The Ebay component provides an interface to the Ebay website.

It is possible to export products from your store into eBay category also import an orders from ebay.

1. Ebay appl. introduction.

Ebay application will be use for merchant integration between OFBiz and eBay. It is possible to export products from your store into categories on Ebay site also import an orders from ebay.

You can use fuctions on this application to setup auction on ebay for the sell your stuff on ebay.

1.1. How to setup OFBiz integration eBay.

  1. Register with ebay developer site for obtain keys and certificate (eBayExport.devId,eBayExport.appId,eBayExport.cerId and eBayExport.token etc.) at Join with ebay developers

  2. After registered it should be following the keys below :

    • ebay keys example

      1. eBayExport.devID=f3586481-93c7-4aaf-ab87-d383d56b71b1

      2. eBayExport.appID=antwebc0f-9bf9-4829-998b-e5e8fb773ac

      3. eBayExport.certID=7f363bc0-11d6-489a-a54d-4a44de82f790

    • token key generated from ebay account example :

      1. eBayExport.token=AgAAAAAQAAAAaAAAAA**Ccn7Sg…​..

  3. Following file in plugins/ebay/config/ You will see Merchant configurations.

  4. Go to ebay-→Ebay Configurations screen (see link in the bottom of page)
    This screen will displayed ebay configurations with each stores. You need to “add” or “edit” the configuration keys you got from ebay for each productstores into this screen. This configuration is for connect to ebay site and export or import data to ebay.

  5. In eBay screen, go to ebay → Export or eBay → orders Import
    then try to test export products and import orders from ebay.

2. main Features

  1. Ebay configurations for ofbiz intregrate with ebay.

  2. Setup shipping methods.

  3. Export products into ebay categories.

  4. Export products into ebay categories.

  5. Import transactions from ebay

  6. Import orders from ebay

3. Ebay management in User Interface

3.1. Configurations

The default screen is for the Ebay Configurations tab is 'Ebay Configurations'. It is used to locate existing configurations that have been created automatically by the system or manually by the user.

It can also be used to create a new configurations or edit to integration between OFBiz and eBay.

3.1.1. How to find Ebay configurations?

  1. Select 'product store' you want to see configuration. (Example product store is 'OFBiz E-Commerce Store [9000]')

  2. Select 'web site' if known.

  3. Press the 'Search' button to view configurations.

  4. Select 'Any' then Press the 'Search' button to view all configurations.

3.1.2. New/Edit Ebay configurations.

This screen allows the user to create or edit an Ebay Configuration for intregrate ofbiz and Ebay.

Press New on top or 'Edit' button at product store you want to edit configuration. System will show screen for edit/create configuration data.

Ebay Configuration use for put keys and certificate get from ebay develop site after you register.

How to edit Ebay configurations?
  1. Please Select 'product store' you want to create configuration. Example product store is 'OFBiz E-Commerce Store [9000]')

  2. Enter 'Dev Id' (ex:f3586481-93c7-4aaf-ab87-d383d56b71b1)

  3. Enter 'App Id' (ex:antwebc0f-9bf9-4829-998b-e5e8fb773ac)

  4. Enter 'Cert Id' (ex:7f363bc0-11d6-489a-a54d-4a44de82f790)

  5. Enter 'Token' (# token key generated from ebay account ex:AgAAAAAQAAAAaAAAAA**Ccn7Sg…​..)

  6. Enter 'Compatibility Level' (ex:635)

  7. Enter 'Site Id' (ex:0=US ,15=AU)

  8. Enter 'Xml Gateway Uri'
    # sandbox -eBayExport.xmlGatewayUri=
    # production -eBayExport.xmlGatewayUri=

  9. Enter 'Custom XML'

  10. Enter 'Web Site' (ebay)

  11. Press the 'Update' button to create configurations.

3.1.3. Delete Ebay configurations.

  1. Press 'Delete' button at product store you want to delete configuration.

3.2. Search Products in category screen.

This screen allows the user to find products for export from ofbiz store to Ebay site.
First you must select product store, catalogs and category at products located. Then find products and select product you want to export to category on ebay site.

3.2.1. How to search products?

  1. select products store you want to export products example : OFBiz E-Commerce [9000]

  2. select catalog 'eBay Catalog'

  3. select category in example you can use 'Ebay E-Commerce …​ [eBay_ECom_Category]'

  4. select the other condition if you want

  5. Press 'Find' button at the below of page to find products

3.3. Filter result after search Products in category screen.

This screen allows the user to see the results of products the find it from conditions.
The user can select products they want export to ebay categories in this screen.

3.3.1. How to remove the conditions to find products?

In the section 'Search Products, you searched for:' you will see list of conditions show on the top in the section, So you can click 'X' to remove the condition you don’t want and then the results of products will have changes.

3.3.2. What is a 'refine search' button?

The 'Refine search' button use for go back to page to put the conditions again.

3.3.3. How to select products?

In the results section you can select products which you want to export by use checkbox in front of name of products. You can select one or many products if you want.

