* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;
* Represents the TLS configuration for a virtual host.
public class SSLHostConfig implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SSLHostConfig.class);
private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(SSLHostConfig.class);
// Must be lower case. SSL host names are always stored using lower case as
// they are case insensitive but are used by case sensitive code such as
// keys in Maps.
protected static final String DEFAULT_SSL_HOST_NAME = "_default_";
protected static final Set<String> SSL_PROTO_ALL_SET = new HashSet<>();
public static final String DEFAULT_TLS_CIPHERS = "HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA";
static {
/* Default used if protocols are not configured, also used if
* protocols="All"
private Type configType = null;
private String hostName = DEFAULT_SSL_HOST_NAME;
private transient volatile Long openSslConfContext = Long.valueOf(0);
// OpenSSL can handle multiple certs in a single config so the reference to
// the context is here at the virtual host level. JSSE can't so the
// reference is held on the certificate.
private transient volatile Long openSslContext = Long.valueOf(0);
private boolean tls13RenegotiationAvailable = false;
// Configuration properties
// Internal
private String[] enabledCiphers;
private String[] enabledProtocols;
private ObjectName oname;
// Need to know if TLS 1.3 has been explicitly requested as a warning needs
// to generated if it is explicitly requested for a JVM that does not
// support it. Uses a set so it is extensible for TLS 1.4 etc.
private Set<String> explicitlyRequestedProtocols = new HashSet<>();
// Nested
private SSLHostConfigCertificate defaultCertificate = null;
private Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> certificates = new LinkedHashSet<>(4);
// Common
private String certificateRevocationListFile;
private CertificateVerification certificateVerification = CertificateVerification.NONE;
private int certificateVerificationDepth = 10;
// Used to track if certificateVerificationDepth has been explicitly set
private boolean certificateVerificationDepthConfigured = false;
private String ciphers = DEFAULT_TLS_CIPHERS;
private LinkedHashSet<Cipher> cipherList = null;
private List<String> jsseCipherNames = null;
private boolean honorCipherOrder = false;
private Set<String> protocols = new HashSet<>();
// Values <0 mean use the implementation default
private int sessionCacheSize = -1;
private int sessionTimeout = 86400;
private String keyManagerAlgorithm = KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
private boolean revocationEnabled = false;
private String sslProtocol = Constants.SSL_PROTO_TLS;
private String trustManagerClassName;
private String truststoreAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
private String truststoreFile = System.getProperty("");
private String truststorePassword = System.getProperty("");
private String truststoreProvider = System.getProperty("");
private String truststoreType = System.getProperty("");
private transient KeyStore truststore = null;
// OpenSSL
private String certificateRevocationListPath;
private String caCertificateFile;
private String caCertificatePath;
private boolean disableCompression = true;
private boolean disableSessionTickets = false;
private boolean insecureRenegotiation = false;
private OpenSSLConf openSslConf = null;
public SSLHostConfig() {
// Set defaults that can't be (easily) set when defining the fields.
public boolean isTls13RenegotiationAvailable() {
return tls13RenegotiationAvailable;
public void setTls13RenegotiationAvailable(boolean tls13RenegotiationAvailable) {
this.tls13RenegotiationAvailable = tls13RenegotiationAvailable;
public Long getOpenSslConfContext() {
return openSslConfContext;
public void setOpenSslConfContext(Long openSslConfContext) {
this.openSslConfContext = openSslConfContext;
public Long getOpenSslContext() {
return openSslContext;
public void setOpenSslContext(Long openSslContext) {
this.openSslContext = openSslContext;
// Expose in String form for JMX
public String getConfigType() {
* Set property which belongs to the specified configuration type.
* @param name the property name
* @param configType the configuration type
* @return true if the property belongs to the current configuration,
* and false otherwise
boolean setProperty(String name, Type configType) {
if (this.configType == null) {
this.configType = configType;
} else {
if (configType != this.configType) {
name, getHostName(), configType, this.configType));
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------- Internal properties
* @see SSLUtil#getEnabledProtocols()
* @return The protocols enabled for this TLS virtual host
public String[] getEnabledProtocols() {
return enabledProtocols;
public void setEnabledProtocols(String[] enabledProtocols) {
this.enabledProtocols = enabledProtocols;
* @see SSLUtil#getEnabledCiphers()
* @return The ciphers enabled for this TLS virtual host
public String[] getEnabledCiphers() {
return enabledCiphers;
public void setEnabledCiphers(String[] enabledCiphers) {
this.enabledCiphers = enabledCiphers;
public ObjectName getObjectName() {
return oname;
public void setObjectName(ObjectName oname) {
this.oname = oname;
// ------------------------------------------- Nested configuration elements
private void registerDefaultCertificate() {
if (defaultCertificate == null) {
SSLHostConfigCertificate defaultCertificate = new SSLHostConfigCertificate(
this, SSLHostConfigCertificate.Type.UNDEFINED);
this.defaultCertificate = defaultCertificate;
public void addCertificate(SSLHostConfigCertificate certificate) {
// Need to make sure that if there is more than one certificate, none of
// them have a type of undefined.
