The document is a manual for maintainers of Apache UIMA, specifically focusing on aspects such as preparing releases etc. Although this is part of the documentation of the UIMA Java SDK, many aspects also apply to other Apache UIMA sub-projects.

Copyright © 2006, 2023 The Apache Software Foundation

Copyright © 2004, 2006 International Business Machines Corporation

License and Disclaimer

The ASF licenses this documentation to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this documentation and its contents are distributed under the License on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


All terms mentioned in the text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of such terms in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of the the trademark or service mark.

1. Maintainer Setup

1.1. Platform: Java

Most Apache UIMA code is written in Java. To build it, you need a recent Java Development Kit (JDK) which can be obtained from the Eclipse Adoptium project - but there are also plenty of other JDK vendors offering free JDKs (or even ones with commercial support).

The minimum Java version required for building Apache UIMA is: 17 The minimum Java version required for using Apache UIMA as a library is: 17

It is recommended to install the latest long term support (LTS) Java version and use it for development. When performing a release, a minimum-version JDK should be used to ensure compatibility for downstream users.

1.2. Version control: Git and Subversion

Apache UIMA projects use Git although some projects still reside in Subversion and releases are staged to the ASF Subversion repository. Thus, you should install a Subversion client as well as a Git client - best the latest available version. If you are using an IDE, you may also care to install a suitable Subversion in addition to the Git plugin for the IDE. Most IDEs come with Git plugins already pre-installed. If you are lucky, it might be enough for you. If you need to work with one of the older Subversion repositories of the project, having the Subversion plugin is handy as well.

Configure your SVN client to set the eol-style to native, for newly created files; see for instructions on how to do this.

1.3. IDE: Eclipse or another one

Eclipse is usually the IDE of choice for UIMA developers because UIMA provides several Eclipse plugins to facilitate editing UIMA XML descriptor files and the example projects are also currently provided as Eclipse projects.

You can also use another IDE like IntelliJ, Netbeans or even VSCode because the builds themselves are largely driven by Maven.

1.4. Build tool: Maven

Most Apache UIMA sub-projects are built using Apache Maven version 3 or higher. Maven offers a largely declarative and convention-driven build process and in particular automatically downloads required third-party libraries from the internet, in particular from the Maven Central repository.

You can download the latest Maven version from or install it using your favourite package manager. Most Java IDEs already come with Maven support pre-installed. If your IDE does not offer Maven support out-of-the-box, you may want to install a suitable plugin.

  • Download the latest Apache Maven from .

  • Set up your PATH to use this version.

  • (Optional, but is needed for some JVM/platforms, to give the JVM enough room to build things). Set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

1.4.1. Maven toolchains

To ensure that an Apache UIMA build is actually compatible with the minimum system requirements, it is important to build it against a minimum requirements environment. However, it is possible that Maven or plugins we use no longer are able to run on the same minimum system requirements that Apache UIMA aims to meet and thus for building, you may need e.g. a never Java version. To ensure that we can still build against the desired target environment, we use the Maven Toolchains Plugin.

Using this plugin requires that you have a toolchains.xml file, typically in your ~/.m2 folder. This file should contains at least a toolchain declaration for the Apache UIMA minimum Java version, e.g.:

Example toolchains.xml file

2. Project structure

Version-independent description of the project

Specific information about the last release.


Copyright information


License information


Configuration file for building the project on the ASF Jenkins.


Entry point for Maven-based (Java) projects.


Configuration file for the ASF GitHub integration.

.gitignore / .gitattributes`

Git configuration files as required


GitHub configuration and tempalte files

3. Maven Build

This section describes various functionalities provided by the UIMA Parent POM and how to use them in downstream projects.

3.1. Issues fixed report

In order for your project to generate an issues fixed report from the ASF Jira, add an empty file called marker-file-enabling-changes-report to the root of your Maven project. This activates the generate-changes-report profile from the parent POM.

