Class ArgumentsPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, ClearGui, JMeterGUIComponent, Printable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ArgumentsPanel extends AbstractConfigGui implements ActionListener
A GUI panel allowing the user to enter name-value argument pairs. These arguments (or parameters) are usually used to provide configuration values for some other component.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel()
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel as a standalone component.
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel as an embedded component, using the specified title.
      label - the title for the component.
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, boolean enableUpDown)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel as an embedded component, using the specified title.
      label - the title for the component.
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(boolean disableButtons, String label)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel as an embedded component, using the specified title.
      disableButtons - Remove Edit all buttons
      label - the title for the component.
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg, boolean enableUpDown, boolean standalone)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
      standalone - is standalone
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg, boolean enableUpDown, boolean standalone, ObjectTableModel model)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
      standalone - is standalone
      model - the table model to use
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg, boolean enableUpDown, boolean standalone, ObjectTableModel model, Function<String[],Argument> argCreator)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
      standalone - is standalone
      model - the table model to use
      argCreator - function to create Arguments from Strings taken from clipboard
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg, boolean enableUpDown, boolean standalone, ObjectTableModel model, boolean disableButtons)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
      standalone - is standalone
      model - the table model to use
      disableButtons - Remove all buttons
    • ArgumentsPanel

      public ArgumentsPanel(String label, Color bkg, boolean enableUpDown, boolean standalone, ObjectTableModel model, boolean disableButtons, Function<String[],? extends Argument> argCreator)
      Create a new ArgumentsPanel with a border and color background
      label - text for label
      bkg - background colour
      enableUpDown - Add up/down buttons
      standalone - is standalone
      model - the table model to use
      disableButtons - Remove all buttons
      argCreator - function to create Arguments from Strings taken from clipboard
  • Method Details

    • getMenuCategories

      public Collection<String> getMenuCategories()
      This is the list of menu categories this gui component will be available under.
      Specified by:
      getMenuCategories in interface JMeterGUIComponent
      getMenuCategories in class AbstractConfigGui
      a Collection of Strings, where each element is one of the constants defined in MenuFactory
      See Also:
    • getLabelResource

      public String getLabelResource()
      Description copied from interface: JMeterGUIComponent
      Get the component's resource name, which getStaticLabel uses to derive the component's label in the local language. The resource name is fixed, and does not vary with the selected language. Normally this method should be overridden in preference to overriding getStaticLabel(). However where the resource name is not available or required, getStaticLabel() may be overridden instead.
      Specified by:
      getLabelResource in interface JMeterGUIComponent
      the resource name
    • createTestElement

      public org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement createTestElement()
      Description copied from interface: JMeterGUIComponent
      JMeter test components are separated into a model and a GUI representation. The model holds the data and the GUI displays it. The GUI class is responsible for knowing how to create and initialize with data the model class that it knows how to display, and this method is called when new test elements are created.

      The canonical implementation looks like this:

       public TestElement createTestElement() {
           TestElementXYZ el = new TestElementXYZ();
           return el;
      Specified by:
      createTestElement in interface JMeterGUIComponent
      the Test Element object that the GUI component represents.
    • modifyTestElement

      public void modifyTestElement(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement args)
      Description copied from interface: JMeterGUIComponent
      GUI components are responsible for populating TestElements they create with the data currently held in the GUI components. This method should overwrite whatever data is currently in the TestElement as it is called after a user has filled out the form elements in the gui with new information.

      The canonical implementation looks like this:

       public void modifyTestElement(TestElement element) {
           element.clear(); // many implementations use this
           // Using the element setters (preferred):
           TestElementXYZ xyz = (TestElementXYZ) element;
           ... other GUI fields ...
           // or directly (do not use unless there is no setter for the field):
           element.setProperty(TestElementXYZ.STATE, guiState.getText())
           element.setProperty(TestElementXYZ.CODE, guiCode.getText())
           ... other GUI fields ...
      Specified by:
      modifyTestElement in interface JMeterGUIComponent
      args - the TestElement to modify
    • configure

      public void configure(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement el)
      A newly created component can be initialized with the contents of a Test Element object by calling this method. The component is responsible for querying the Test Element object for the relevant information to display in its GUI.
      Specified by:
      configure in interface JMeterGUIComponent
      configure in class AbstractJMeterGuiComponent
      el - the TestElement to configure
    • getTable

      protected JTable getTable()
      Get the table used to enter arguments.
      the table used to enter arguments
    • getTableLabel

      protected JLabel getTableLabel()
      Get the title label for this component.
      the title label displayed with the table
    • getDeleteButton

      protected JButton getDeleteButton()
      Get the button used to delete rows from the table.
      the button used to delete rows from the table
    • getAddButton

      protected JButton getAddButton()
      Get the button used to add rows to the table.
      the button used to add rows to the table
    • checkButtonsStatus

      protected void checkButtonsStatus()
    • clearGui

      public void clearGui()
      Description copied from class: AbstractJMeterGuiComponent
      Provides a default implementation that resets the name field to the value of getStaticLabel(), reset comment and sets enabled to true. Your GUI may need more things cleared, in which case you should override, clear the extra fields, and still call super.clearGui().
      Specified by:
      clearGui in interface ClearGui
      clearGui in class AbstractJMeterGuiComponent
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear all rows from the table. T.Elanjchezhiyan(
    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      Invoked when an action occurs. This implementation supports the add and delete buttons.
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
      e - the event that has occurred
    • deleteArgument

      protected void deleteArgument()
      Remove the currently selected argument from the table.
    • addArgument

      protected void addArgument()
      Add a new argument row to the table.
    • addFromClipboard

      protected void addFromClipboard(String lineDelimiter, String argDelimiter)
      Add values from the clipboard
      lineDelimiter - Delimiter string to split clipboard into lines
      argDelimiter - Delimiter string to split line into key-value pair
    • addFromClipboard

      protected void addFromClipboard()
    • createArgumentFromClipboard

      protected Argument createArgumentFromClipboard(String[] clipboardCols)
    • makeNewArgument

      protected Argument makeNewArgument()
      Create a new Argument object.
      a new Argument object
    • stopTableEditing

      protected void stopTableEditing()
      Stop any editing that is currently being done on the table. This will save any changes that have already been made. Needed for subclasses
    • initializeTableModel

      protected void initializeTableModel()
      Initialize the table model used for the arguments table.
    • testFunctors

      public static boolean testFunctors()
    • sizeColumns

      protected void sizeColumns(JTable _table)
      Resize the table columns to appropriate widths.
      _table - the table to resize columns for
    • makeLabelPanel

      protected Component makeLabelPanel()
      Create a panel containing the title label for the table.
      a panel containing the title label
    • clearBorderForMainPanel

      public void clearBorderForMainPanel()
      Clear border around "table with arguments". Extra border is not required when the panel is already surrounded by a border.