if (certificates.size() == 0) {
if (certificates.size() == 1 &&
certificates.iterator().next().getType() == SSLHostConfigCertificate.Type.UNDEFINED ||
certificate.getType() == SSLHostConfigCertificate.Type.UNDEFINED) {
// Invalid config
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("sslHostConfig.certificate.notype"));
public OpenSSLConf getOpenSslConf() {
return openSslConf;
public void setOpenSslConf(OpenSSLConf conf) {
if (conf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("sslHostConfig.opensslconf.null"));
} else if (openSslConf != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("sslHostConfig.opensslconf.alreadySet"));
setProperty("<OpenSSLConf>", Type.OPENSSL);
openSslConf = conf;
public Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> getCertificates() {
return getCertificates(false);
public Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> getCertificates(boolean createDefaultIfEmpty) {
if (certificates.size() == 0 && createDefaultIfEmpty) {
return certificates;
// ----------------------------------------- Common configuration properties
public void setCertificateRevocationListFile(String certificateRevocationListFile) {
this.certificateRevocationListFile = certificateRevocationListFile;
public String getCertificateRevocationListFile() {
return certificateRevocationListFile;
public void setCertificateVerification(String certificateVerification) {
try {
this.certificateVerification =
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// If the specified value is not recognised, default to the
// strictest possible option.
this.certificateVerification = CertificateVerification.REQUIRED;
throw iae;
public CertificateVerification getCertificateVerification() {
return certificateVerification;
public void setCertificateVerificationAsString(String certificateVerification) {
public String getCertificateVerificationAsString() {
return certificateVerification.toString();
public void setCertificateVerificationDepth(int certificateVerificationDepth) {
this.certificateVerificationDepth = certificateVerificationDepth;
certificateVerificationDepthConfigured = true;
public int getCertificateVerificationDepth() {
return certificateVerificationDepth;
public boolean isCertificateVerificationDepthConfigured() {
return certificateVerificationDepthConfigured;
* Set the new cipher configuration. Note: Regardless of the format used to
* set the configuration, it is always stored in OpenSSL format.
* @param ciphersList The new cipher configuration in OpenSSL or JSSE format
public void setCiphers(String ciphersList) {
// Ciphers is stored in OpenSSL format. Convert the provided value if
// necessary.
if (ciphersList != null && !ciphersList.contains(":")) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Not obviously in OpenSSL format. May be a single OpenSSL or JSSE
// cipher name. May be a comma separated list of cipher names
String ciphers[] = ciphersList.split(",");
for (String cipher : ciphers) {
String trimmed = cipher.trim();
if (trimmed.length() > 0) {
String openSSLName = OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.jsseToOpenSSL(trimmed);
if (openSSLName == null) {
// Not a JSSE name. Maybe an OpenSSL name or alias
openSSLName = trimmed;
if (sb.length() > 0) {
this.ciphers = sb.toString();
} else {
this.ciphers = ciphersList;
this.cipherList = null;
this.jsseCipherNames = null;
* @return An OpenSSL cipher string for the current configuration.
public String getCiphers() {
return ciphers;
public LinkedHashSet<Cipher> getCipherList() {
if (cipherList == null) {
cipherList = OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.parse(getCiphers());
return cipherList;
* Obtain the list of JSSE cipher names for the current configuration.
* Ciphers included in the configuration but not supported by JSSE will be
* excluded from this list.
* @return A list of the JSSE cipher names
public List<String> getJsseCipherNames() {
if (jsseCipherNames == null) {
jsseCipherNames = OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.convertForJSSE(getCipherList());
return jsseCipherNames;
public void setHonorCipherOrder(boolean honorCipherOrder) {
this.honorCipherOrder = honorCipherOrder;
public boolean getHonorCipherOrder() {
return honorCipherOrder;
public void setHostName(String hostName) {
this.hostName = hostName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* @return The host name associated with this SSL configuration - always in
* lower case.
public String getHostName() {
return hostName;
public void setProtocols(String input) {
// List of protocol names, separated by ",", "+" or "-".
