* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jasper.compiler;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import jakarta.el.MethodExpression;
import jakarta.el.ValueExpression;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspFragment;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagAttributeInfo;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagFileInfo;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryInfo;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagVariableInfo;
import jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.VariableInfo;
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
import org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext;
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent;
import org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper;
import org.apache.tomcat.Jar;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.tld.TldResourcePath;
* 1. Processes and extracts the directive info in a tag file. 2. Compiles and
* loads tag files used in a JSP file.
* @author Kin-man Chung
class TagFileProcessor {
private List<Compiler> tempVector;
* A visitor the tag file
private static class TagFileDirectiveVisitor extends Node.Visitor {
private static final JspUtil.ValidAttribute[] tagDirectiveAttrs = {
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("display-name"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("body-content"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("dynamic-attributes"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("small-icon"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("large-icon"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("description"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("example"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("pageEncoding"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("language"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("import"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral"), // JSP 2.1
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("trimDirectiveWhitespaces"), // JSP 2.1
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("isELIgnored"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("errorOnELNotFound") };
private static final JspUtil.ValidAttribute[] attributeDirectiveAttrs = {
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("name", true),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("required"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("fragment"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("rtexprvalue"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("type"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("deferredValue"), // JSP 2.1
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("deferredValueType"), // JSP 2.1
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("deferredMethod"), // JSP 2
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("deferredMethodSignature"), // JSP 21
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("description") };
private static final JspUtil.ValidAttribute[] variableDirectiveAttrs = {
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("name-given"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("name-from-attribute"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("alias"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("variable-class"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("scope"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("declare"),
new JspUtil.ValidAttribute("description") };
private ErrorDispatcher err;
private TagLibraryInfo tagLibInfo;
private String name = null;
private String path = null;
private String bodycontent = null;
private String description = null;
private String displayName = null;
private String smallIcon = null;
private String largeIcon = null;
private String dynamicAttrsMapName;
private String example = null;
private List<TagAttributeInfo> attributeList;
private List<TagVariableInfo> variableList;
private static final String ATTR_NAME = "the name attribute of the attribute directive";
private static final String VAR_NAME_GIVEN = "the name-given attribute of the variable directive";
private static final String VAR_NAME_FROM = "the name-from-attribute attribute of the variable directive";
private static final String VAR_ALIAS = "the alias attribute of the variable directive";
private static final String TAG_DYNAMIC = "the dynamic-attributes attribute of the tag directive";
private Map<String,NameEntry> nameTable = new HashMap<>();
private Map<String,NameEntry> nameFromTable = new HashMap<>();
TagFileDirectiveVisitor(Compiler compiler,
TagLibraryInfo tagLibInfo, String name, String path) {
err = compiler.getErrorDispatcher();
this.tagLibInfo = tagLibInfo;
this.name = name;
this.path = path;
attributeList = new ArrayList<>();
variableList = new ArrayList<>();
public void visit(Node.TagDirective n) throws JasperException {
JspUtil.checkAttributes("Tag directive", n, tagDirectiveAttrs, err);
bodycontent = checkConflict(n, bodycontent, "body-content");
if (bodycontent != null
&& !bodycontent
&& !bodycontent
&& !bodycontent
.equalsIgnoreCase(TagInfo.BODY_CONTENT_SCRIPTLESS)) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.tagdirective.badbodycontent",
dynamicAttrsMapName = checkConflict(n, dynamicAttrsMapName,
if (dynamicAttrsMapName != null) {
checkUniqueName(dynamicAttrsMapName, TAG_DYNAMIC, n);
smallIcon = checkConflict(n, smallIcon, "small-icon");
largeIcon = checkConflict(n, largeIcon, "large-icon");
description = checkConflict(n, description, "description");
displayName = checkConflict(n, displayName, "display-name");
example = checkConflict(n, example, "example");
private String checkConflict(Node n, String oldAttrValue, String attr)
throws JasperException {
String result = oldAttrValue;
String attrValue = n.getAttributeValue(attr);
if (attrValue != null) {
