Package org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.ftl

package org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.ftl
  • Classes
    CsrfTokenAjaxTransform - Freemarker Transform for csrf token in Ajax call
    CsrfTokenPairNonAjaxTransform - Freemarker Transform for csrf token in non-Ajax call
    FreemarkerViewHandler - Freemarker Template Engine View Handler.
    access JsLanguageFilesMapping from ftl using macro
    OfbizAmountTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links This class is keep for backware compatibilty and call directly OfbizNumberTransform with good arguments : * amout translate to number * format force to UtilFormatOut.AMOUNT_FORMAT
    A custom cache wrapper for caching FreeMarker templates
    OfbizContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
    OfbizCurrencyTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
    OfbizAmountTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
    OfbizScreenTransform - Freemarker Transform to display a screen by is location and name You can call a Ofbiz screen with the ftl context with simple macro <@ofbizScreen>component://mycomponent/widget/MyComponentScreens.xml#MyScreen</@ofbizScreen> You can also write <@ofbizScreen location="component://mycomponent/widget/MyComponentScreens.xml" name="MyScreen"/> Or set a default location on your context action : context.defaultTemplateLocation = "component://mycomponent/widget/MyComponentScreens.xml" widget : <@ofbizScreen>MyScreen</@ofbizScreen>
    Freemarker Transform for creating OFBiz URLs (links).
    RenderWrappedTextTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
    Render the externalized script tags collected from the "html-template" tag where multi-block = true
    SetRequestAttributeMethod - Freemarker Method for setting context fields
    SetRequestAttributeMethod - Freemarker Method for setting request attributes