// Semantics is adding ("+") or removing ("-") from left
// to right, starting with an empty protocol set.
// Tokens are individual protocol names or "all" for a
// default set of supported protocols.
// Separator "," is only kept for compatibility and has the
// same semantics as "+", except that it warns about a potentially
// missing "+" or "-".
// Split using a positive lookahead to keep the separator in
// the capture so we can check which case it is.
for (String value: input.split("(?=[-+,])")) {
String trimmed = value.trim();
// Ignore token which only consists of prefix character
if (trimmed.length() > 1) {
if (trimmed.charAt(0) == '+') {
trimmed = trimmed.substring(1).trim();
if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.SSL_PROTO_ALL)) {
} else {
} else if (trimmed.charAt(0) == '-') {
trimmed = trimmed.substring(1).trim();
if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.SSL_PROTO_ALL)) {
} else {
} else {
if (trimmed.charAt(0) == ',') {
trimmed = trimmed.substring(1).trim();
if (!protocols.isEmpty()) {
trimmed, getHostName()));
if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.SSL_PROTO_ALL)) {
} else {
public Set<String> getProtocols() {
return protocols;
boolean isExplicitlyRequestedProtocol(String protocol) {
return explicitlyRequestedProtocols.contains(protocol);
public void setSessionCacheSize(int sessionCacheSize) {
this.sessionCacheSize = sessionCacheSize;
public int getSessionCacheSize() {
return sessionCacheSize;
public void setSessionTimeout(int sessionTimeout) {
this.sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout;
public int getSessionTimeout() {
return sessionTimeout;
// ---------------------------------- JSSE specific configuration properties
public void setKeyManagerAlgorithm(String keyManagerAlgorithm) {
setProperty("keyManagerAlgorithm", Type.JSSE);
this.keyManagerAlgorithm = keyManagerAlgorithm;
public String getKeyManagerAlgorithm() {
return keyManagerAlgorithm;
public void setRevocationEnabled(boolean revocationEnabled) {
setProperty("revocationEnabled", Type.JSSE);
this.revocationEnabled = revocationEnabled;
public boolean getRevocationEnabled() {
return revocationEnabled;
public void setSslProtocol(String sslProtocol) {
setProperty("sslProtocol", Type.JSSE);
this.sslProtocol = sslProtocol;
public String getSslProtocol() {
return sslProtocol;
public void setTrustManagerClassName(String trustManagerClassName) {
setProperty("trustManagerClassName", Type.JSSE);
this.trustManagerClassName = trustManagerClassName;
public String getTrustManagerClassName() {
return trustManagerClassName;
public void setTruststoreAlgorithm(String truststoreAlgorithm) {
setProperty("truststoreAlgorithm", Type.JSSE);
this.truststoreAlgorithm = truststoreAlgorithm;
public String getTruststoreAlgorithm() {
return truststoreAlgorithm;
public void setTruststoreFile(String truststoreFile) {
setProperty("truststoreFile", Type.JSSE);
this.truststoreFile = truststoreFile;
public String getTruststoreFile() {
return truststoreFile;
public void setTruststorePassword(String truststorePassword) {
setProperty("truststorePassword", Type.JSSE);
this.truststorePassword = truststorePassword;
public String getTruststorePassword() {
return truststorePassword;
public void setTruststoreProvider(String truststoreProvider) {
setProperty("truststoreProvider", Type.JSSE);
this.truststoreProvider = truststoreProvider;
public String getTruststoreProvider() {
if (truststoreProvider == null) {
Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> certificates = getCertificates();
if (certificates.size() == 1) {
return certificates.iterator().next().getCertificateKeystoreProvider();
return SSLHostConfigCertificate.DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER;
} else {
return truststoreProvider;
public void setTruststoreType(String truststoreType) {
setProperty("truststoreType", Type.JSSE);
this.truststoreType = truststoreType;
public String getTruststoreType() {
if (truststoreType == null) {
Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> certificates = getCertificates();
if (certificates.size() == 1) {
String keystoreType = certificates.iterator().next().getCertificateKeystoreType();
// Don't use keystore type as the default if we know it is not
// going to be used as a trust store type
if (!"PKCS12".equalsIgnoreCase(keystoreType)) {
return keystoreType;
return SSLHostConfigCertificate.DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE;
} else {
return truststoreType;
public void setTrustStore(KeyStore truststore) {
this.truststore = truststore;
public KeyStore getTruststore() throws IOException {
KeyStore result = truststore;
if (result == null) {
if (truststoreFile != null){
try {
result = SSLUtilBase.getStore(getTruststoreType(), getTruststoreProvider(),
