All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractFlinkDeploymentObserver |
Base observer for session and application clusters.
AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec,STATUS extends CommonStatus<SPEC>> |
Abstract base class Flink resources.
AbstractFlinkResourceObserver<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Base observer for all Flink resources.
AbstractFlinkResourceReconciler<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,STATUS>,SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec,STATUS extends CommonStatus<SPEC>> |
Base class for all Flink resource reconcilers.
AbstractFlinkService |
An abstract FlinkService containing some common implementations for the native and
standalone Flink Services.
AbstractFlinkSpec |
The common spec.
AbstractJobReconciler<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<SPEC,STATUS>,SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec,STATUS extends CommonStatus<SPEC>> |
Reconciler responsible for handling the job lifecycle according to the desired and current
AbstractJobReconciler.AvailableUpgradeMode |
Object to capture available upgrade mode.
AdmissionHandler |
Rest endpoint for validation requests.
ApplicationObserver |
ApplicationReconciler |
Reconciler Flink Application deployments.
ArtifactFetcher |
The artifact fetcher.
ArtifactManager |
Manage the user artifacts.
AuditUtils |
Responsible for logging resource event/status updates.
AutoScalerEvent |
The Jdbc autoscaler event.
AutoScalerEventHandler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Handler for autoscaler events.
AutoScalerEventHandler.Type |
The type of the events.
AutoscalerEventHandlerFactory |
AutoscalerEventHandlerFactory.EventHandlerType |
Out-of-box event handler type.
AutoscalerEventUtils |
AutoscalerFactory |
AutoscalerFlinkMetrics |
Autoscaler metrics for observability.
AutoScalerOptions |
Config options related to the autoscaler module.
AutoScalerSerDeModule |
Jackson serializer module for JobVertexID .
AutoscalerStandaloneOptions |
Config options related to the autoscaler standalone module.
AutoScalerStateStore<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The state store is responsible for storing all state during scaling.
AutoscalerStateStoreFactory |
AutoscalerStateStoreFactory.StateStoreType |
Out-of-box state store type.
AutoScalerUtils |
AutoScaler utilities.
AutoscalingExample |
Autoscaling Example.
CalendarUtils |
Calendar utilities.
CanaryResourceManager<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Logic encapsulating canary tests.
Checkpoint |
Represents information about a finished checkpoint.
CheckpointFetchResult |
Result of a fetch checkpoint operation.
CheckpointHistoryWrapper |
Custom Response for handling checkpoint history in a multi-version compatible way.
CheckpointHistoryWrapper.CompletedCheckpointInfo |
Information about the latest completed checkpoint/savepoint.
CheckpointHistoryWrapper.PendingCheckpointInfo |
Information about the currently pending checkpoint/savepoint.
CheckpointInfo |
Stores checkpoint-related information.
CheckpointType |
Checkpoint format type.
ClusterHealthEvaluator |
Evaluates whether the cluster is healthy.
ClusterHealthInfo |
Represents information about job health.
ClusterHealthObserver |
An observer to observe the cluster health.
ClusterResourceManager |
A cluster resource manager which provides a view over the allocatable resources within a
Kubernetes cluster and allows to simulate scheduling pods with a defined number of required
ClusterResourceView |
A view on Kubernetes cluster resources by nodes and their cpu/memory.
CmdStandaloneJobManagerDecorator |
Attach the command and args to the main container for running the JobManager in standalone mode.
CmdStandaloneTaskManagerDecorator |
Attach the command and args to the main container for running the TaskManager in standalone mode.
CollectedMetricHistory |
Topology and collected metric history.
CollectedMetrics |
Collected scaling metrics.
CommonStatus<SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> |
Last observed common status of the Flink deployment/Flink SessionJob.
ConfigChanges |
Holds the configuration overrides and removals for a Flink Configuration.
ConfigMapStore |
The ConfigMapStore persists state in Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
ConfigOptionsDocGenerator |
Class used for generating code based documentation of configuration parameters.
ConfigOptionUtils |
ConfigOption utilities.
CrdCompatibilityChecker |
Utility for checking backward CRD compatibility.
