Package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.jdbc
package org.apache.ofbiz.entity.jdbc
ClassDescriptionConnectionFactoryLoader - utility class that loads the connection manager and provides to client code a reference to it (ConnectionFactory)Utilities for Entity Database MaintenanceAn object that handles getting/setting column values in JDBC
JDBC value handler.Ajava.math.BigDecimal
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.Blob
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Boolean
JDBC value handler.Abyte[]
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.Clob
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.Date
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Double
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Float
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Integer
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Long
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Object
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.RowId
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.Short
JDBC value handler.Ajava.lang.String
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.Time
JDBC value handler.Ajava.sql.Timestamp
JDBC value handler.GenericDAO Utility methods for general tasksSQLProcessor - provides utility functions to ease database access