
Iteration #

Iteration is a basic building block for a ML library. In machine learning algorithms, iteration might be used in offline or online training process. In general, two types of iterations are required and Flink ML supports both of them in order to provide the infrastructure for a variety of algorithms.

  1. Bounded Iteration: Usually used in the offline case. In this case the algorithm usually trains on a bounded dataset, it updates the parameters for multiple rounds until convergence.
  2. Unbounded Iteration: Usually used in the online case, in this case the algorithm usually trains on an unbounded dataset. It accumulates a mini-batch of data and then do one update to the parameters.

Iteration Paradigm #

An iterative algorithm has the following behavior pattern:

  • The iterative algorithm has an iteration body that is repeatedly invoked until some termination criteria is reached (e.g. after a user-specified number of epochs has been reached). An iteration body is a subgraph of operators that implements the computation logic of e.g. an iterative machine learning algorithm, whose outputs might be fed back as the inputs of this subgraph.
  • In each invocation, the iteration body updates the model parameters based on the user-provided data as well as the most recent model parameters.
  • The iterative algorithm takes as inputs the user-provided data and the initial model parameters.
  • The iterative algorithm could output arbitrary user-defined information, such as the loss after each epoch, or the final model parameters.

Therefore, the behavior of an iterative algorithm could be characterized with the following iteration paradigm (w.r.t. Flink concepts):

  • An iteration-body is a Flink subgraph with the following inputs and outputs:
    • Inputs: model-variables (as a list of data streams) and user-provided-data (as another list of data streams)
    • Outputs: feedback-model-variables (as a list of data streams) and user-observed-outputs (as a list of data streams)
  • A termination-condition that specifies when the iterative execution of the iteration body should terminate.
  • In order to execute an iteration body, a user needs to execute the iteration body with the following inputs, and gets the following outputs.
    • Inputs: initial-model-variables (as a list of bounded data streams) and user-provided-data (as a list of data streams)
    • Outputs: the user-observed-output emitted by the iteration body.

It is important to note that the model-variables expected by the iteration body is not the same as the initial-model-variables provided by the user. Instead, model-variables are computed as the union of the feedback-model-variables (emitted by the iteration body) and the initial-model-variables (provided by the caller of the iteration body). Flink ML provides utility class (see Iterations) to run an iteration-body with the user-provided inputs.

The figure below summarizes the iteration paradigm described above.

flowchart LR subgraph Iteration Body union1 union2 node11 node12 node21 node22 nodeX end input0 --> node11 union1 -. feedback .- node12 input1 --> union1 union1 --> node11 node11 --> nodeX nodeX --> node12 node12 --> output1 input2 --> union2 union2 --> node21 node21 --> nodeX nodeX --> node22 node22 --> output2 union2 -. feedback .- node22 input0[non-iterate input] input1[iterate input] input2[iterate input] union1[union] union2[union] node11( ) node12( ) nodeX( ) node21( ) node22( ) output1[output] output2[output]


The main entry of Flink ML’s iteration lies in Iterations class. It mainly provides two public methods and users may choose to use either of them based on whether the input data is bounded or unbounded.

public class Iterations {
  public static DataStreamList iterateUnboundedStreams(
    DataStreamList initVariableStreams, DataStreamList dataStreams, IterationBody body) {...}
  public static DataStreamList iterateBoundedStreamsUntilTermination(
    DataStreamList initVariableStreams,
    ReplayableDataStreamList dataStreams,
    IterationConfig config,
    IterationBody body){...}

To construct an iteration, Users are required to provide

  • initVariableStreams: the initial values of the variable data streams which would be updated in each round.
  • dataStreams: the other data streams used inside the iteration, but would not be updated.
  • iterationBody: specifies the subgraph to update the variable streams and the outputs.

The IterationBody will be invoked with two parameters: The first parameter is a list of input variable streams, which are created as the union of the initial variable streams and the corresponding feedback variable streams (returned by the iteration body); The second parameter is the data streams given to this method.

public interface IterationBody extends Serializable {
  IterationBodyResult process(DataStreamList variableStreams, DataStreamList dataStreams);

During the execution of iteration body, each of the records involved in the iteration has an epoch attached, which marks the progress of the iteration. The epoch is computed as:

  • All records in the initial variable streams and initial data streams has epoch = 0.
  • For any record emitted by this operator into a non-feedback stream, the epoch of this emitted record = the epoch of the input record that triggers this emission. If this record is emitted by onEpochWatermarkIncremented(), then the epoch of this record = epochWatermark.
  • For any record emitted by this operator into a feedback variable stream, the epoch of the emitted record = the epoch of the input record that triggers this emission + 1.

The framework would deliver notification at the end of each epoch to operators and UDFs that implements IterationListener.

public interface IterationListener<T> {
  void onEpochWatermarkIncremented(int epochWatermark, Context context, Collector<T> collector)
    throws Exception;
  void onIterationTerminated(Context context, Collector<T> collector) throws Exception;

Example Usage #

Example codes of utilizing iterations is as below。

DataStream<double[]> initParameters = ... 
DataStream<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset = ...

DataStreamList resultStreams = Iterations.iterateUnboundedStreams(
  (variableStreams, dataStreams) -> {
    DataStream<double[]> modelUpdate = variableStreams.get(0); 
    DataStream<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset = dataStreams.get(0);
    DataStream<double[]> newModelUpdate = ... 
    DataStream<double[]> modelOutput = ... 
    return new IterationBodyResult(

DataStream<double[]> finalModel = resultStreams.get("final_model");
  • initParameters: input data that needs to be transmitted through feedback edge.
  • dataset: input data that does not need to be tarnsmitted through feed back edge.
  • newModelUpdate: data to be transmitted through feedback edge
  • modelOutput: final output of the iteration body