3.3.4. What is 'Export To eBay' button?

After you select products then you want to export it you can click 'Export To eBay' button. It will take you to go to the screen for setup ebay categories, start price for auction and payment method before you export the products.

3.4. Ebay Orders Import screen.

This screen allows the user to find and import orders data from ebay site.
you can search an order by specify begin/end time then select orders to import

3.4.1. Section 'Search Options'.

  1. select product store ex: use 'OFBiz E-Commerce Store' because example ebay catalog link with this store.

  2. enter begin time in field 'From Date Time'

  3. enter end time in field 'Thru Date Time'

  4. Press 'Find' button then system will show results from ebay site.

3.4.2. Section 'Search Results'.

This section show search results, it has many detail get from ebay site,
At the last filed on the screen left you will see checkbox for select the order rows and then import it into ofbiz.

3.4.3. How to import order from eBay?

  1. Click checkbox at rows you want to import orders in the 'Search Result' section

  2. Press 'Import Orders From ebay' button then system will return the message on the screen and you can check orders list in the 'Order' module.

3.5. Import Single Transactions

This screen allows the user to find orders transactions on ebay by specify begin/end time, and then select orders to import data into ofbiz system.

3.5.1. Section 'Search Single Transactions From eBay'

(use for select conditions to search results)

  1. select product store ex: use 'OFBiz E-Commerce Store' because example ebay catalog link with this store.

  2. enter begin time in field 'From Date Time'

  3. enter end time in field 'Thru Date Time'

  4. Press 'Search Single Transactions From eBay' button then system will show results from ebay site.

3.5.2. Section 'Import Orders From eBay'.

This section show search results, it has many detail get from ebay site,
At the last filed on the screen left you will see checkbox for select the transaction rows and then import it into ofbiz.

3.5.3. How to import single transactions from eBay?

  1. Click checkbox at rows you want to import transaction in the 'Import Orders From eBay' section

  2. Press 'Import Single Transactions' button then system will return the message on the screen.

3.6. Export to eBay (product)

This screen allows the user to setup properties of products for the start auction on ebay, And allows the user to export product to the ebay site.
On the 'Export Products to eBay' section have many fields to use for start auction listing(products) on the ebay site.

3.6.1. Fields Description :

  1. eBay Category : Ofbiz retrieve this field from ebay categories and threre are several levels.
    You may need to select several time to get your categories for example :
    Your product is in "Drawing" category but the category is lower level of "Art" and "…​…​.".
    So you need to select "Art" first and …​. and "Drawing" to get the category.

  2. Country : use for select country you want to show the listing on the ebay site.

  3. Location : for located item location.

  4. Listing Duration is a duration for auction and show the listing on ebay.

  5. Start Price is a price for start auction
    (note : if you product have a minimum price (* Purpose is 'eBay Auction') don’t need to set this field, the system will auto use the minimum price for start auctions. )

  6. Quantity : Quantity of product

  7. Website :

  8. Web Site Url :

  9. Payment Methods Accepted : This is Type of payment you want to use on the ebay.

  10. PayPal email : We need it when you select payment by paypal.

  11. Custom XML : It was auto generate from ebay configurations, it use for ebay know about currency, shipping method and other informations for shipping with this listing.

3.6.2. How to set export products?

  1. select ebay category you want to put products(listing).
    You may need to select several time to get your categories for example : Your product is in "Drawing" category but the category is lower level of "Art" and "…​…​.".
    So you need to select "Art" first and …​. and "Drawing" to get the category.

  2. select country you want to show the listing on the ebay site.

  3. enter location

  4. select duration for auction and show the listing on ebay.

  5. enter start price, if you product have a minimum price (* Purpose is 'eBay Auction') don’t need to set this field, the system will auto use the minimum price for start auctions.

  6. select Website but now this field

  7. enter Website url (*require field)

  8. Select at least one payment method

  9. enter paypal email when you select payment by paypal.

  10. For Custom XML it was auto generate from ebay configurations, but if you want to change you can edit.

  11. Press 'Export to Ebay' button then system will post your listing to ebay site.

  12. note : when export process is success system will be return message to show on the screen and tell you what is done.

3.7. Shipping Methods Configuration

This screen allows the user to add shipping methods rate for intregrate ofbiz and Ebay.

3.7.1. How to add shipping methods?

  1. Enter 'Shipment Method Name ' (ex:'LocalDelivery')

  2. Select 'product store' (ex:'OFBiz E-Commerce Store [9000]')

  3. Enter 'Amount'

  4. Enter 'Additional Amount' (if you want )

  5. Enter 'Additional Percent' (if you want )

  6. Enter 'Method Type Enum Id' (ex:Flat Rate Shipping)

  7. Enter 'Carrier Party Id' select from lookup (Default is UPS)

  8. select 'Shipment Method Type Id'

  9. Press the 'Add' button to add shipping method.

3.7.2. How to update shipping methods?

  1. Update the fields required in the screen

  2. Press the 'Update' button

3.7.3. How to delete shipping methods?

  1. Press the 'Delete' button in each shipping method