CrdCompatibilityChecker.CompatibilityError |
Compatibility Error class.
CrdConstants |
Constants used by the CRD.
CrdReferenceDoclet |
Doclet for generating the FlinkDeployment CRD reference.
CustomCheckpointingStatisticsHeaders |
Custom Headers for handling checkpoint history in a multi-version compatible way.
CustomDashboardConfiguration |
Custom Response for handling dashboard configs.
CustomDashboardConfigurationHeaders |
CustomResourceMetrics<CR extends io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.CustomResource<?,?>> |
Custom resource metric type.
DateTimeUtils |
Date and time related utilities.
DefaultFlinkMutator |
Default Flink Mutator.
DefaultRequestMutator<T extends io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.KubernetesResource> |
The default request mutator.
DefaultValidator |
DeploymentFailedException |
Exception to signal terminal deployment failure.
Diff<T> |
Contains the differences between two Diffable class fields.
Diffable<T> |
DiffBuilder<T> |
Assists in implementing comparison of Diffable instances.
DiffResult<T> |
Contains a collection of the differences between two Diffable objects.
DiffType |
Spec change type.
Edge |
Collected scaling metrics.
EnvUtils |
Util to get value from environments.
EvaluatedMetrics |
Collected scaling metrics.
EvaluatedScalingMetric |
Evaluated scaling metric.
EventRecorder |
Helper class for creating Kubernetes events for Flink resources.
EventRecorder.Component |
The component of events.
EventRecorder.Reason |
The reason codes of events.
EventRecorder.Type |
The type of the events.
EventSourceUtils |
Utility class to locate secondary resources.
EventUtils |
The util to generate an event for the target resource.
Fabric8FlinkStandaloneKubeClient |
FileSystemBasedArtifactFetcher |
Leverage the flink filesystem plugin to fetch the artifact.
FileSystemWatchService |
Service which is able to watch local filesystem directories.
FlinkClusterJobListFetcher |
Fetch JobAutoScalerContext based on flink cluster.
FlinkConfigBuilder |
FlinkConfigManager |
Configuration manager for the Flink operator.
FlinkDeployment |
Custom resource definition that represents both Application and Session deployments.
FlinkDeploymentContext |
Context for reconciling a Flink resource.
FlinkDeploymentController |
Controller that runs the main reconcile loop for Flink deployments.
FlinkDeploymentList |
Multiple Flink deployments.
FlinkDeploymentMetrics |
FlinkDeployment metrics.
FlinkDeploymentObserverFactory |
FlinkDeploymentReconciliationStatus |
Status of the last reconcile step for the flink deployment.
FlinkDeploymentSpec |
Spec that describes a Flink application or session cluster deployment.
FlinkDeploymentStatus |
Last observed status of the Flink deployment.
FlinkMetric |
Enum representing the collected Flink metrics for autoscaling.
FlinkMutator |
The default mutator.
FlinkOperator |
Main Class for Flink native k8s operator.
FlinkOperatorConfiguration |
Configuration class for operator.
FlinkOperatorWebhook |
Main Class for Flink native k8s operator.
FlinkResourceContext<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Context for reconciling a Flink resource.
FlinkResourceContextFactory |
FlinkResourceException |
Exception to display as JSON in CRD.
FlinkResourceExceptionUtils |
Flink Resource Exception utilities.
FlinkResourceListener |
Listener interface for Flink resource related events and status changes.
FlinkResourceListener.ResourceContext<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Base for Resource Event and StatusUpdate contexts.
FlinkResourceListener.ResourceEventContext<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Context for Resource Event listener methods.
FlinkResourceListener.StatusUpdateContext<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,S>,S extends CommonStatus<?>> |
Context for Status listener methods.
FlinkResourceMutator |
Mutator for Flink Resources.
FlinkResourceUtils |
Utilities for Flink K8S resource.
FlinkResourceValidator |
Validator for different resources.
FlinkService |
Service for submitting and interacting with Flink clusters and jobs.
FlinkSessionJob |
Custom resource definition that represents a flink session job.
FlinkSessionJobContext |
Context for reconciling a Flink resource.
