Class CallingThreadDispatcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.util.concurrent.Executor, BatchingExecutor, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor

    public class CallingThreadDispatcher
    extends MessageDispatcher
    Dispatcher which runs invocations on the current thread only. This dispatcher does not create any new threads, but it can be used from different threads concurrently for the same actor. The dispatch strategy is to run on the current thread unless the target actor is either suspendSwitch or already running on the current thread (if it is running on a different thread, then this thread will block until that other invocation is finished); if the invocation is not run, it is queued in a thread-local queue to be executed once the active invocation further up the call stack finishes. This leads to completely deterministic execution order if only one thread is used.

    Suspending and resuming are global actions for one actor, meaning they can affect different threads, which leads to complications. If messages are queued (thread-locally) during the suspendSwitch period, the only thread to run them upon resume is the thread actually calling the resume method. Hence, all thread-local queues which are not currently being drained (possible, since suspend-queue-resume might happen entirely during an invocation on a different thread) are scooped up into the current thread-local queue which is then executed. It is possible to suspend an actor from within its call stack.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

        scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits$, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.parasitic$
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected CallingThreadMailbox createMailbox​(Cell actor, MailboxType mailboxType)  
      protected void dispatch​( receiver, Envelope handle)
      Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution
      protected void executeTask​(TaskInvocation invocation)
      java.lang.String id()
      Identifier of this dispatcher, corresponds to the full key of the dispatcher configuration.
      static java.lang.String Id()  
      LoggingAdapter log()  
      protected void register​( actor)
      If you override it, you must call it.
      protected boolean registerForExecution​(org.apache.pekko.dispatch.Mailbox mbox, boolean hasMessageHint, boolean hasSystemMessageHint)
      Suggest to register the provided mailbox for execution
      protected void resume​( actor)  
      protected void shutdown()
      Called one time every time an actor is detached from this dispatcher and this dispatcher has no actors left attached Must be idempotent
      protected scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration shutdownTimeout()
      When the dispatcher no longer has any actors registered, how long will it wait until it shuts itself down, defaulting to your pekko configs "" or default specified in reference.conf
      protected void suspend​( actor)
      After the call to this method, the dispatcher mustn't begin any new message processing for the specified reference
      protected void systemDispatch​( receiver, SystemMessage message)
      Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution
      protected int throughput()
      protected scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration throughputDeadlineTime()
      protected void unregister​( actor)
      If you override it, you must call it.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

        execute, prepare
    • Method Detail

      • Id

        public static java.lang.String Id()
      • id

        public java.lang.String id()
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        Identifier of this dispatcher, corresponds to the full key of the dispatcher configuration.
        Specified by:
        id in class MessageDispatcher
      • shutdown

        protected void shutdown()
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        Called one time every time an actor is detached from this dispatcher and this dispatcher has no actors left attached Must be idempotent


        Specified by:
        shutdown in class MessageDispatcher
      • registerForExecution

        protected boolean registerForExecution​(org.apache.pekko.dispatch.Mailbox mbox,
                                               boolean hasMessageHint,
                                               boolean hasSystemMessageHint)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        Suggest to register the provided mailbox for execution


        Specified by:
        registerForExecution in class MessageDispatcher
      • shutdownTimeout

        protected scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration shutdownTimeout()
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        When the dispatcher no longer has any actors registered, how long will it wait until it shuts itself down, defaulting to your pekko configs "" or default specified in reference.conf


        Specified by:
        shutdownTimeout in class MessageDispatcher
      • register

        protected void register​( actor)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "attach" for only invocation.


        register in class MessageDispatcher
      • unregister

        protected void unregister​( actor)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "detach" for the only invocation


        unregister in class MessageDispatcher
      • suspend

        protected void suspend​( actor)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        After the call to this method, the dispatcher mustn't begin any new message processing for the specified reference
        suspend in class MessageDispatcher
      • resume

        protected void resume​( actor)
        resume in class MessageDispatcher
      • systemDispatch

        protected void systemDispatch​( receiver,
                                      SystemMessage message)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution


        Specified by:
        systemDispatch in class MessageDispatcher
      • dispatch

        protected void dispatch​( receiver,
                                Envelope handle)
        Description copied from class: MessageDispatcher
        Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution


        Specified by:
        dispatch in class MessageDispatcher