Unresolved directive in project-mgr.adoc - include::_include/prjm_intro.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

1. ProjectMgr in UI

1.1. Main screen.

This is the startup screen of the project manager. It will show all active projects with some statistical data.

1.2. My tasks

This overview outlines all tasks the user has been assigned to.

1.3. My Timesheets

Here the user enters the hours worked on tasks.

It also provides an overview of all timesheets the user has filled out.
It also shows the status of the timesheets.

1.4. Find Projects

This screen provides an overview of all projects the user is participating in.

Unresolved directive in project-mgr.adoc - include::_include/prjm_project.adoc[leveloffset=+2]

1.5. Project - billing

This screen shows all hours registered to the various tasks in the project by all participants.

From here the Project Manager processes all time entries for further processing regarding invoicing and cost accounting.

1.6. Project - edit info

The Project Manager can edit various details regarding the project.

1.7. Project - orders

This screen provides an overview of all orders related to the project.

1.8. Project - phases

This screen provides an overview of the phases of the project.

The Project Manager can manage all phases in the project here, e.g. defining new phases.

1.9. Project - resources

This screen provides an overview of all participants in the project.

From here the Project Manager can add new resources to the project, or end the participation of existing project members.

1.10. Project - tasks

This screen provides an overview of all tasks associated to the project.

1.11. Project - Requests

This screen provides an overview of all customer request regarding projects.

1.12. Tasks

This screen provides an overview of all tasks in the module

1.13. Timesheets

This screen provides an overview of all timesheets registered with the application by all project participants.