FlinkSessionJobController |
FlinkSessionJobList |
Multiple Flink session jobs.
FlinkSessionJobMetrics |
FlinkSessionJob metrics.
FlinkSessionJobObserver |
FlinkSessionJobReconciliationStatus |
Status of the last reconcile step for the flink sessionjob.
FlinkSessionJobSpec |
Spec that describes a Flink session job.
FlinkSessionJobStatus |
Last observed status of the Flink Session job.
FlinkStandaloneKubeClient |
Extension of the FlinkKubeClient that is used for Flink standalone deployments.
FlinkUtils |
Flink Utility methods used by the operator.
FlinkValidator |
Validator for FlinkDeployment creation and updates.
FlinkVersion |
Enumeration for supported Flink versions.
HealthProbe |
Flink operator health probe.
HikariJDBCUtil |
Hikari JDBC common util.
HttpArtifactFetcher |
Download the jar from the http resource.
HttpBootstrap |
Class for serving HTTP requests for the health probe.
InformerHealthSummary |
Operator informer health summary.
InformerIdentifier |
Operator informer identifier.
InformerManager |
The manager of the informers.
IngressSpec |
Ingress spec.
IngressUtils |
Ingress utilities.
InitStandaloneTaskManagerDecorator |
An initializer for the TaskManager FlinkPod in
standalone mode.
InMemoryAutoScalerStateStore<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
State store based on the Java Heap, the state will be discarded after process restarts.
IOMetrics |
Vertex io metrics.
IOMetricsInfo |
IO metrics information.
JdbcAutoScalerEventHandler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The event handler which persists its event in JDBC related database.
JdbcAutoScalerStateStore<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The state store which persists its state in JDBC related database.
JdbcEventInteractor |
Responsible for interacting with the database.
JdbcStateInteractor |
Responsible for interacting with the database.
JdbcStateStore |
The jdbc state store.
JobAutoScaler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Flink Job AutoScaler.
JobAutoScalerContext<KEY> |
The job autoscaler context, it includes all details related to the current job.
JobAutoScalerImpl<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
JobDetailsInfo |
The difference compared to 1.18 is that slot sharing group is optional here.
JobDetailsInfo.JobVertexDetailsInfo |
Detailed information about a job vertex.
JobListFetcher<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The JobListFetcher will fetch the jobContext of all jobs.
JobManagerDeploymentStatus |
Status of the Flink JobManager Kubernetes deployment.
JobManagerSpec |
JobManager spec.
JobSpec |
Flink job spec.
JobState |
Enum describing the desired job state.
JobStateView |
The view of job state.
JobStatus |
Last observed status of the Flink job within an application deployment.
JobStatusObserver<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
An observer to observe the job status.
JobStatusUtils |
Job status related utilities.
JobTopology |
Structure representing information about the jobgraph that is relevant for scaling.
JobVertexScaler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Component responsible for computing vertex parallelism based on the scaling metrics.
KubernetesAutoScalerEventHandler |
An event handler which posts events to the Kubernetes events API.
KubernetesAutoScalerStateStore |
An AutoscalerStateStore which persists its state in Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
KubernetesClientMetrics |
Kubernetes client metrics.
KubernetesClientUtils |
Kubernetes client utils.
KubernetesDeploymentMode |
Enum to control Flink deployment mode on Kubernetes.
KubernetesJobAutoScalerContext |
An implementation of JobAutoscalerContext for Kubernetes.
KubernetesNodeResourceInfo |
A single Kubernetes node and its resources (cpu / memory).
KubernetesOperatorConfigOptions |
This class holds configuration constants used by flink operator.
KubernetesOperatorMetricGroup |
Base metric group for Flink Operator System metrics.
KubernetesOperatorMetricOptions |
Configuration options for metrics.
KubernetesOperatorScopeFormat |
Format for metrics.
KubernetesResource |
A Kubernetes resource and its current allocation.
KubernetesResourceMetricGroup |
Base metric group for Flink Operator Resource level metrics.
KubernetesResourceNamespaceMetricGroup |
Base metric group for Flink Operator Resource namespace level metrics.
