 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelException;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelInterceptor;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelMessage;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Member;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.UniqueId;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.MemberImpl;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.Membership;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.util.StringManager;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.util.UUIDGenerator;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;

 * <p>
 * Title: Auto merging leader election algorithm
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Description: Implementation of a simple coordinator algorithm that not only selects a coordinator, it also merges
 * groups automatically when members are discovered that weren't part of the
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This algorithm is non blocking meaning it allows for transactions while the coordination phase is going on
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This implementation is based on a home brewed algorithm that uses the AbsoluteOrder of a membership to pass a token
 * ring of the current membership.<br>
 * This is not the same as just using AbsoluteOrder! Consider the following scenario:<br>
 * Nodes, A,B,C,D,E on a network, in that priority. AbsoluteOrder will only work if all nodes are receiving pings from
 * all the other nodes. meaning, that node{i} receives pings from node{all}-node{i}<br>
 * but the following could happen if a multicast problem occurs. A has members {B,C,D}<br>
 * B has members {A,C}<br>
 * C has members {D,E}<br>
 * D has members {A,B,C,E}<br>
 * E has members {A,C,D}<br>
 * Because the default Tribes membership implementation, relies on the multicast packets to arrive at all nodes
 * correctly, there is nothing guaranteeing that it will.<br>
 * <br>
 * To best explain how this algorithm works, lets take the above example: For simplicity we assume that a send operation
 * is O(1) for all nodes, although this algorithm will work where messages overlap, as they all depend on absolute
 * order<br>
 * Scenario 1: A,B,C,D,E all come online at the same time Eval phase, A thinks of itself as leader, B thinks of A as
 * leader, C thinks of itself as leader, D,E think of A as leader<br>
 * Token phase:<br>
 * (1) A sends out a message X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D} to B where X is the id for the message(and the view)<br>
 * (1) C sends out a message Y{C-ldr, C-src, mbrs-C,D,E} to D where Y is the id for the message(and the view)<br>
 * (2) B receives X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D}, sends X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D} to C <br>
 * (2) D receives Y{C-ldr, C-src, mbrs-C,D,E} D is aware of A,B, sends Y{A-ldr, C-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} to E<br>
 * (3) C receives X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D}, sends X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} to D<br>
 * (3) E receives Y{A-ldr, C-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} sends Y{A-ldr, C-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} to A<br>
 * (4) D receives X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} sends sends X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} to A<br>
 * (4) A receives Y{A-ldr, C-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E}, holds the message, add E to its list of members<br>
 * (5) A receives X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} <br>
 * At this point, the state looks like<br>
 * A - {A-ldr, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E, id=X}<br>
 * B - {A-ldr, mbrs-A,B,C,D, id=X}<br>
 * C - {A-ldr, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E, id=X}<br>
 * D - {A-ldr, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E, id=X}<br>
 * E - {A-ldr, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E, id=Y}<br>
 * <br>
 * A message doesn't stop until it reaches its original sender, unless its dropped by a higher leader. As you can see, E
 * still thinks the viewId=Y, which is not correct. But at this point we have arrived at the same membership and all
 * nodes are informed of each other.<br>
 * To synchronize the rest we simply perform the following check at A when A receives X:<br>
 * Original X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D} == Arrived X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E}<br>
 * Since the condition is false, A, will resend the token, and A sends X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E} to B When A
 * receives X again, the token is complete. <br>
 * Optionally, A can send a message X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D,E confirmed} to A,B,C,D,E who then install and accept
 * the view.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Lets assume that C1 arrives, C1 has lower priority than C, but higher priority than D.<br>
 * Lets also assume that C1 sees the following view {B,D,E}<br>
 * C1 waits for a token to arrive. When the token arrives, the same scenario as above will happen.<br>
 * In the scenario where C1 sees {D,E} and A,B,C cannot see C1, no token will ever arrive.<br>
 * In this case, C1 sends a Z{C1-ldr, C1-src, mbrs-C1,D,E} to D<br>
 * D receives Z{C1-ldr, C1-src, mbrs-C1,D,E} and sends Z{A-ldr, C1-src, mbrs-A,B,C,C1,D,E} to E<br>
 * E receives Z{A-ldr, C1-src, mbrs-A,B,C,C1,D,E} and sends it to A<br>
 * A sends Z{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,C1,D,E} to B and the chain continues until A receives the token again. At that
 * time A optionally sends out Z{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,C1,D,E, confirmed} to A,B,C,C1,D,E
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * To ensure that the view gets implemented at all nodes at the same time, A will send out a VIEW_CONF message, this is
 * the 'confirmed' message that is optional above.
 * <p>
 * Ideally, the interceptor below this one would be the TcpFailureDetector to ensure correct memberships
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The example above, of course can be simplified with a finite statemachine:<br>
 * But I suck at writing state machines, my head gets all confused. One day I will document this algorithm though.<br>
 * Maybe I'll do a state diagram :)
 * </p>
 * <h2>State Diagrams</h2>
 * <a href="">Initiate an
 * election</a><br>
 * <br>
 * <a href="">Receive an election
 * message</a><br>
 * <br>
public class NonBlockingCoordinator extends ChannelInterceptorBase {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NonBlockingCoordinator.class);
    protected static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(NonBlockingCoordinator.class);

