Class IoSessionEventQueue

  • public class IoSessionEventQueue
    extends Object - Queue that contains filtered session events while handshake isn't done.
    MINA 2.0.0-M3
    Apache MINA Project
    • Constructor Detail

      • IoSessionEventQueue

        public IoSessionEventQueue​(ProxyIoSession proxyIoSession)
        Creates a new proxyIoSession instance
        proxyIoSession - The proxy session instance
    • Method Detail

      • enqueueEventIfNecessary

        public void enqueueEventIfNecessary​(IoSessionEvent evt)
        Event is enqueued only if necessary : - socks proxies do not need the reconnection feature so events are always forwarded for these. - http proxies events will be enqueued while handshake has not been completed or until connection was closed. If connection was prematurely closed previous events are discarded and only the session closed is delivered.
        evt - the event to enqueue
      • flushPendingSessionEvents

        public void flushPendingSessionEvents()
                                       throws Exception
        Send any session event which were queued while waiting for handshaking to complete. Please note this is an internal method. DO NOT USE it in your code.
        Exception - If something went wrong while flushing the pending events