KubernetesResourceNamespaceScopeFormat |
Format for metrics.
KubernetesResourceScopeFormat |
Format for metrics.
KubernetesScalingRealizer |
The Kubernetes implementation for applying parallelism overrides.
KubernetesStandaloneClusterDescriptor |
Standalone Kubernetes specific ClusterDescriptor implementation.
LifecycleMetrics<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Utility for tracking resource lifecycle metrics globally and per namespace.
LifecycleMetrics.Transition |
Pojo for encapsulating state transitions and whether we should measure time from the
beginning of from or since the last update.
ListenerUtils |
Flink resource listener utilities.
LoadSimulationPipeline |
Example pipeline which simulates fluctuating load from zero to a defined max, and vice-versa.
LoggingEventHandler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Autoscaler event handler which logs events.
MemoryBudget |
Accounting for distributing memory over the available pools.
MemoryScaling |
Memory scaling ensures that memory is scaled alongside with the number of available TaskManagers.
MemoryTuning |
Tunes the TaskManager memory.
MetricAggregator |
Enum specifying which aggregator to use when getting a metric value.
MetricManager<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
Metric manager for Operator managed custom resources.
MetricNotFoundException |
Exception for when an expected metric was not found.
MissingJobManagerException |
Exception to signal missing job manager.
MissingSessionJobException |
Exception to signal missing session job.
Mode |
MutatorUtils |
Mutator utilities.
NativeFlinkService |
Implementation of FlinkService submitting and interacting with Native Kubernetes Flink
clusters and jobs.
NoopJobAutoscaler<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
An autoscaler implementation which does nothing.
NoopResourceCheck |
Noop implementation for checking for available resources.
NotReadyException |
An exception to indicate the called code wasn't ready but will be at a later point in time.
Observer<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
The Observer of custom resource.
OperatorHealthHandler |
Simple code which returns HTTP 200 messages if the service is live, and HTTP 500 messages if the
service is down.
OperatorHealthService |
Health probe service.
OperatorJosdkMetrics |
Implementation of Metrics to monitor and forward JOSDK metrics to MetricRegistry .
OperatorMetricUtils |
Utility class for flink based operator metrics.
OperatorMetricUtils.SynchronizedCounter |
Thread safe Counter wrapper.
OperatorMetricUtils.SynchronizedHistogram |
Thread safe Histogram wrapper.
OperatorMetricUtils.SynchronizedMeterView |
Thread safe MeterView wrapper.
Reconciler<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,?>> |
The interface of reconciler.
ReconcilerFactory |
The factory to create reconciler based on app mode.
ReconciliationException |
Exception for wrapping reconciliation errors.
ReconciliationMetadata |
Extra metadata to be attached to the reconciled spec.
ReconciliationState |
Current state of the reconciliation.
ReconciliationStatus<SPEC extends AbstractFlinkSpec> |
Status of the last reconcile step for the FlinkDeployment/FlinkSessionJob.
ReconciliationUtils |
Reconciliation utilities.
RecoveryFailureException |
Exception to signal non-terminal deployment failure.
ReflectiveDiffBuilder<T> |
Assists in comparing Diffable objects with reflection.
ReloadableSslContext |
SSL context which is able to reload keystore.
RescaleApiScalingRealizer<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
A ScalingRealizer which uses the Rescale API to apply parallelism changes.
Resource |
Resource spec.
ResourceCheck |
An interface for checking the available capacity of the underlying resources.
ResourceCheckUtils |
Utils methods for resource checks.
ResourceLifecycleMetricTracker |
Lifecycle state transition tracker for a single resource.
ResourceLifecycleState |
Enum encapsulating the lifecycle state of a Flink resource.
RestApiMetricsCollector<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Metric collector using flink rest api.
Savepoint |
Represents information about a finished savepoint.
SavepointFetchResult |
Result of a fetch savepoint operation.
SavepointFormatType |
Savepoint format type.
SavepointInfo |
Stores savepoint related information.
SavepointTriggerRequestBody |
RequestBody to trigger savepoints.
ScalingExecutor<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Class responsible for executing scaling decisions.
ScalingHistoryUtils |
The utils for scaling history.
ScalingMetric |
Supported scaling metrics.
ScalingMetricCollector<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
Metric collector using flink rest api.
ScalingMetricEvaluator |
Job scaling evaluator for autoscaler.
ScalingMetrics |
Utilities for computing scaling metrics based on Flink metrics.
ScalingRealizer<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The Scaling Realizer is responsible for applying scaling actions, i.e.
ScalingRecord |
Class for tracking scaling details, including time it took for the job to transition to the
target parallelism.
ScalingSummary |
ScalingTracking |
Stores rescaling related information for the job.
SessionJobReconciler |
SessionObserver |
SessionReconciler |
Reconciler responsible for handling the session cluster lifecycle according to the desired and
current states.
ShipStrategy |
The ship strategy between 2 JobVertices.
SlotSharingGroupIdConverter |
Copied from Flink.
SlotSharingGroupIDDeserializer |
Copied from Flink.
SlotSharingGroupIDSerializer |
Copied from Flink.
Snapshot |
SnapshotInfo |
Interface representing common snapshot information.
SnapshotObserver<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,STATUS>,STATUS extends CommonStatus<?>> |
An observer of savepoint progress.
SnapshotStatus |
Enum encapsulating the lifecycle state of a Flink snapshot.
SnapshotTriggerType |
Snapshot trigger mechanism.
SnapshotType |
This enumeration represents the types of state snapshots that can be taken in Flink.
SnapshotUtils |
Savepoint utilities.
SpecDiff |
Spec diff annotation.
SpecDiff.Config |
Spec diff config annotation.
SpecDiff.Entry |
Spec diff config annotation entry.
SpecUtils |
Spec utilities.
SpecWithMeta<T extends AbstractFlinkSpec> |
Utility class for encapsulating Kubernetes resource spec and meta fields during serialization.
StandaloneAutoscalerEntrypoint |
The entrypoint of the standalone autoscaler.
StandaloneAutoscalerExecutor<KEY,Context extends JobAutoScalerContext<KEY>> |
The executor of the standalone autoscaler.
StandaloneFlinkService |
Implementation of FlinkService submitting and interacting with Standalone Kubernetes
Flink clusters and jobs.
StandaloneKubernetesConfigOptionsInternal |
This class holds internal configuration constants used by flink operator when deploying flink
clusters in standalone mode.
StandaloneKubernetesConfigOptionsInternal.ClusterMode |
The different modes that a Flink cluster can be deployed in.
StandaloneKubernetesJobManagerFactory |
Utility class for constructing all the Kubernetes for the JobManager deploying in standalone
StandaloneKubernetesJobManagerParameters |
A Utility class that helps to parse, verify and manage the Kubernetes parameters that are used
for constructing the JobManager deployment used for standalone cluster deployments.
StandaloneKubernetesTaskManagerFactory |
Utility class for constructing the TaskManager Deployment when deploying in standalone mode.
StandaloneKubernetesTaskManagerParameters |
A utility class that helps to parse, verify and manage the Kubernetes parameters that are used
for constructing the TaskManager deployment used for standalone deployments.
StandaloneKubernetesUtils |
Standalone Kubernetes Utils.
StateType |
The state type.
StatusConflictException |
Exception for status updates.
StatusRecorder<CR extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,STATUS>,STATUS extends CommonStatus<?>> |
Helper class for status management and updates.
StopWithSavepointRequestBody |
RequestBody for stopping a job with a savepoint.
TaskManagerInfo |
Last observed status of the Flink job within an application deployment.
TaskManagerSpec |
TaskManager spec.
UnknownJobException |
Exception to signal unrecognized job found.
UpgradeMode |
Enum to control Flink job upgrade behavior.
UserLibMountDecorator |
Mount the Flink User Lib directory to enable Flink to pick up a Jars defined in
Utils |
Contains various shared utility functions.
ValidationException |
Exception to signal validation failure.
ValidatorUtils |
Validator utilities.
VertexInfo |
Job vertex information.
VertexScalingReport |
The scaling report of single vertex.