     * header for a coordination message
    protected static final byte[] COORD_HEADER =
            new byte[] { -86, 38, -34, -29, -98, 90, 65, 63, -81, -122, -6, -110, 99, -54, 13, 63 };
     * Coordination request
    protected static final byte[] COORD_REQUEST =
            new byte[] { 104, -95, -92, -42, 114, -36, 71, -19, -79, 20, 122, 101, -1, -48, -49, 30 };
     * Coordination confirmation, for blocking installations
    protected static final byte[] COORD_CONF =
            new byte[] { 67, 88, 107, -86, 69, 23, 76, -70, -91, -23, -87, -25, -125, 86, 75, 20 };

     * Alive message
    protected static final byte[] COORD_ALIVE = new byte[] { 79, -121, -25, -15, -59, 5, 64, 94, -77, 113, -119, -88,
            52, 114, -56, -46, -18, 102, 10, 34, -127, -9, 71, 115, -70, 72, -101, 88, 72, -124, 127, 111, 74, 76, -116,
            50, 111, 103, 65, 3, -77, 51, -35, 0, 119, 117, 9, -26, 119, 50, -75, -105, -102, 36, 79, 37, -68, -84,
            -123, 15, -22, -109, 106, -55 };
     * Time to wait for coordination timeout
    protected final long waitForCoordMsgTimeout = 15000;
     * Our current view
    protected volatile Membership view = null;
     * Out current viewId
    protected UniqueId viewId;

     * Our nonblocking membership
    protected Membership membership = null;

     * indicates that we are running an election and this is the one we are running
    protected UniqueId suggestedviewId;
    protected volatile Membership suggestedView;

    protected volatile boolean started = false;
    protected final int startsvc = 0xFFFF;

    protected final Object electionMutex = new Object();

    protected final AtomicBoolean coordMsgReceived = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    public NonBlockingCoordinator() {

    // ============================================================================================================
    // ============================================================================================================

    public void startElection(boolean force) throws ChannelException {
        synchronized (electionMutex) {
            Member local = getLocalMember(false);
            Member[] others = membership.getMembers();
            fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_START_ELECT, this, "Election initiated"));
            if (others.length == 0) {
                this.viewId = new UniqueId(UUIDGenerator.randomUUID(false));
                this.view = new Membership(local, AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
                this.handleViewConf(createElectionMsg(local, others, local), view);
                return; // the only member, no need for an election
            if (suggestedviewId != null) {