You can also generate this report manually (for instance, if you want to have a look at what it will produce) by going to top level project being released (e.g., uima-uimaj) and issuing the maven command:

mvn changes:github-report -N

Each time this profile/plugin is run, it creates an updated report in the top level of this project. This report doesn’t need to be checked into source control.

3.2. Auto-staging of release candidates

Once the release build is complete, the artifacts need to be uploaded to the ASF Subversion repository for voting. To avoid having to perform this step manually, the Maven build includes an auto-staging mechanism. To use this mechansim, place an empty file called marker-file-enabling-auto-staging. This file activates the profile apache-release-rc-auto-staging.

Additionally, you have to add an execution to your project’s root Maven POM that copies the release artifacts to a local staging folder. At the start of the build, the auto-staging profile will check out the ASF Subversion repository RC staging spot to that local staging folder. Then your execution kicks in to copy the RC artifacts into the local folder. Finally, the auto-staging profile will add and commit the artifacts to Subversion.

Below is an example of how to copy the release artifacts to the local staging spot. The variables $/home/jenkins/jenkins-agent/workspace/UIMA/UIMA Java SDK Documentation nightly/uimaj-documentation/target/staging and $uimaj-documentation-3.6.0-SNAPSHOT-RC-${staging-timestamp}-${candidate-id} are provided by the UIMA Parent POM.

                  <mkdir dir="${staging-local-root}/${staging-folder}" />
                  <copy todir="${staging-local-root}/${staging-folder}">
                    <fileset dir="${}">
                      <include name="uimafit-${project.version}-*.zip" />
                      <include name="uimafit-${project.version}-*.zip.asc" />
                      <include name="uimafit-${project.version}-*.zip.sha512" />

Also, it is necessary to add credentials to the settings.xml for the server to which the release candidate artifacts are staged. Normally, the server is, so you need to add an entry such as e.g.


To test the auto-staging mechanism, you can set up a local Subversion repository and then run a build that skips the Maven Deploy Plugin and which is configured to use your local Subversion repo for auto-staging:

  • Initialize a local svn repo: svnadmin create /my/local/testrepo

  • Do a test build: mvn -Papache-release -DskipTests -Dmaven.deploy.skip -Dstaging-scm-root='scm:svn:file:///my/local/testrepo/' clean deploy

  • Check if the commit made it in: svn log file:///my/local/testrepo/

4. Release Process

The Apache UIMA project mainly releases:

  • Sub-projects like Apache UIMA Java SDK, uimaFIT, RUTA etc.

  • Some Maven build tooling components that need to be in the Maven repositories to support our Maven processes.

Releases show up in the Maven central repository and/or as downloadable artifacts listed on our downloads pages.

4.1. Release planning

Release planning happens in the issue tracker of the particular project on GitHub.

As part of the planning, new issues are created and typically one somebody assigns the issue to themselves, they also set target version to the next bugfix or feature release in line.

There is no fixed release schedule. Anybody may ask for the preparation of a new release. A committer then has to step up to act as the release manager and to perform the release process.

4.2. Performing the release

4.2.1. Preparations

  • Create release issue and release preparation branch

    Our development branches (i.e. main and maintenance/*) should be protected, so you cannot run a release directly on them. So in order to start a release, first create a release issue to track the release progress and then a corresponding release preparation branch in the repository. Release preparation branches for feature releases should be based off main whereas branches for preparing bugfix releases should be based off a maintenance/XXX branch. Once the release vote is complete, the preparation branch is then merged just like any other pull request.

  • Update file

    If file contains version references, update them. E.g. if you have a Maven dependency snippet in there. Optimally, the file should not have any contents that need to change from version to version.

  • Update file

    Update the release notes for the release. In particular, include the notable changes (typically all features and bug fixes). You can use this list later for the release announcement mail as well.

    Also mention any important changes regarding backwards compatibility.

