Testsuite: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.TestCookies Tests run: 34, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.372 sec ------------- Standard Error ----------------- Jul 20, 2024 3:44:17 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.parser.Cookie logInvalidHeader INFO: A cookie header was received [{"a":true, "b":false};] that contained an invalid cookie. That cookie will be ignored. Note: further occurrences of this error will be logged at DEBUG level. ------------- ---------------- --------------- Testcase: allow8BitInV0Value took 0.237 sec Testcase: v1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookieRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: v1QuoteInQuotedValueRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: testJsonInV0 took 0.072 sec Testcase: testJsonInV1 took 0.001 sec Testcase: disallowControlInV1UnquotedValue took 0.005 sec Testcase: testSkipSemicolonOrComma took 0 sec Testcase: testBasicCookieRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: v1DQuoteInValueRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: v1QuotedValueEndsInBackslashRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: v1EscapedDQuoteInValueRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: v1PathAffectsPrecedingCookieRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: eightBitControlInV1UnquotedValue took 0.001 sec Testcase: v1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharactersRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: disallow8bitInName took 0 sec Testcase: eightBitInV1UnquotedValue took 0 sec Testcase: v1QuoteInValueRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: testEmptyPairsRfc6265 took 0.014 sec Testcase: v1DomainIsParsedRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: v1NameOnlyRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: allow8bitInV1QuotedValue took 0 sec Testcase: disallow8BitControlInName took 0.006 sec Testcase: disallowControlInName took 0 sec Testcase: v1TokenValueRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: testSeparatorsInValueRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: testBug60788Rfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: disallowControlInV1QuotedValue took 0 sec Testcase: rfc2109Version0Rfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: v1QuotedValueRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: disallowControlInV0Value took 0 sec Testcase: testQuotedValueRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: v1PortIsIgnoredRfc6265 took 0.001 sec Testcase: v1MismatchedQuotesRfc6265 took 0 sec Testcase: testNameOnlyAreDroppedRfc6265 took 0.001 sec