if (oldAttrValue != null && !oldAttrValue.equals(attrValue)) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.tag.conflict.attr", attr,
oldAttrValue, attrValue);
result = attrValue;
return result;
public void visit(Node.AttributeDirective n) throws JasperException {
JspUtil.checkAttributes("Attribute directive", n,
attributeDirectiveAttrs, err);
// JSP 2.1 Table JSP.8-3
// handle deferredValue and deferredValueType
boolean deferredValue = false;
boolean deferredValueSpecified = false;
String deferredValueString = n.getAttributeValue("deferredValue");
if (deferredValueString != null) {
deferredValueSpecified = true;
deferredValue = JspUtil.booleanValue(deferredValueString);
String deferredValueType = n.getAttributeValue("deferredValueType");
if (deferredValueType != null) {
if (deferredValueSpecified && !deferredValue) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.deferredvaluetypewithoutdeferredvalue");
} else {
deferredValue = true;
} else if (deferredValue) {
deferredValueType = "java.lang.Object";
} else {
deferredValueType = "java.lang.String";
// JSP 2.1 Table JSP.8-3
// handle deferredMethod and deferredMethodSignature
boolean deferredMethod = false;
boolean deferredMethodSpecified = false;
String deferredMethodString = n.getAttributeValue("deferredMethod");
if (deferredMethodString != null) {
deferredMethodSpecified = true;
deferredMethod = JspUtil.booleanValue(deferredMethodString);
String deferredMethodSignature = n
if (deferredMethodSignature != null) {
if (deferredMethodSpecified && !deferredMethod) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.deferredmethodsignaturewithoutdeferredmethod");
} else {
deferredMethod = true;
} else if (deferredMethod) {
deferredMethodSignature = "void methodname()";
if (deferredMethod && deferredValue) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.deferredmethodandvalue");
String attrName = n.getAttributeValue("name");
boolean required = JspUtil.booleanValue(n
boolean rtexprvalue = true;
String rtexprvalueString = n.getAttributeValue("rtexprvalue");
if (rtexprvalueString != null) {
rtexprvalue = JspUtil.booleanValue(rtexprvalueString);
boolean fragment = JspUtil.booleanValue(n
String type = n.getAttributeValue("type");
if (fragment) {
// type is fixed to "JspFragment" and a translation error
// must occur if specified.
if (type != null) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.fragmentwithtype", JspFragment.class.getName());
// rtexprvalue is fixed to "true" and a translation error
// must occur if specified.
rtexprvalue = true;
if (rtexprvalueString != null) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.frgmentwithrtexprvalue");
} else {
if (type == null) {
type = "java.lang.String";
if (deferredValue) {
type = ValueExpression.class.getName();
} else if (deferredMethod) {
type = MethodExpression.class.getName();
if (("2.0".equals(tagLibInfo.getRequiredVersion()) || ("1.2".equals(tagLibInfo.getRequiredVersion())))
&& (deferredMethodSpecified || deferredMethod
|| deferredValueSpecified || deferredValue)) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.invalid.version", path);
TagAttributeInfo tagAttributeInfo = new TagAttributeInfo(attrName,
required, type, rtexprvalue, fragment, null, deferredValue,
deferredMethod, deferredValueType, deferredMethodSignature);
checkUniqueName(attrName, ATTR_NAME, n, tagAttributeInfo);
public void visit(Node.VariableDirective n) throws JasperException {
JspUtil.checkAttributes("Variable directive", n,
variableDirectiveAttrs, err);
String nameGiven = n.getAttributeValue("name-given");
String nameFromAttribute = n
if (nameGiven == null && nameFromAttribute == null) {
if (nameGiven != null && nameFromAttribute != null) {
String alias = n.getAttributeValue("alias");
if (nameFromAttribute != null && alias == null
|| nameFromAttribute == null && alias != null) {
String className = n.getAttributeValue("variable-class");
if (className == null) {
className = "java.lang.String";
String declareStr = n.getAttributeValue("declare");
boolean declare = true;
if (declareStr != null) {
declare = JspUtil.booleanValue(declareStr);
int scope = VariableInfo.NESTED;
String scopeStr = n.getAttributeValue("scope");
if (scopeStr != null) {
if ("NESTED".equals(scopeStr)) {
// Already the default
} else if ("AT_BEGIN".equals(scopeStr)) {
scope = VariableInfo.AT_BEGIN;
} else if ("AT_END".equals(scopeStr)) {
scope = VariableInfo.AT_END;
if (nameFromAttribute != null) {
* An alias has been specified. We use 'nameGiven' to hold the
* value of the alias, and 'nameFromAttribute' to hold the name
* of the attribute whose value (at invocation-time) denotes the
* name of the variable that is being aliased
nameGiven = alias;
checkUniqueName(nameFromAttribute, VAR_NAME_FROM, n);
checkUniqueName(alias, VAR_ALIAS, n);
} else {
// name-given specified
checkUniqueName(nameGiven, VAR_NAME_GIVEN, n);
variableList.add(new TagVariableInfo(nameGiven, nameFromAttribute, className, declare, scope));
public TagInfo getTagInfo(String packageName) throws JasperException {
if (name == null) {
// XXX Get it from tag file name
if (bodycontent == null) {
bodycontent = TagInfo.BODY_CONTENT_SCRIPTLESS;
String tagClassName = JspUtil.getTagHandlerClassName(
path, packageName, tagLibInfo.getReliableURN(), err);
TagVariableInfo[] tagVariableInfos = variableList.toArray(new TagVariableInfo[0]);
TagAttributeInfo[] tagAttributeInfo = attributeList.toArray(new TagAttributeInfo[0]);
return new JasperTagInfo(name, tagClassName, bodycontent,
description, tagLibInfo, null, tagAttributeInfo,
displayName, smallIcon, largeIcon, tagVariableInfos,
static class NameEntry {
private String type;
private Node node;
private TagAttributeInfo attr;
NameEntry(String type, Node node, TagAttributeInfo attr) {
this.type = type;
this.node = node;
this.attr = attr;
String getType() {
return type;
Node getNode() {
return node;
TagAttributeInfo getTagAttributeInfo() {
return attr;
* Reports a translation error if names specified in attributes of
* directives are not unique in this translation unit.
