Class InventoryWorker


public final class InventoryWorker extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getOutstandingPurchaseOrders

      public static List<GenericValue> getOutstandingPurchaseOrders(String productId, Delegator delegator)
      Finds all outstanding Purchase orders for a productId. The orders and the items cannot be completed, cancelled, or rejected
      productId - the product id
      delegator - the delegator
      returns all outstanding Purchase orders for a productId
    • getOutstandingPurchasedQuantity

      public static BigDecimal getOutstandingPurchasedQuantity(String productId, Delegator delegator)
      Finds the net outstanding ordered quantity for a productId, netting quantity on outstanding purchase orders against cancelQuantity
      productId - the product id
      delegator - the delegator
      returns the net outstanding ordered quantity for a productId
    • getOutstandingProductQuantities

      public static Map<String,BigDecimal> getOutstandingProductQuantities(Collection<String> productIds, String orderTypeId, Delegator delegator)
      Gets the quanitty of each product in the order that is outstanding across all orders of the given input type. Uses the OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct view entity.
      productIds - Collection of disticnt productIds in an order. Use OrderReadHelper.getOrderProductIds()
      orderTypeId - Either "SALES_ORDER" or "PURCHASE_ORDER"
      delegator - The delegator to use
      Map of productIds to quantities outstanding.
    • getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForSalesOrders

      public static Map<String,BigDecimal> getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForSalesOrders(Collection<String> productIds, Delegator delegator)
      As above, but for sales orders
    • getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForPurchaseOrders

      public static Map<String,BigDecimal> getOutstandingProductQuantitiesForPurchaseOrders(Collection<String> productIds, Delegator delegator)
      As above, but for purchase orders