  • Check the LICENSE and NOTICE files for the binary release

    There may be a [project-root]/src/main/bin_distr_license_notices folder containing LICENSE and NOTICE files which are used for preparing the binary release packages. If the release includes new or updated dependencies bundled in the binary release packages, then these files need to be updated with the respective content from the LICENSE and NOTICE files that may be present in these bundled dependencies (inside the JARs going to the lib) folder.

  • Make sure to remove all SNAPSHOT repositories and SNAPSHOT dependencies

    The Maven release plugin will complain if there are still any SNAPSHOT dependencies being referenced that are not part of the release. However, it will NOT complain if there are still Maven SNAPSHOT repository declarations in the POMs. Check in particular the parent pom for SNAPSHOT repositories and comment them out or remove them.

  • Update API reference version in POM

    Update the parent-pom settings for API change reports setting api_check_old_version to the correct previous version to use.

  • Check that the Eclipse .classpath files which are checked in as part of the examples have the proper version numbers for their JARs

    If the release includes Eclipse projects as examples and the release includes also new or updated dependencies, the Eclipse .classpath files in the example projects may need to be updated to include the new libraries.

    There may be a generation process involved. E.g. in the UIMA Java SDK, the template for the .classpath files can be found in uimaj-examples/src/main/eclipseProject/classpath.

4.2.2. Building

  • Clean local m2 repository

    Purge your local maven repository of artifacts being built by running in the top level directory you will be building from:

    mvn dependency:purge-local-repository

    Note that this will immediately re-resolve the dependencies from the maven repositories you have configured.

    For many multi-module projects, this will fail because it purges things that other modules need. So, the alternative is to just delete the .m2/…​/org/apache/uima/…​` directory on your build machine.

  • Commit all changes and check out in a new clean build location

    Make sure all changes are checked into source control. Then checkout (not export) from source control the project(s) you’ll be building, into a new build location, and do all the building from there.

    If you instead choose to build from your working source control checkout, insure it’s up-to-date with all changes that others may have checked into the release branch.

  • Run a trial build locally with -Papache-release

    Do a trial build of the release candidate:

    $ mvn clean install -Papache-release -Ddisable-rc-auto-staging

    The -Papache-release is used to have the build mimic the build actions that would be taken when the release plugin is running the release build. The -Ddisable-rc-auto-staging ensures that you do not need Subversion and also that you do not (accidentally) stage the release candidate artifacts to the Apache staging area.

  • Check the issues report in issuesFixed if it looks ok

    The build includes a generated set of issues fixedin this release. To make this accurate, go through the issues and ensure the ones you are including in the release are closed, and that the milestone is set for each issue that is part of the release.

  • Do the release build (mvn -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:prepare release:perform)

    We use the maven-release-plugin to do the releasing. In the prepare phase, it updates the trunk artifacts to remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix, commits it to trunk, and then does an SVN copy or GIT Branch of the trunk or master to create the tag. Then it updates the trunk artifacts to the next version-SNAPSHOT, and commits that.

    The release:perform goal checks out the tag and builds/tests/installs and deploys it to the NEXUS staging repository.

    During release:prepare, the release plugin asks what the next levels should be and what the tag name should be, and unless there’s a good reason, we take the defaults (by just hitting enter).

    When releasing a multi-module project where all the submodules have the same release version as the root project (e.g., uimaj-distr), you can have the release plugin set the version for all the submodules the same value as the root, automatically, just use this form of the release:prepare:

    $ mvn release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules

    In the past, we added a suffix representing the release candidate to the tag, e.g. -rc1 for release candidate 1, etc. However, the URL for this tag becomes part of the released POM. After a successful vote, we would have upgraded the release candidate to the final release by renaming the tag in source control. At that point, the URL in the POM would have become invalid. For this reason, it was decided to NOT add the -rc1 to the tag anymore.

    The release plugin automatically signs everything that needs signing using gpg. It also builds the sources.jar, and one overall (for multi-module projects) file, which can be later obtained and should be an (approximate) copy of the tag for that artifact, and once unzipped, should be buildable, using mvn install.