* The value of the following attributes must be unique. 1. 'name'
* attribute of an attribute directive 2. 'name-given' attribute of a
* variable directive 3. 'alias' attribute of variable directive 4.
* 'dynamic-attributes' of a tag directive except that
* 'dynamic-attributes' can (and must) have the same value when it
* appears in multiple tag directives.
* Also, 'name-from' attribute of a variable directive cannot have the
* same value as that from another variable directive.
private void checkUniqueName(String name, String type, Node n)
throws JasperException {
checkUniqueName(name, type, n, null);
private void checkUniqueName(String name, String type, Node n,
TagAttributeInfo attr) throws JasperException {
Map<String, NameEntry> table = (VAR_NAME_FROM.equals(type)) ? nameFromTable : nameTable;
NameEntry nameEntry = table.get(name);
if (nameEntry != null) {
if (!TAG_DYNAMIC.equals(type) ||
!TAG_DYNAMIC.equals(nameEntry.getType())) {
int line = nameEntry.getNode().getStart().getLineNumber();
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.tagfile.nameNotUnique", type,
nameEntry.getType(), Integer.toString(line));
} else {
table.put(name, new NameEntry(type, n, attr));
* Perform miscellaneous checks after the nodes are visited.
void postCheck() throws JasperException {
// Check that var.name-from-attributes has valid values.
for (Entry<String, NameEntry> entry : nameFromTable.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
NameEntry nameEntry = nameTable.get(key);
NameEntry nameFromEntry = entry.getValue();
Node nameFromNode = nameFromEntry.getNode();
if (nameEntry == null) {
"jsp.error.tagfile.nameFrom.noAttribute", key);
} else {
Node node = nameEntry.getNode();
TagAttributeInfo tagAttr = nameEntry.getTagAttributeInfo();
if (!"java.lang.String".equals(tagAttr.getTypeName())
|| !tagAttr.isRequired()
|| tagAttr.canBeRequestTime()) {
key, Integer.toString(node.getStart()
* Parses the tag file, and collects information on the directives included
* in it. The method is used to obtain the info on the tag file, when the
* handler that it represents is referenced. The tag file is not compiled
* here.
* @param pc
* the current ParserController used in this compilation
* @param name
* the tag name as specified in the TLD
* @param path
* the path for the tagfile
* @param jar
* the Jar resource containing the tag file
* @param tagLibInfo
* the TagLibraryInfo object associated with this TagInfo
* @return a TagInfo object assembled from the directives in the tag file.
* @throws JasperException If an error occurs during parsing
@SuppressWarnings("null") // page can't be null
public static TagInfo parseTagFileDirectives(ParserController pc,
String name, String path, Jar jar, TagLibraryInfo tagLibInfo)
throws JasperException {
ErrorDispatcher err = pc.getCompiler().getErrorDispatcher();
Node.Nodes page = null;
try {
page = pc.parseTagFileDirectives(path, jar);
} catch (IOException e) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.file.not.found", path);
TagFileDirectiveVisitor tagFileVisitor = new TagFileDirectiveVisitor(pc
.getCompiler(), tagLibInfo, name, path);
return tagFileVisitor.getTagInfo(pc.getJspCompilationContext().getOptions().getGeneratedTagFilePackageName());
* Compiles and loads a tagfile.
