All Implemented Interfaces:

Strategy that uses the Wicket metadata facility to check authorization. The static authorize methods are for authorizing component actions and component instantiation by role. This class is the main entry point for users wanting to use the roles-based authorization of the wicket-auth-roles package based on wicket metadata. For instance, use like:
 MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(myPanel, RENDER, "ADMIN");
for actions on component instances, or:
 MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(AdminBookmarkablePage.class, "ADMIN");
for doing role based authorization for component instantation.
Eelco Hillenius, Jonathan Locke
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • authorize

      public static <T extends Component> void authorize(Class<T> componentClass, String roles)
      Authorizes the given role to create component instances of type componentClass. This authorization is added to any previously authorized roles.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      componentClass - The component type that is subject for the authorization
      roles - The comma separated roles that are authorized to create component instances of type componentClass
    • authorize

      public static void authorize(Component component, Action action, String roles)
      Authorizes the given role to perform the given action on the given component.
      component - The component that is subject to the authorization
      action - The action to authorize
      roles - The comma separated roles to authorize
    • authorizeAll

      public static <T extends Component> void authorizeAll(Class<T> componentClass)
      Grants permission to all roles to create instances of the given component class.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      componentClass - The component class
    • authorizeAll

      public static void authorizeAll(Component component, Action action)
      Grants permission to all roles to perform the given action on the given component.
      component - The component that is subject to the authorization
      action - The action to authorize
    • unauthorize

      public static <T extends Component> void unauthorize(Class<T> componentClass, String roles)
      Removes permission for the given roles to create instances of the given component class. There is no danger in removing authorization by calling this method. If the last authorization grant is removed for a given componentClass, the internal role NO_ROLE will automatically be added, effectively denying access to all roles (if this was not done, all roles would suddenly have access since no authorization is equivalent to full access).
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      componentClass - The component type
      roles - The comma separated list of roles that are no longer to be authorized to create instances of type componentClass
    • unauthorize

      public static void unauthorize(Component component, Action action, String roles)
      Removes permission for the given role to perform the given action on the given component. There is no danger in removing authorization by calling this method. If the last authorization grant is removed for a given action, the internal role NO_ROLE will automatically be added, effectively denying access to all roles (if this was not done, all roles would suddenly have access since no authorization is equivalent to full access).
      component - The component
      action - The action
      roles - The comma separated list of roles that are no longer allowed to perform the given action
    • unauthorizeAll

      public static <T extends Component> void unauthorizeAll(Class<T> componentClass)
      Grants authorization to instantiate the given class to just the role NO_ROLE, effectively denying all other roles.
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      componentClass - The component class
    • unauthorizeAll

      public static void unauthorizeAll(Component component, Action action)
      Grants authorization to perform the given action to just the role NO_ROLE, effectively denying all other roles.
      component - the component that is subject to the authorization
      action - the action to authorize
    • isActionAuthorized

      public boolean isActionAuthorized(Component component, Action action)
      Uses component level meta data to match roles for component action execution.
      Specified by:
      isActionAuthorized in interface IAuthorizationStrategy
      isActionAuthorized in class IAuthorizationStrategy.AllowAllAuthorizationStrategy
      component - The component to be acted upon
      action - The action to authorize on the component
      Whether the given action may be taken on the given component
      See Also:
    • isInstantiationAuthorized

      public <T extends IRequestableComponent> boolean isInstantiationAuthorized(Class<T> componentClass)
      Uses application level meta data to match roles for component instantiation.
      Specified by:
      isInstantiationAuthorized in interface IAuthorizationStrategy
      isInstantiationAuthorized in class IAuthorizationStrategy.AllowAllAuthorizationStrategy
      componentClass - The component class to check
      Whether the given component may be created
      See Also: