
Helm installation #

The operator installation is managed by a helm chart. To install with the chart bundled in the source code run:

helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

To install from our Helm Chart Reporsitory run:

helm repo add flink-operator-repo https://downloads.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-<OPERATOR-VERSION>/
helm install flink-kubernetes-operator flink-operator-repo/flink-kubernetes-operator

Alternatively to install the operator (and also the helm chart) to a specific namespace add the arguments --namespace and --create-namespace ex:

helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator --namespace flink --create-namespace

Note that in this case you will need to update the namespace in the examples accordingly or the default namespace to the watched namespaces.

Overriding configuration parameters during Helm install #

Helm provides different ways to override the default installation parameters (contained in values.yaml) for the Helm chart.

To override single parameters you can use --set, for example:

helm install --set image.repository=apache/flink-kubernetes-operator --set image.tag=1.9.0 flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

You can also provide your custom values file by using the -f flag:

helm install -f myvalues.yaml flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

The configurable parameters of the Helm chart and which default values as detailed in the following table:

Parameters Description Default Value
watchNamespaces List of kubernetes namespaces to watch for FlinkDeployment changes, empty means all namespaces.
image.repository The image repository of flink-kubernetes-operator. ghcr.io/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator
image.pullPolicy The image pull policy of flink-kubernetes-operator. IfNotPresent
image.tag The image tag of flink-kubernetes-operator. latest
image.digest The image tag of flink-kubernetes-operator. If set then it takes precedence and the image tag will be ignored.
replicas Operator replica count. Must be 1 unless leader election is configured. 1
strategy.type Operator pod upgrade strategy. Must be Recreate unless leader election is configured. Recreate
rbac.create Whether to enable RBAC to create for said namespaces. true
rbac.nodesRule.create Whether to add RBAC rule to list nodes which is needed for rest-service exposed as NodePort type. false
operatorPod.annotations Custom annotations to be added to the operator pod (but not the deployment).
operatorPod.labels Custom labels to be added to the operator pod and deployment.
operatorPod.env Custom env to be added to the operator pod.
operatorPod.envFrom Custom envFrom settings to be added to the operator pod.
operatorPod.dnsPolicy DNS policy to be used by the operator pod.
operatorPod.dnsConfig DNS configuration to be used by the operator pod.
operatorPod.nodeSelector Custom nodeSelector to be added to the operator pod.
operatorPod.topologySpreadConstraints Custom topologySpreadConstraints to be added to the operator pod.
operatorPod.resources Custom resources block to be added to the operator pod on main container.
operatorPod.webhook.resources Custom resources block to be added to the operator pod on flink-webhook container.
operatorPod.tolerations Custom tolerations to be added to the operator pod.
operatorServiceAccount.create Whether to enable operator service account to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
operatorServiceAccount.annotations The annotations of operator service account.
operatorServiceAccount.name The name of operator service account. flink-operator
jobServiceAccount.create Whether to enable job service account to create for flink jobmanager/taskmanager pods. true
jobServiceAccount.annotations The annotations of job service account. “helm.sh/resource-policy”: keep
jobServiceAccount.name The name of job service account. flink
operatorVolumeMounts.create Whether to enable operator volume mounts to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. false
operatorVolumeMounts.data List of mount paths of operator volume mounts. - name: flink-artifacts
  mountPath: /opt/flink/artifacts
operatorVolumes.create Whether to enable operator volumes to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. false
operatorVolumes.data The ConfigMap of operator volumes. - name: flink-artifacts
    path: /tmp/flink/artifacts
    type: DirectoryOrCreate
podSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for pod security context. runAsUser: 9999
runAsGroup: 9999
operatorSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for operator security context.
webhookSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for webhook security context.
webhook.create Whether to enable validating and mutating webhooks for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
webhook.mutator.create Enable or disable mutating webhook, overrides webhook.create
webhook.validator.create Enable or disable validating webhook, overrides webhook.create
webhook.keystore The ConfigMap of webhook key store. useDefaultPassword: true
defaultConfiguration.create Whether to enable default configuration to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
defaultConfiguration.append Whether to append configuration files with configs. true
defaultConfiguration.flink-conf.yaml The default configuration of flink-conf.yaml. kubernetes.operator.metrics.reporter.slf4j.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.slf4j.Slf4jReporterFactory
kubernetes.operator.metrics.reporter.slf4j.interval: 5 MINUTE
kubernetes.operator.reconcile.interval: 15 s
kubernetes.operator.observer.progress-check.interval: 5 s
defaultConfiguration.log4j-operator.properties The default configuration of log4j-operator.properties.
defaultConfiguration.log4j-console.properties The default configuration of log4j-console.properties.
metrics.port The metrics port on the container for default configuration.
imagePullSecrets The image pull secrets of flink-kubernetes-operator.
nameOverride Overrides the name with the specified name.
fullnameOverride Overrides the fullname with the specified full name.
jvmArgs.webhook The JVM start up options for webhook.
jvmArgs.operator The JVM start up options for operator.
operatorHealth.port Operator health endpoint port to be used by the probes. 8085
operatorHealth.livenessProbe Liveness probe configuration for the operator using the health endpoint. Only time settings should be configured, endpoint is set automatically based on port.
operatorHealth.startupProbe Startup probe configuration for the operator using the health endpoint. Only time settings should be configured, endpoint is set automatically based on port.
postStart The postStart hook configuration for the main container.
tls.create Whether to mount an optional secret containing a tls truststore for the flink-kubernetes-operator. false
tls.secretName The name of the tls secret flink-operator-cert
tls.secretKeyRef.name The name of the secret containing the password for the java keystore/truststore operator-certificate-password
tls.secretKeyRef.key The key that holds this password password

For more information check the Helm documentation.

Notice: The pod resources should be set as your workload in different environments to archive a matched K8s pod QoS. See also Pod Quality of Service Classes.

Operator webhooks #

In order to use the webhooks in the operator, you must install the cert-manager on the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.8.2/cert-manager.yaml

The webhooks can be disabled during helm install by passing the --set webhook.create=false parameter or editing the values.yaml directly.

Watching only specific namespaces #

The operator supports watching a specific list of namespaces for FlinkDeployment resources. You can enable it by setting the --set watchNamespaces={flink-test} parameter. When this is enabled role-based access control is only created specifically for these namespaces for the operator and the jobmanagers, otherwise it defaults to cluster scope.

Note When working with webhook in a specified namespace, users should pay attention to the definition of namespaceSelector.matchExpressions in webhook.yaml. Currently, the default implementation of webhook relies on the kubernetes.io/metadata.name label to filter the validation requests so that only validation requests from the specified namespace will be processed. The kubernetes.io/metadata.name label is automatically attached since k8s 1.21.1.

As a result, for users who run the flink kubernetes operator with older k8s version, they may label the specified namespace by themselves before installing the operator with helm:

kubectl label namespace <target namespace name> kubernetes.io/metadata.name=<target namespace name>

Besides, users can define their own namespaceSelector to filter the requests due to customized requirements.

For example, if users label their namespace with key-value pair {customized_namespace_key: <target namespace name> } the corresponding namespaceSelector that only accepts requests from this namespace could be:

    - key: customized_namespace_key
    operator: In
    values: [{{- range .Values.watchNamespaces }}{{ . | quote }},{{- end}}]

Check out this document for more details.

Working with Argo CD #

If you are using Argo CD to manage the operator, the simplest example could look like this.

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: flink-kubernetes-operator
    repoURL: https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator
    targetRevision: main
    path: helm/flink-kubernetes-operator

Check out Argo CD documents for more details.

Advanced customization techniques #

The Helm chart does not aim to provide configuration options for all the possible deployment scenarios of the Operator. There are use cases for injecting common tools and/or sidecars in most enterprise environments that cannot be covered by public Helm charts.

Fortunately, post rendering in Helm gives you the ability to manually manipulate manifests before they are installed on a Kubernetes cluster. This allows users to use tools like kustomize to apply configuration changes without the need to fork public charts.

The GitHub repository for the Operator contains a simple example on how to augment the Operator Deployment with a fluent-bit sidecar container and adjust container resources using kustomize.

The example demonstrates that we can still use a values.yaml file to override the default Helm values for changing the log configuration, for example:

  log4j-operator.properties: |+
    rootLogger.appenderRef.file.ref = LogFile
    appender.file.name = LogFile
    appender.file.type = File
    appender.file.append = false
    appender.file.fileName = ${sys:log.file}
    appender.file.layout.type = PatternLayout
    appender.file.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n    

  webhook: "-Dlog.file=/opt/flink/log/webhook.log -Xms256m -Xmx256m"
  operator: "-Dlog.file=/opt/flink/log/operator.log -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"

But we cannot ingest our fluent-bit sidecar for example unless we patch the deployment using kustomize

#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: not-important
        - name: flink-kubernetes-operator
            - name: flink-log
              mountPath: /opt/flink/log
              memory: "2.5Gi"
              cpu: "1000m"
              memory: "2.5Gi"
              cpu: "2000m"
        - name: flink-webhook
            - name: flink-log
              mountPath: /opt/flink/log
              memory: "0.5Gi"
              cpu: "200m"
              memory: "0.5Gi"
              cpu: "500m"
        - name: fluentbit
          image: fluent/fluent-bit:1.8.12
          command: [ 'sh','-c','/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -i tail -p path=/opt/flink/log/*.log -p multiline.parser=java -o stdout' ]
            - name: flink-log
              mountPath: /opt/flink/log
        - name: flink-log
          emptyDir: { }

You can try out the example using the following command:

helm install flink-kubernetes-operator helm/flink-kubernetes-operator -f examples/kustomize/values.yaml --post-renderer examples/kustomize/render

By examining the sidecar output you should see that the logs from both containers are being processed from the shared folder:

[2022/04/06 10:04:36] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_add(): inode=3812411 watch_fd=1 name=/opt/flink/log/operator.log
[2022/04/06 10:04:36] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_add(): inode=3812412 watch_fd=2 name=/opt/flink/log/webhook.log

Check out the kustomize repo for more advanced examples.

Please note that post-render mechanism will always override the Helm template values.