Class MethodTransition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MethodTransition
    extends AbstractTransition
    Transition which invokes a Method. The Method will only be invoked if its argument types actually matches a subset of the Event's argument types. The argument types are matched in order so you must make sure the order of the method's arguments corresponds to the order of the event's arguments.

    If the first method argument type matches Event the current Event will be bound to that argument. In the same manner the second argument (or first if the method isn't interested in the current Event) can have the StateContext type and will in that case be bound to the current StateContext.

    Normally you wouldn't create instances of this class directly but rather use the Transition annotation to define the methods which should be used as transitions in your state machine and then let StateMachineFactory create a StateMachine for you.

    Apache MINA Project
    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                State nextState,
                                Method method,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance with the specified State as next state and for the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        nextState - the next State.
        method - the target method.
        target - the target object.
      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                Method method,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance which will loopback to the same State for the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        method - the target method.
        target - the target object.
      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                State nextState,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance with the specified State as next state and for the specified Event id. The target Method will be the method in the specified target object with the same name as the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        nextState - the next State.
        target - the target object.
        NoSuchMethodException - if no method could be found with a name equal to the Event id.
        AmbiguousMethodException - if more than one method was found with a name equal to the Event id.
      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance which will loopback to the same State for the specified Event id. The target Method will be the method in the specified target object with the same name as the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        target - the target object.
        NoSuchMethodException - if no method could be found with a name equal to the Event id.
        AmbiguousMethodException - if more than one method was found with a name equal to the Event id.
      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                String methodName,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance which will loopback to the same State for the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        methodName - the name of the target Method.
        target - the target object.
        NoSuchMethodException - if the method could not be found.
        AmbiguousMethodException - if there are more than one method with the specified name.
      • MethodTransition

        public MethodTransition​(Object eventId,
                                State nextState,
                                String methodName,
                                Object target)
        Creates a new instance with the specified State as next state and for the specified Event id.
        eventId - the Event id.
        nextState - the next State.
        methodName - the name of the target Method.
        target - the target object.
        NoSuchMethodException - if the method could not be found.
        AmbiguousMethodException - if there are more than one method with the specified name.