private Class<?> loadTagFile(Compiler compiler, String tagFilePath,
TagInfo tagInfo, PageInfo parentPageInfo) throws JasperException {
Jar tagJar = null;
Jar tagJarOriginal = null;
try {
if (tagFilePath.startsWith("/META-INF/")) {
try {
tagJar = compiler.getCompilationContext().getTldResourcePath(
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new JasperException(ioe);
String wrapperUri;
if (tagJar == null) {
wrapperUri = tagFilePath;
} else {
wrapperUri = tagJar.getURL(tagFilePath);
JspCompilationContext ctxt = compiler.getCompilationContext();
JspRuntimeContext rctxt = ctxt.getRuntimeContext();
synchronized (rctxt) {
JspServletWrapper wrapper = null;
try {
wrapper = rctxt.getWrapper(wrapperUri);
if (wrapper == null) {
wrapper = new JspServletWrapper(ctxt.getServletContext(), ctxt
.getOptions(), tagFilePath, tagInfo, ctxt
.getRuntimeContext(), tagJar);
// Use same classloader and classpath for compiling tag files
rctxt.addWrapper(wrapperUri, wrapper);
} else {
// Make sure that JspCompilationContext gets the latest TagInfo
// for the tag file. TagInfo instance was created the last
// time the tag file was scanned for directives, and the tag
// file may have been modified since then.
// This compilation needs to use the current tagJar.
// Compilation may be nested in which case the old tagJar
// will need to be restored
tagJarOriginal = wrapper.getJspEngineContext().getTagFileJar();
Class<?> tagClazz;
int tripCount = wrapper.incTripCount();
try {
if (tripCount > 0) {
// When tripCount is greater than zero, a circular
// dependency exists. The circularly dependent tag
// file is compiled in prototype mode, to avoid infinite
// recursion.
JspServletWrapper tempWrapper = new JspServletWrapper(ctxt
.getServletContext(), ctxt.getOptions(),
tagFilePath, tagInfo, ctxt.getRuntimeContext(),
// Use same classloader and classpath for compiling tag files
tagClazz = tempWrapper.loadTagFilePrototype();
} else {
tagClazz = wrapper.loadTagFile();
} finally {
// Add the dependents for this tag file to its parent's
// Dependent list. The only reliable dependency information
// can only be obtained from the tag instance.
try {
Object tagIns = tagClazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
if (tagIns instanceof JspSourceDependent) {
for (Entry<String, Long> entry : ((JspSourceDependent)
tagIns).getDependants().entrySet()) {
} catch (RuntimeException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
// ignore errors
return tagClazz;
} finally {
if (wrapper != null && tagJarOriginal != null) {
} finally {
if (tagJar != null) {
* Visitor which scans the page and looks for tag handlers that are tag
* files, compiling (if necessary) and loading them.
private class TagFileLoaderVisitor extends Node.Visitor {
private Compiler compiler;
private PageInfo pageInfo;
TagFileLoaderVisitor(Compiler compiler) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.pageInfo = compiler.getPageInfo();
public void visit(Node.CustomTag n) throws JasperException {
TagFileInfo tagFileInfo = n.getTagFileInfo();
if (tagFileInfo != null) {
String tagFilePath = tagFileInfo.getPath();
if (tagFilePath.startsWith("/META-INF/")) {
// For tags in JARs, add the TLD and the tag as a dependency
TldResourcePath tldResourcePath =
try (Jar jar = tldResourcePath.openJar()) {
if (jar != null) {
// Add TLD
// Add Tag
} else {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new JasperException(ioe);
} else {
Class<?> c = loadTagFile(compiler, tagFilePath, n.getTagInfo(),
* Implements a phase of the translation that compiles (if necessary) the
* tag files used in a JSP files. The directives in the tag files are
* assumed to have been processed and encapsulated as TagFileInfo in the
* CustomTag nodes.
* @param compiler Compiler to use to compile tag files
* @param page The page from to scan for tag files to compile
* @throws JasperException If an error occurs during the scan or compilation
public void loadTagFiles(Compiler compiler, Node.Nodes page)
throws JasperException {
tempVector = new ArrayList<>();
page.visit(new TagFileLoaderVisitor(compiler));
* Removed the java and class files for the tag prototype generated from the
* current compilation.
* @param classFileName
* If non-null, remove only the class file with with this name.
public void removeProtoTypeFiles(String classFileName) {
for (Compiler c : tempVector) {
if (classFileName == null) {
} else if (classFileName.equals(c.getCompilationContext().getClassFileName())) {