Class CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter
    extends Object
    implements IoRelativeWriter
    Provides restricted, relative, write-only access to the bytes in a CompositeByteArray. Using this interface has the advantage that it can be automatically determined when a component ByteArray can no longer be written to, and thus components can be automatically flushed. This makes it easier to use pooling for underlying ByteArrays. By providing an appropriate Expander it is also possible to automatically add more backing storage as more data is written.

    TODO: Get flushing working.
    Apache MINA Project
    • Field Detail

      • cursor

        protected final ByteArray.Cursor cursor
        A cursor of the underlying CompositeByteArray. This cursor is never moved directly; its position only changes through calls to relative read or write methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter

        public CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter​(CompositeByteArray cba,
                                                CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter.Expander expander,
                                                CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter.Flusher flusher,
                                                boolean autoFlush)
        Creates a new instance of CompositeByteArrayRelativeWriter.
        cba - The CompositeByteArray to use to back this class
        expander - The expander. Will increase the size of the internal ByteArray
        flusher - Flushed the ByteArray when necessary
        autoFlush - Should this class automatically flush?
    • Method Detail

      • flush

        public void flush()
        Flush to the current index.
      • flushTo

        public void flushTo​(int index)
        Flush to the given index.
        index - The end position
      • skip

        public void skip​(int length)
        Advances the writer by the given number of bytes.
        Specified by:
        skip in interface IoRelativeWriter
        length - The number of bytes to skip
      • cursorPassedFirstComponent

        protected void cursorPassedFirstComponent()
        Called whenever the cursor has passed from the cba's first component. As the first component is no longer used, this provides a good opportunity for subclasses to perform some action on it (such as freeing it).
      • put

        public void put​(byte b)
        Puts a byte and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        put in interface IoRelativeWriter
        b - The byte to put
      • put

        public void put​(IoBuffer bb)
        Puts enough bytes to fill the IoBuffer and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        put in interface IoRelativeWriter
        bb - The bytes to put
      • putShort

        public void putShort​(short s)
        Puts a short and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putShort in interface IoRelativeWriter
        s - The short to put
      • putInt

        public void putInt​(int i)
        Puts an int and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putInt in interface IoRelativeWriter
        i - The int to put
      • putLong

        public void putLong​(long l)
        Puts a long and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putLong in interface IoRelativeWriter
        l - The long to put
      • putFloat

        public void putFloat​(float f)
        Puts a float and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putFloat in interface IoRelativeWriter
        f - The float to put
      • putDouble

        public void putDouble​(double d)
        Puts a double and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putDouble in interface IoRelativeWriter
        d - The double to put
      • putChar

        public void putChar​(char c)
        Puts a char and advances the reader.
        Specified by:
        putChar in interface IoRelativeWriter
        c - The char to put
      • getRemaining

        public final int getRemaining()
        The number of remaining bytes
      • hasRemaining

        public final boolean hasRemaining()
        TRUE if there are some more bytes
      • order

        public ByteOrder order()
        The used byte order (little of big endian)
      • append

        public final void append​(ByteArray ba)
        Make a ByteArray available for access at the end of this object.
        ba - The ByteArray to append
      • free

        public final void free()
        Free all resources associated with this object.
      • getIndex

        public final int getIndex()
        the index that will be used for the next access.
      • last

        public final int last()
        the index after the last byte that can be accessed.