    Normally, everything built is uploaded to the Apache’s Nexus Staging repository. However, for the (large) distribution objects, such as the source and binary distributions for UIMA Java SDK etc., the "deploy" step is skipped. These artifacts, instead of being "distributed" using the Maven central repository, are distributed using the Apache Mirroring System.

    POMs can refer to other artifacts in several ways, for example via the <parent-pom> element, or via a <dependency> element. Often, a release will involve releasing together multiple modules (all at -SNAPSHOT levels) that refer to one another using these elements. When that happens, the references in these two elements are automatically updated during the release process, from xx-SNAPSHOT to xx for the tag, and then to the next development level, for the trunk.

    Exception to this: -SNAPSHOT suffixes are not updated for references within plugins.

    Note that any JARs, Zips, Tars, tar.gz artifacts must be signed by the Release Manager. When -Papache-release is active, the GPG Maven Plugin runs and signs the artifacts with the user’s default GPG key. If you have multiple keys on your system, make sure to switch default to the right key before the release.

4.2.3. Staging

  • Close the staging repository at

    You can upload to the Nexus Staging repository several independent artifacts; they will all get added to the same unique temporary staging repository Nexus creates. Once all the artifacts are in place, you log into using your ASF LDAP credentials, go to your staging repository, and close the repository. After that, nothing more can be added. If you deploy another artifact, it will create a new staging repository.

    If you forget to close the repo, it will be open when you do your next release candidate, and then you’ll have in the repo both release candidates, (with later files overwriting newer), which if any file names have changed, will create a mess. So be sure to close (and drop as appropriate) any previous repo before starting a release:perform for a new release candidate, so they deploy into a fresh empty staging repo.

    If you have several artifacts to release, and you want subsequent artifacts to depend on the released versions of earlier ones, you can do this, by releasing the first one, then releasing subsequent ones that depend on that, etc. This works because the first one you release will get built with the release version and installed to your local repository, as well as the Nexus staging repository. So subsequent ones that depend on the release version of previous ones, will find that in your local repository.

    If you forget something and close the staging repository too soon, just continue as if you hadn’t. Subsequent release artifacts will go into another newly created staging spot on Nexus. The downside of this is that you’ll have to tell the voters about multiple staging repos.

4.2.4. Voting

  • Call for a vote on the developer mailing list using the email template below

    The release candidate typically consists of

    • assembly source and binary distributions,

    • the associated source control tag, and

    • the individual Maven module artifacts.

    The source and binary distributions are manually copied by the release manager to the Apache distribution SVN in the dev/uima spot, to make them available for review. The Maven module artifacts are found in the Nexus staging repository, and are available once the release manager "closes" the repository.

    After things are staged, you write a note to the dev list, asking for an approval vote. You need to provide the url(s) of the closed staging repository in the note so the approvers can find the code to check, the source control tag corresponding to the release, and if needed, and the place in the distribution SVN where the source and binary distributions being proposed are found. The [VOTE] email should be based on similar previous votes, and include instructions to testers on how to set up their maven settings.xml file to specify the particular staging repository (or repositories, if more than one is being used).

    Release candidate vote email template
    Subject: [VOTE] UIMA Java SDK X.Y.Z RC-N
    the Apache UIMA Java SDK X.Y.Z RC N has been staged.
    This is a bugfix / feature release.
    __Paste list of issues from the RELEASE_NOTES file here__
    Dist. artifacts:
    Eclipse Update Site:
    Maven staging repo:
    GitHub tag:
    Please vote on release:
    [ ] +1 OK to release
    [ ] 0   Don't care
    [ ] -1 Not OK to release, because ...
    -- __Release manager name__
  • Mandatory release candidate signatures and hashes validation

    Before casting +1 binding votes, individuals are REQUIRED to download all signed source code packages onto their own hardware, verify that they meet all requirements of ASF policy on releases as described below, validate all cryptographic signatures, compile as provided, and test the result on their own platform.

