Class UtilFormatOut


public final class UtilFormatOut extends Object
General output formatting functions - mainly for helping in JSPs
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(Double number, String formatType, Delegator delegator, Locale locale)
      Format a number with format type define by properties
    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(BigDecimal number, String formatType, Delegator delegator, Locale locale)
    • formatPrice

      @Deprecated public static String formatPrice(Double price)
      Formats a Double representing a price into a string
      price - The price Double to be formatted
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatPrice

      @Deprecated public static String formatPrice(BigDecimal price)
      Formats a BigDecimal representing a price into a string
      price - The price BigDecimal to be formatted
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatCurrency

      public static String formatCurrency(double price, String isoCode, Locale locale, int maximumFractionDigits)
      Formats a double into a properly formatted currency string based on isoCode and Locale
      price - The price double to be formatted
      isoCode - the currency ISO code
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      maximumFractionDigits - The maximum number of fraction digits used; if set to -1 than the default value for the locale
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatCurrency

      public static String formatCurrency(BigDecimal price, String isoCode, Locale locale, int maximumFractionDigits)
      Formats a double into a properly formatted currency string based on isoCode and Locale
      price - The price BigDecimal to be formatted
      isoCode - the currency ISO code
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      maximumFractionDigits - The maximum number of fraction digits used; if set to -1 than the default value for the locale is used
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatDecimalNumber

      public static String formatDecimalNumber(double number, String pattern, Locale locale)
      Format a decimal number to the pattern given
      number - The price double to be formatted
      pattern - pattern apply to format number
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatCurrency

      public static String formatCurrency(BigDecimal price, String isoCode, Locale locale)
      Formats a BigDecimal into a properly formatted currency string based on isoCode and Locale
      price - The price BigDecimal to be formatted
      isoCode - the currency ISO code
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      A String with the formatted price
    • formatSpelledOutAmount

      public static String formatSpelledOutAmount(Double amount, Locale locale)
      Formats a Double into a properly spelled out number string based on Locale
      amount - The amount Double to be formatted
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      A String with the formatted number
    • formatAmount

      public static String formatAmount(double amount, Locale locale)
      Formats a double into a properly formatted string, with two decimals, based on Locale
      amount - The amount double to be formatted
      locale - The Locale used to format the number
      A String with the formatted amount
    • formatPercentage

      public static String formatPercentage(Double percentage)
      Formats a Double representing a percentage into a string
      percentage - The percentage Double to be formatted
      A String with the formatted percentage
    • formatPercentage

      public static String formatPercentage(BigDecimal percentage)
      Formats a BigDecimal representing a percentage into a string
      percentage - The percentage Decimal to be formatted
      A String with the formatted percentage
    • formatPercentageRate

      public static String formatPercentageRate(BigDecimal percentage, boolean negate)
      Formats a BigDecimal value 1:1 into a percentage string (e.g. 10 to 10% instead of 0,1 to 10%)
      percentage - The percentage Decimal to be formatted
      A String with the formatted percentage
    • formatQuantity

      public static String formatQuantity(Long quantity)
      Formats an Long representing a quantity into a string
      quantity - The quantity Long to be formatted
      A String with the formatted quantity
    • formatQuantity

      public static String formatQuantity(Integer quantity)
      Formats an Integer representing a quantity into a string
      quantity - The quantity Integer to be formatted
      A String with the formatted quantity
    • formatQuantity

      public static String formatQuantity(Float quantity)
      Formats a Float representing a quantity into a string
      quantity - The quantity Float to be formatted
      A String with the formatted quantity
    • formatQuantity

      public static String formatQuantity(Double quantity)
      Formats an Double representing a quantity into a string
      quantity - The quantity Double to be formatted
      A String with the formatted quantity
    • formatQuantity

      public static String formatQuantity(BigDecimal quantity)
      Formats an BigDecimal representing a quantity into a string
      quantity - The quantity BigDecimal to be formatted
      A String with the formatted quantity
    • formatPaddedNumber

      public static String formatPaddedNumber(long number, int numericPadding)
    • formatPaddingRemove

      public static String formatPaddingRemove(String original)
    • formatDate

      public static String formatDate(Timestamp timestamp)
      Formats a Timestamp into a date-time String using the default locale and time zone. Returns an empty String if timestamp is null.
      timestamp - The Timestamp to format
      A String with the formatted date/time, or an empty String if timestamp is null
    • formatDate

