 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.tomcat.jni;

 * Directory
 * @author Mladen Turk
 * @deprecated  The scope of the APR/Native Library will be reduced in Tomcat
 *              10.1.x / Tomcat Native 2.x onwards to only include those
 *              components required to provide OpenSSL integration with the NIO
 *              and NIO2 connectors.
public class Directory {

     * Create a new directory on the file system.
     * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
     * @param perm Permissions for the new directory.
     * @param pool the pool to use.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int make(String path, int perm, long pool);

     * Creates a new directory on the file system, but behaves like
     * 'mkdir -p'. Creates intermediate directories as required. No error
     * will be reported if PATH already exists.
     * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
     * @param perm Permissions for the new directory.
     * @param pool the pool to use.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int makeRecursive(String path, int perm, long pool);

     * Remove directory from the file system.
     * @param path the path for the directory to be removed. (use / on all systems)
     * @param pool the pool to use.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int remove(String path, long pool);

     * Find an existing directory suitable as a temporary storage location.
     * @param pool The pool to use for any necessary allocations.
     * @return The temp directory.
     * This function uses an algorithm to search for a directory that an
     * an application can use for temporary storage.  Once such a
     * directory is found, that location is cached by the library.  Thus,
     * callers only pay the cost of this algorithm once if that one time
     * is successful.
    public static native String tempGet(long pool);

     * Open the specified directory.
     * @param dirname The full path to the directory (use / on all systems)
     * @param pool The pool to use.
     * @return The opened directory descriptor.
     * @throws Error An error occurred
    public static native long open(String dirname, long pool)
        throws Error;

     * close the specified directory.
     * @param thedir the directory descriptor to close.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int close(long thedir);

     * Rewind the directory to the first entry.
     * @param thedir the directory descriptor to rewind.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int rewind(long thedir);

     * Read the next entry from the specified directory.
     * @param finfo the file info structure and filled in by apr_dir_read
     * @param wanted The desired apr_finfo_t fields, as a bit flag of APR_FINFO_ values
     * @param thedir the directory descriptor returned from apr_dir_open
     * No ordering is guaranteed for the entries read.
     * @return the operation result
    public static native int read(FileInfo finfo, int wanted, long thedir);