                if (view != null && Arrays.diff(view, suggestedView, local).length == 0 &&
                        Arrays.diff(suggestedView, view, local).length == 0) {
                    suggestedviewId = null;
                    suggestedView = null;
                    fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED, this,
                            "Election abandoned, running election matches view"));
                } else {
                    fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED, this,
                            "Election abandoned, election running"));
                return; // election already running, I'm not allowed to have two of them
            if (view != null && Arrays.diff(view, membership, local).length == 0 &&
                    Arrays.diff(membership, view, local).length == 0) {
                fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED, this,
                        "Election abandoned, view matches membership"));
                return; // already have this view installed
            int prio =, others[0]);
            Member leader = (prio < 0) ? local : others[0];// am I the leader in my view?
            if (local.equals(leader) || force) {
                CoordinationMessage msg = createElectionMsg(local, others, leader);
                suggestedviewId = msg.getId();
                suggestedView = new Membership(local, AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
                Arrays.fill(suggestedView, msg.getMembers());
                        new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_PROCESS_ELECT, this, "Election, sending request"));
                sendElectionMsg(local, others[0], msg);
            } else {
                try {
                    fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_WAIT_FOR_MSG, this,
                            "Election, waiting for request"));
                } catch (InterruptedException x) {
                String msg;
                if (suggestedviewId == null && !coordMsgReceived.get()) {
                    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                        msg = "Election abandoned, waiting interrupted.";
                    } else {
                        msg = "Election abandoned, waiting timed out.";
                } else {
                    msg = "Election abandoned, received a message";
                fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED, this, msg));

    private CoordinationMessage createElectionMsg(Member local, Member[] others, Member leader) {
        Membership m = new Membership(local, AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
        Arrays.fill(m, others);
        Member[] mbrs = m.getMembers();
        CoordinationMessage msg = new CoordinationMessage(leader, local, mbrs,
                new UniqueId(UUIDGenerator.randomUUID(true)), COORD_REQUEST);
        return msg;

    protected void sendElectionMsg(Member local, Member next, CoordinationMessage msg) throws ChannelException {
        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_SEND_MSG, this,
                "Sending election message to(" + next.getName() + ")"));
        super.sendMessage(new Member[] { next }, createData(msg, local), null);

    protected void sendElectionMsgToNextInline(Member local, CoordinationMessage msg) throws ChannelException {
        int next = Arrays.nextIndex(local, msg.getMembers());
        int current = next;
        msg.leader = msg.getMembers()[0];
        boolean sent = false;
        while (!sent && current >= 0) {
            try {
                sendElectionMsg(local, msg.getMembers()[current], msg);
                sent = true;
            } catch (ChannelException x) {
                log.warn(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.electionMessage.sendfailed", msg.getMembers()[current]));
                current = Arrays.nextIndex(msg.getMembers()[current], msg.getMembers());
                if (current == next) {
                    throw x;

    public ChannelData createData(CoordinationMessage msg, Member local) {
        ChannelData data = new ChannelData(true);
        return data;

    protected boolean alive(Member mbr) {
        return memberAlive(mbr, waitForCoordMsgTimeout);

    protected boolean memberAlive(Member mbr, long conTimeout) {
        // could be a shutdown notification
        if (Arrays.equals(mbr.getCommand(), Member.SHUTDOWN_PAYLOAD)) {
            return false;

        try (Socket socket = new Socket()) {
            InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(mbr.getHost());
            InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(ia, mbr.getPort());
            socket.connect(addr, (int) conTimeout);
            return true;
        } catch (SocketTimeoutException | ConnectException x) {
            // do nothing, we couldn't connect
        } catch (Exception x) {
            log.error(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.memberAlive.failed"), x);
        return false;

    protected Membership mergeOnArrive(CoordinationMessage msg) {
        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_PRE_MERGE, this, "Pre merge"));
        Member local = getLocalMember(false);
        Membership merged = new Membership(local, AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
        Arrays.fill(merged, msg.getMembers());
        Arrays.fill(merged, getMembers());
        Member[] diff = Arrays.diff(merged, membership, local);
        for (Member member : diff) {
            if (!alive(member)) {
            } else {
                memberAdded(member, false);
        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_POST_MERGE, this, "Post merge"));
        return merged;

    protected void processCoordMessage(CoordinationMessage msg) throws ChannelException {
        if (!coordMsgReceived.get()) {
            synchronized (electionMutex) {
        Membership merged = mergeOnArrive(msg);
        if (isViewConf(msg)) {
            handleViewConf(msg, merged);
        } else {
            handleToken(msg, merged);

    protected void handleToken(CoordinationMessage msg, Membership merged) throws ChannelException {
        Member local = getLocalMember(false);
        if (local.equals(msg.getSource())) {
            // my message msg.src=local
            handleMyToken(local, msg, merged);
        } else {
            handleOtherToken(local, msg, merged);