      public static String formatDate(Date date, String dateTimeFormat, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone)
      Formats a Date into a date-only String using the specified locale and time zone, or using the specified format.
      date - The date to format
      dateTimeFormat - Optional format string
      locale - The format locale - can be null if dateFormat is not null
      timeZone - The format time zone
      date formatted as a date-only String
      NullPointerException - if any required parameter is null
    • formatDateTime

      public static String formatDateTime(Date date, String dateTimeFormat, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone)
      Formats a Date into a date-time String using the specified locale and time zone, or using the specified format.
      date - The date to format
      dateTimeFormat - Optional format string
      locale - The format locale - can be null if dateFormat is not null
      timeZone - The format time zone
      date formatted as a date-time String
      NullPointerException - if any required parameter is null
    • makeString

      public static String makeString(Object obj1)
      Checks to see if the passed Object is null, if it is returns an empty but non-null string, otherwise calls toString() on the object
      obj1 - The passed Object
      The toString() of the passed Object if not null, otherwise an empty non-null String
    • checkNull

      public static String checkNull(String string1)
      Checks to see if the passed string is null, if it is returns an empty but non-null string.
      string1 - The passed String
      The passed String if not null, otherwise an empty non-null String
    • checkNull

      public static String checkNull(String string1, String string2)
      Returns the first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      string1 - The first passed String
      string2 - The second passed String
      The first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String
    • checkNull

      public static String checkNull(String string1, String string2, String string3)
      Returns the first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise the third if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      string1 - The first passed String
      string2 - The second passed String
      string3 - The third passed String
      The first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise the third if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String
    • checkNull

      public static String checkNull(String string1, String string2, String string3, String string4)
      Returns the first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise the third if not null, otherwise the fourth if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      string1 - The first passed String
      string2 - The second passed String
      string3 - The third passed String
      string4 - The fourth passed String
      The first passed String if not null, otherwise the second if not null, otherwise the third if not null, otherwise the fourth if not null, otherwise an empty but non-null String
    • ifNotEmpty

      public static String ifNotEmpty(String base, String pre, String post)
      Returns pre + base + post if base String is not null or empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      base - The base String
      pre - The pre String
      post - The post String
      pre + base + post if base String is not null or empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
    • checkEmpty

      public static String checkEmpty(String string1, String string2)
      Returns the first passed String if not empty, otherwise the second if not empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      string1 - The first passed String
      string2 - The second passed String
      The first passed String if not empty, otherwise the second if not empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String
    • checkEmpty

      public static String checkEmpty(String string1, String string2, String string3)
      Returns the first passed String if not empty, otherwise the second if not empty, otherwise the third if not empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String.
      string1 - The first passed String
      string2 - The second passed String
      string3 - The third passed String
      The first passed String if not empty, otherwise the second if not empty, otherwise the third if not empty, otherwise an empty but non-null String
    • encodeQuery

      public static String encodeQuery(String query)
      Encodes an HTTP URL query String, replacing characters used for other things in HTTP URL query strings, but not touching the separator characters '?', '=', and '&'
      query - The plain query String
      The encoded String
    • encodeQueryValue

      public static String encodeQueryValue(String query)
      Encodes a single HTTP URL query value, replacing characters used for other things in HTTP URL query strings
      query - The plain query value String
      The encoded String
    • replaceString

      public static String replaceString(String mainString, String oldString, String newString)
      Replaces all occurrences of oldString in mainString with newString
      mainString - The original string
      oldString - The string to replace
      newString - The string to insert in place of the old
      mainString with all occurrences of oldString replaced by newString
    • decodeQueryValue

      public static String decodeQueryValue(String query)
      Decodes a single query value from an HTTP URL parameter, replacing %ASCII values with characters
      query - The encoded query value String
      The plain, decoded String
    • encodeXmlValue

      public static String encodeXmlValue(String inString)
      Encodes an XML string replacing the characters '<', '>', '"', ''', '&'
      inString - The plain value String
      The encoded String
    • padString

      public static String padString(String str, int setLen, boolean padEnd, char padChar)
    • makeSqlSafe

      public static String makeSqlSafe(String unsafeString)
    • formatPrintableCreditCard

      public static String formatPrintableCreditCard(String original)