    Create a release candidate validation folder
    % mkdir rc-validation
    % cd rc-validation

    First we fetch the staged artifacts from the ASF staging spot as well as from the ASF Maven staging repository. If there is an Eclipse update site, it should be included under the ASF staging spot.

    Fetch artifacts
    % svn export
    % lftp -e "mirror org; exit"

    All files (except hash files,detached signatures, or a few files like maven-metadata.xml or 'LICENSE' etc.) should have a detached signature. Check that this detached signature exists and validates against the file.

    Check GPG signatures
    % find . -not '(' -name '*.md5' -or -name '*.sha*' -or -name '*.asc' -or -name 'maven-metadata.xml' -or -name 'DEPENDENCIES' -or -name 'LICENSE' -or -name 'NOTICE' ')' -type f -print0 | xargs -I '{}' -0 -n1 -S 2000 gpg --verify '{}'.asc '{}'

    For the same set of files for which we checked the signatures, also check the SHA512 hashes are valid.

    Check SHA512 hashes
    % find . -not '(' -name '*.md5' -or -name '*.sha*' -or -name '*.asc' -or -name 'maven-metadata.xml' -or -name 'DEPENDENCIES' -or -name 'LICENSE' -or -name 'NOTICE' ')' -type f -print0 | xargs -I '{}' -0 -n1 -S 2000 zsh -c 'cd `dirname {}`; sha512sum -c `basename {}.sha512`'

    Checking SHA1/MD5 files generated by the Maven Repository is a bit tedious because the hashsum files do not contain the filename and so the sha1sum and md5sum checking functionality does not work. We have to do set up a little script to help us.

    Check SHA1/MD5 hashes
    % cat > <ENTER>
    tmp="$(mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)"
    md5hash=`cat $1.md5`
    sha1hash=`cat $1.sha1`
    echo "$sha1hash $1" > "$tmp"
    printf "SHA1 "
    sha1sum -c "$tmp"
    echo "$md5hash $1" > "$tmp"
    printf "MD5  "
    md5sum -c "$tmp"
    rm "$tmp"
    % chmod +x
    % find . -not '(' -name '*.md5' -or -name '*.sha*' -or -name '*.asc' -or -name 'maven-metadata.xml' -or -name 'DEPENDENCIES' -or -name 'LICENSE' -or -name 'NOTICE' ')' -type f -print0 | xargs -I '{}' -0 -n1 -S 2000 ./ '{}'
    % rm
    Check that the contents of the sources ZIP match the repository tag
    % wget[project]/archive/[release-commit-hash].zip
    % unzip [release-commit-hash].zip
    % diff -r ...
    Run a local build from the sources ZIP

    Typically, we have Maven projects, so this would running a Maven Build

    % mvn clean install

    For more information on the ASF release policy, please see the Apache Release Policy document.

  • Additional release quality checking
    • Check the issues-fixed report

    • Check the release notes

    • Install plugins into Eclipse

    • Try out an example

    • …​

  • Vote

    Send an email to the developer mailing list indicating your vote.

    For more information, please refer to the Apache Voting Process.

  • Close vote and post vote results to the developer mailing list (wait at least for 72 hours, at least 3 +1 votes required for release, sign mail using same GPG key that was used to sign release)
    Example vote results mail
    Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] UIMA Java SDK X.Y.Z RC-N
    Hi all,
    the vote passes, with X +1 and no other votes received.
    +1 Person A
    +1 Person B
    +1 Person C
    No other votes received.
    Thanks to all who voted!
    -- __Release manager name__

4.2.5. Publishing

  • Copy the release artifacts from the staging spot to the dist spot in SVN

    The staging spot and the release spot are in the same (large) ASF Subversion repository. So instead of uploading the artifacts again, we can simply copy them from the staging spot at to the proper locations under

    Note that the Eclipse Update Site which was a subfolder in the staging spot must now be copied to the proper location in the P2 composite update site.

