Class UrlConfigGui

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, ChangeListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class UrlConfigGui extends JPanel implements ChangeListener
Basic URL / HTTP Request configuration:
  • host and port
  • connect and response timeouts
  • path, method, encoding, parameters
  • redirects and keepalive
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UrlConfigGui

      public UrlConfigGui()
      Constructor which is setup to show HTTP implementation, raw body pane and sampler fields.
    • UrlConfigGui

      public UrlConfigGui(boolean showSamplerFields)
      Constructor which is setup to show HTTP implementation and raw body pane.
      showSamplerFields - flag whether sampler fields should be shown.
    • UrlConfigGui

      public UrlConfigGui(boolean showSamplerFields, boolean showRawBodyPane)
      showSamplerFields - flag whether sampler fields should be shown
      showRawBodyPane - flag whether the raw body pane should be shown
    • UrlConfigGui

      public UrlConfigGui(boolean showSamplerFields, boolean showRawBodyPane, boolean showFileUploadPane)
      showSamplerFields - flag whether sampler fields should be shown
      showRawBodyPane - flag whether the raw body pane should be shown
      showFileUploadPane - flag whether the file upload pane should be shown
  • Method Details

    • clear

      public void clear()
    • createTestElement

      public org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement createTestElement()
    • modifyTestElement

      public void modifyTestElement(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement element)
      Save the GUI values in the sampler.
      element - TestElement to modify
    • configure

      public void configure(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement el)
      Set the text, etc. in the UI.
      el - contains the data to be displayed
    • getWebServerPanel

      protected final JPanel getWebServerPanel()
      Create a panel containing the webserver (domain+port) and scheme.
      the panel
    • getUrlConfigDefaults

      protected UrlConfigDefaults getUrlConfigDefaults()
      Return the UrlConfigDefaults instance to be used when configuring the UI elements and default values.
      the UrlConfigDefaults instance to be used when configuring the UI elements and default values
    • getPathPanel

      protected Component getPathPanel()
      This method defines the Panel for: the HTTP path, Method and Content Encoding 'Follow Redirects', 'Use KeepAlive', and 'Use multipart for HTTP POST' elements.
      JPanel The Panel for the path, 'Follow Redirects' and 'Use KeepAlive' elements.
    • getParameterPanel

      protected JTabbedPane getParameterPanel()
    • createHTTPArgumentsTestElement

      protected Arguments createHTTPArgumentsTestElement()
      Create a new Arguments instance associated with the specific GUI used in this component.
      a new Arguments instance associated with the specific GUI used in this component
    • stateChanged

      public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
      Specified by:
      stateChanged in interface ChangeListener