    protected void handleMyToken(Member local, CoordinationMessage msg, Membership merged) throws ChannelException {
        if (local.equals(msg.getLeader())) {
            // no leadership change
            if (Arrays.sameMembers(msg.getMembers(), merged.getMembers())) {
                msg.type = COORD_CONF;
                super.sendMessage(Arrays.remove(msg.getMembers(), local), createData(msg, local), null);
                handleViewConf(msg, merged);
            } else {
                // membership change
                suggestedView = new Membership(local, AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
                suggestedviewId = msg.getId();
                Arrays.fill(suggestedView, merged.getMembers());
                msg.view = merged.getMembers();
                sendElectionMsgToNextInline(local, msg);
        } else {
            // leadership change
            suggestedView = null;
            suggestedviewId = null;
            msg.view = merged.getMembers();
            sendElectionMsgToNextInline(local, msg);

    protected void handleOtherToken(Member local, CoordinationMessage msg, Membership merged) throws ChannelException {
        if (local.equals(msg.getLeader())) {
            // I am the new leader
            // startElection(false);
        } else {
            msg.view = merged.getMembers();
            sendElectionMsgToNextInline(local, msg);

    protected void handleViewConf(CoordinationMessage msg, Membership merged) throws ChannelException {
        if (viewId != null && msg.getId().equals(viewId)) {
            return;// we already have this view
        view = new Membership(getLocalMember(false), AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
        Arrays.fill(view, msg.getMembers());
        viewId = msg.getId();

        if (viewId.equals(suggestedviewId)) {
            suggestedView = null;
            suggestedviewId = null;

        if (suggestedView != null &&
      [0], merged.getMembers()[0]) < 0) {
            suggestedView = null;
            suggestedviewId = null;

        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_CONF_RX, this, "Accepted View"));

        if (suggestedviewId == null && hasHigherPriority(merged.getMembers(), membership.getMembers())) {

    protected boolean isViewConf(CoordinationMessage msg) {
        return Arrays.contains(msg.getType(), 0, COORD_CONF, 0, COORD_CONF.length);

    protected boolean hasHigherPriority(Member[] complete, Member[] local) {
        if (local == null || local.length == 0) {
            return false;
        if (complete == null || complete.length == 0) {
            return true;
        return ([0], local[0]) > 0);


     * Returns coordinator if one is available
     * @return Member
    public Member getCoordinator() {
        return (view != null && view.hasMembers()) ? view.getMembers()[0] : null;

    public Member[] getView() {
        return (view != null && view.hasMembers()) ? view.getMembers() : new Member[0];

    public UniqueId getViewId() {
        return viewId;

     * Block in/out messages while a election is going on
    protected void halt() {


     * Release lock for in/out messages election is completed
    protected void release() {


     * Wait for an election to end
    protected void waitForRelease() {


    // ============================================================================================================
    // ============================================================================================================
    public void start(int svc) throws ChannelException {
        if (membership == null) {
        if (started) {
        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_START, this, "Before start"));
        started = true;
        if (view == null) {
            view = new Membership(super.getLocalMember(true), AbsoluteOrder.comp, true);
        fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_START, this, "After start"));

    public void stop(int svc) throws ChannelException {
        try {
            synchronized (electionMutex) {
                if (!started) {
                started = false;
                fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_STOP, this, "Before stop"));
                this.view = null;
                this.viewId = null;
                this.suggestedView = null;
                this.suggestedviewId = null;
                fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_STOP, this, "After stop"));
        } finally {

    public void sendMessage(Member[] destination, ChannelMessage msg, InterceptorPayload payload)
            throws ChannelException {
        super.sendMessage(destination, msg, payload);

    public void messageReceived(ChannelMessage msg) {
        if (Arrays.contains(msg.getMessage().getBytesDirect(), 0, COORD_ALIVE, 0, COORD_ALIVE.length)) {
            // ignore message, its an alive message
            fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_MSG_ARRIVE, this, "Alive Message"));

