ctx - Flink Resource context
        e - Exception that caused the retry
        statusRecorder - statusRecorder object for patching status
        This always returns Empty optional currently, due to the status update logic
      • getUpgradeTargetGeneration

        public static java.lang.Long getUpgradeTargetGeneration​(AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?> resource)
        Get spec generation for the current in progress upgrade.
        resource - Flink resource.
        The spec generation for the upgrade.
      • clearLastReconciledSpecIfFirstDeploy

        public static void clearLastReconciledSpecIfFirstDeploy​(AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?> resource)
        Clear last reconciled spec if that corresponds to the first deployment. This is important in cases where the first deployment fails.
        resource - Flink resource.
      • checkAndUpdateStableSpec

        public static void checkAndUpdateStableSpec​(CommonStatus<?> status)
        Checks the status and if the corresponding Flink job/application is in stable running state, it updates the last stable spec.
        status - Status to be updated.
      • updateStatusForAlreadyUpgraded

        public static void updateStatusForAlreadyUpgraded​(AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?> resource)
        Updates status in cases where a previously successful deployment wasn't recorded for any reason. We simply change the job status from SUSPENDED to RUNNING and ReconciliationState to DEPLOYED while keeping the metadata.
        resource - Flink resource to be updated.