  • Copy existing Eclipse update site to the archive spot
    svn copy -m "create eclipse plugin archive for uimaj-3.0.0-3.2.0"
  • Delete existing Eclipse update site
    svn delete -m "reset main Eclipse update subsite for uimaj - delete old one"
  • Remove the old update site and move the new one at
    svn delete -m "reset main Eclipse update subsite for uimaj - delete old one"
  • Release staging repository at
    Promote the release(s) from the staging repositories: log on to the staging repository again, and release the staged artifacts. This will make the artifacts available in the Maven Central repository.
  • Create a new git tag e.g. rel/uimaj-3.2.0 and remove the one not prefixed with rel

    Tags starting with rel/ should be protected in all Apache UIMA git repositories. By prefixing the release tag with rel/, you make sure the tag cannot be accidentally deleted.

  • Merge the release preparation pull request

    Merge the release preparation pull request just like any other PR via the GitHub website.

  • Update website
    Update downloads

    Update the download page of the UIMA website to make the new release artifacts available. This is done indirectly, by editing both the downloads.xml page and also by adding entries to the xdocs/stylesheets/project.xml page - follow the previous examples.

    Update documentation

    Also, things not needed to be mirrored go into our website: in the docs/d directory. Currently, this includes the RELEASE_NOTES (plus issuesFixed) for the release, the new documentation, and the Javadocs.

    Copy RELEASE_NOTES and issuesFixed from the top level project (where the mvn release:perform was done from) in the directory target/checkout/ …​ to the the website in docs/d/[project]-current. The documentation for the latest release should always be in the [project]-current folder. A copy of that should be created under project-[version].

    svn copy -m "Creating versioned copy of current release documentation in archive"
    Update news

    Our main UIMA website has a News section that should be updated with news of the release. There are 2 place to update: One is the index.xml file, which has a one-line summary (at the bottom) that references a link within the new.xml page; and a new entry in the news.xml page itself. Follow previous examples.

  • Close the release in the issue tracker

    Update Jira version info to reflect the release status and date

  • Post release announcement to (Cc:, — once release has arrived at — sign mail using same GPG key that was used to sign release)

    After release appears on maven central, post an appropriate announce letter.

    To announce the published release send and email to



    and describe the major changes of the release. Announcements should be posted from the release manager’s address, and signed by the release manager using the same code-signing key as was used to sign the release. For more details please refer to A Guide To Release Management During Incubation.

4.3. Re-doing a release randidate

There are two ways to reset things back so you can do another release candidate; depending on how far through the release process you’ve progressed.

If you’ve just done release:prepare, you can reset things back to as they were before that command by issuing mvn release:rollback.

Check to confirm that the source control tag for the release candidate is deleted; if not, remove it manually.

If you’ve done a release:perform, to reset the source, try doing the release:rollback; this may work if you haven’t done a release:clean.

Otherwise, you have to manually change the <version>x.y.z-SNAPSHOT</version> back to their previous value. You can use Eclipse’s search/replace to do this, or the mvn versions plugin.

If a Nexus staging repo was already created, drop it.

4.4. Preparing the next development cycle

  • Consider updating dependencies and plugins as necessary

    • mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

    • mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

    • mvn versions:display-property-updates

4.5. Shared build resources

There are several projects in the build tooling. The following special procedure is used to release updates to these.

The parent-pom has the `uima-build-resources’s version number encoded as the property


This value will normally be set to the last released version number of the uima-build-resource artifact.

If that artifact is changing, during development, this will be set to the XX-SNAPSHOT value corresponding to the development version. When releasing, first do a release (to the Nexus Staging repository, as usual) of the uima-build-resources artifact, which will create a version without the -SNAPSHOT. Then change the <uimaBuildResourcesVersion> value to correspond to the non-SNAPSHOT version number of this, before proceeding to release the parent-pom artifact.