        } else if (Arrays.contains(msg.getMessage().getBytesDirect(), 0, COORD_HEADER, 0, COORD_HEADER.length)) {
            try {
                CoordinationMessage cmsg = new CoordinationMessage(msg.getMessage());
                Member[] cmbr = cmsg.getMembers();
                fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_MSG_ARRIVE, this,
                        "Coord Msg Arrived(" + Arrays.toNameString(cmbr) + ")"));
            } catch (ChannelException x) {
                log.error(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.processCoordinationMessage.failed"), x);
        } else {

    public void memberAdded(Member member) {
        memberAdded(member, true);

    public void memberAdded(Member member, boolean elect) {
        if (membership == null) {
        if (membership.memberAlive(member)) {
        try {
                    new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_MBR_ADD, this, "Member add(" + member.getName() + ")"));
            if (started && elect) {
        } catch (ChannelException x) {
            log.error(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.memberAdded.failed"), x);

    public void memberDisappeared(Member member) {
        try {
            fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_MBR_DEL, this,
                    "Member remove(" + member.getName() + ")"));
            if (started && (isCoordinator() || isHighest())) {
                startElection(true); // to do, if a member disappears, only the coordinator can start
        } catch (ChannelException x) {
            log.error(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.memberDisappeared.failed"), x);

    public boolean isHighest() {
        Member local = getLocalMember(false);
        if (membership.getMembers().length == 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return, membership.getMembers()[0]) <= 0;

    public boolean isCoordinator() {
        Member coord = getCoordinator();
        return coord != null && getLocalMember(false).equals(coord);

    public void heartbeat() {
        try {
            Member local = getLocalMember(false);
            if (view != null && (Arrays.diff(view, membership, local).length != 0 ||
                    Arrays.diff(membership, view, local).length != 0)) {
                if (isHighest()) {
                    fireInterceptorEvent(new CoordinationEvent(CoordinationEvent.EVT_START_ELECT, this,
        } catch (Exception x) {
            log.error(sm.getString("nonBlockingCoordinator.heartbeat.failed"), x);
        } finally {

    public boolean hasMembers() {

        return membership.hasMembers();

    public Member[] getMembers() {

        return membership.getMembers();

    public Member getMember(Member mbr) {

        return membership.getMember(mbr);

    public Member getLocalMember(boolean incAlive) {
        Member local = super.getLocalMember(incAlive);
        if (view == null && (local != null)) {
        return local;

    protected synchronized void setupMembership() {
        if (membership == null) {
            membership = new Membership(super.getLocalMember(true), AbsoluteOrder.comp, false);

    // ============================================================================================================
    // ============================================================================================================

    public static class CoordinationMessage {
        // X{A-ldr, A-src, mbrs-A,B,C,D}
        protected final XByteBuffer buf;
        protected Member leader;
        protected Member source;
        protected Member[] view;
        protected UniqueId id;
        protected byte[] type;

        public CoordinationMessage(XByteBuffer buf) {
            this.buf = buf;

        public CoordinationMessage(Member leader, Member source, Member[] view, UniqueId id, byte[] type) {
            this.buf = new XByteBuffer(4096, false);
            this.leader = leader;
            this.source = source;
            this.view = view;
   = id;
            this.type = type;

        public byte[] getHeader() {
            return COORD_HEADER;

        public Member getLeader() {
            if (leader == null) {
            return leader;

        public Member getSource() {
            if (source == null) {
            return source;

        public UniqueId getId() {
            if (id == null) {
            return id;

        public Member[] getMembers() {
            if (view == null) {
            return view;

        public byte[] getType() {
            if (type == null) {
            return type;

        public XByteBuffer getBuffer() {
            return this.buf;

        public void parse() {
            // header
            int offset = 16;
            // leader
            int ldrLen = XByteBuffer.toInt(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset);
            offset += 4;
            byte[] ldr = new byte[ldrLen];
            System.arraycopy(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset, ldr, 0, ldrLen);
            leader = MemberImpl.getMember(ldr);
            offset += ldrLen;
            // source
            int srcLen = XByteBuffer.toInt(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset);
            offset += 4;
            byte[] src = new byte[srcLen];
            System.arraycopy(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset, src, 0, srcLen);
            source = MemberImpl.getMember(src);
            offset += srcLen;
            // view
            int mbrCount = XByteBuffer.toInt(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset);
            offset += 4;
            view = new Member[mbrCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
                int mbrLen = XByteBuffer.toInt(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset);
                offset += 4;
                byte[] mbr = new byte[mbrLen];
                System.arraycopy(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset, mbr, 0, mbrLen);
                view[i] = MemberImpl.getMember(mbr);
                offset += mbrLen;
            // id
   = new UniqueId(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset, 16);
            offset += 16;
            type = new byte[16];
            System.arraycopy(buf.getBytesDirect(), offset, type, 0, type.length);
            offset += 16;