getTruststoreFile(), getTruststorePassword(), null);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Throwable cause = ioe.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnrecoverableKeyException) {
// Log a warning we had a password issue
// Re-try
result = SSLUtilBase.getStore(getTruststoreType(), getTruststoreProvider(),
getTruststoreFile(), null, null);
} else {
// Something else went wrong - re-throw
throw ioe;
return result;
// ------------------------------- OpenSSL specific configuration properties
public void setCertificateRevocationListPath(String certificateRevocationListPath) {
setProperty("certificateRevocationListPath", Type.OPENSSL);
this.certificateRevocationListPath = certificateRevocationListPath;
public String getCertificateRevocationListPath() {
return certificateRevocationListPath;
public void setCaCertificateFile(String caCertificateFile) {
if (setProperty("caCertificateFile", Type.OPENSSL)) {
// Reset default JSSE trust store if not a JSSE configuration
if (truststoreFile != null) {
truststoreFile = null;
this.caCertificateFile = caCertificateFile;
public String getCaCertificateFile() {
return caCertificateFile;
public void setCaCertificatePath(String caCertificatePath) {
if (setProperty("caCertificatePath", Type.OPENSSL)) {
// Reset default JSSE trust store if not a JSSE configuration
if (truststoreFile != null) {
truststoreFile = null;
this.caCertificatePath = caCertificatePath;
public String getCaCertificatePath() {
return caCertificatePath;
public void setDisableCompression(boolean disableCompression) {
setProperty("disableCompression", Type.OPENSSL);
this.disableCompression = disableCompression;
public boolean getDisableCompression() {
return disableCompression;
public void setDisableSessionTickets(boolean disableSessionTickets) {
setProperty("disableSessionTickets", Type.OPENSSL);
this.disableSessionTickets = disableSessionTickets;
public boolean getDisableSessionTickets() {
return disableSessionTickets;
public void setInsecureRenegotiation(boolean insecureRenegotiation) {
setProperty("insecureRenegotiation", Type.OPENSSL);
this.insecureRenegotiation = insecureRenegotiation;
public boolean getInsecureRenegotiation() {
return insecureRenegotiation;
// --------------------------------------------------------- Support methods
public Set<X509Certificate> certificatesExpiringBefore(Date date) {
Set<X509Certificate> result = new HashSet<>();
Set<SSLHostConfigCertificate> sslHostConfigCertificates = getCertificates();
for (SSLHostConfigCertificate sslHostConfigCertificate : sslHostConfigCertificates) {
SSLContext sslContext = sslHostConfigCertificate.getSslContext();
if (sslContext != null) {
String alias = sslHostConfigCertificate.getCertificateKeyAlias();
if (alias == null) {
X509Certificate[] certificates = sslContext.getCertificateChain(alias);
if (certificates != null && certificates.length > 0) {
X509Certificate certificate = certificates[0];
Date expirationDate = certificate.getNotAfter();
if (date.after(expirationDate)) {
return result;
public static String adjustRelativePath(String path) throws FileNotFoundException {
// Empty or null path can't point to anything useful. The assumption is
// that the value is deliberately empty / null so leave it that way.
if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {
return path;
String newPath = path;
File f = new File(newPath);
if ( !f.isAbsolute()) {
newPath = System.getProperty(Constants.CATALINA_BASE_PROP) + File.separator + newPath;
f = new File(newPath);
if (!f.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(sm.getString("sslHostConfig.fileNotFound", newPath));
return newPath;
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Inner classes
public enum Type {
public enum CertificateVerification {
private final boolean optional;
CertificateVerification(boolean optional) {
this.optional = optional;
public boolean isOptional() {
return optional;
public static CertificateVerification fromString(String value) {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"require".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"required".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
return REQUIRED;
} else if ("optional".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"want".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
return OPTIONAL;
} else if ("optionalNoCA".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"optional_no_ca".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"no".equalsIgnoreCase(value) ||
"none".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
return NONE;
} else {
// Could be a typo. Don't default to NONE since that is not
// secure. Force user to fix config. Could default to REQUIRED
// instead.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
sm.getString("sslHostConfig.certificateVerificationInvalid", value));