Interface IoFilter.NextFilter

    • Method Detail

      • sessionCreated

        void sessionCreated​(IoSession session)
        Forwards sessionCreated event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
      • sessionOpened

        void sessionOpened​(IoSession session)
        Forwards sessionOpened event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
      • sessionClosed

        void sessionClosed​(IoSession session)
        Forwards sessionClosed event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
      • sessionIdle

        void sessionIdle​(IoSession session,
                         IdleStatus status)
        Forwards sessionIdle event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        status - The IdleStatus type
      • exceptionCaught

        void exceptionCaught​(IoSession session,
                             Throwable cause)
        Forwards exceptionCaught event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        cause - The exception that cause this event to be received
      • inputClosed

        void inputClosed​(IoSession session)
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
      • messageReceived

        void messageReceived​(IoSession session,
                             Object message)
        Forwards messageReceived event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        message - The received message
      • messageSent

        void messageSent​(IoSession session,
                         WriteRequest writeRequest)
        Forwards messageSent event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        writeRequest - The WriteRequest to process
      • filterWrite

        void filterWrite​(IoSession session,
                         WriteRequest writeRequest)
        Forwards filterWrite event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        writeRequest - The WriteRequest to process
      • filterClose

        void filterClose​(IoSession session)
        Forwards filterClose event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
      • event

        void event​(IoSession session,
                   FilterEvent event)
        Forwards an event to next filter.
        session - The IoSession which has to process this invocation
        event - The event to propagate