        public void write() {
            // header
            buf.append(COORD_HEADER, 0, COORD_HEADER.length);
            // leader
            byte[] ldr = leader.getData(false, false);
            buf.append(ldr, 0, ldr.length);
            ldr = null;
            // source
            byte[] src = source.getData(false, false);
            buf.append(src, 0, src.length);
            src = null;
            // view
            for (Member member : view) {
                byte[] mbr = member.getData(false, false);
                buf.append(mbr, 0, mbr.length);
            // id
            buf.append(id.getBytes(), 0, id.getBytes().length);
            buf.append(type, 0, type.length);

    public void fireInterceptorEvent(InterceptorEvent event) {
        if (event instanceof CoordinationEvent) {
            if (((CoordinationEvent) event).type == CoordinationEvent.EVT_CONF_RX) {
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

    public static class CoordinationEvent implements InterceptorEvent {
        public static final int EVT_START = 1;
        public static final int EVT_MBR_ADD = 2;
        public static final int EVT_MBR_DEL = 3;
        public static final int EVT_START_ELECT = 4;
        public static final int EVT_PROCESS_ELECT = 5;
        public static final int EVT_MSG_ARRIVE = 6;
        public static final int EVT_PRE_MERGE = 7;
        public static final int EVT_POST_MERGE = 8;
        public static final int EVT_WAIT_FOR_MSG = 9;
        public static final int EVT_SEND_MSG = 10;
        public static final int EVT_STOP = 11;
        public static final int EVT_CONF_RX = 12;
        public static final int EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED = 13;

        final int type;
        final ChannelInterceptor interceptor;
        final Member coord;
        final Member[] mbrs;
        final String info;
        final Membership view;
        final Membership suggestedView;

        public CoordinationEvent(int type, ChannelInterceptor interceptor, String info) {
            this.type = type;
            this.interceptor = interceptor;
            this.coord = ((NonBlockingCoordinator) interceptor).getCoordinator();
            this.mbrs = ((NonBlockingCoordinator) interceptor).membership.getMembers();
   = info;
            this.view = ((NonBlockingCoordinator) interceptor).view;
            this.suggestedView = ((NonBlockingCoordinator) interceptor).suggestedView;

        public int getEventType() {
            return type;

        public String getEventTypeDesc() {
            switch (type) {
                case EVT_START:
                    return "EVT_START:" + info;
                case EVT_MBR_ADD:
                    return "EVT_MBR_ADD:" + info;
                case EVT_MBR_DEL:
                    return "EVT_MBR_DEL:" + info;
                case EVT_START_ELECT:
                    return "EVT_START_ELECT:" + info;
                case EVT_PROCESS_ELECT:
                    return "EVT_PROCESS_ELECT:" + info;
                case EVT_MSG_ARRIVE:
                    return "EVT_MSG_ARRIVE:" + info;
                case EVT_PRE_MERGE:
                    return "EVT_PRE_MERGE:" + info;
                case EVT_POST_MERGE:
                    return "EVT_POST_MERGE:" + info;
                case EVT_WAIT_FOR_MSG:
                    return "EVT_WAIT_FOR_MSG:" + info;
                case EVT_SEND_MSG:
                    return "EVT_SEND_MSG:" + info;
                case EVT_STOP:
                    return "EVT_STOP:" + info;
                case EVT_CONF_RX:
                    return "EVT_CONF_RX:" + info;
                case EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED:
                    return "EVT_ELECT_ABANDONED:" + info;
                    return "Unknown";

        public ChannelInterceptor getInterceptor() {
            return interceptor;

        public String toString() {
            Member local = interceptor.getLocalMember(false);
            return sm.getString("", Integer.valueOf(type),
                    (local != null ? local.getName() : ""), (coord != null ? coord.getName() : ""),
                    Arrays.toNameString(view != null ? view.getMembers() : null),
                    Arrays.toNameString(suggestedView != null ? suggestedView.getMembers() : null),
                    Arrays.toNameString(mbrs), info);
