Module org.apache.wicket.extensions
S> A helper implementation for the IColumn interfaceA base class for data table toolbarsA panel that renders <colgroup> with <col> elements inside it.DataTable<T,S> A data table builds on data grid view to introduce toolbars.A caption for the table.DefaultDataTable<T,S> An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standardDataTable
.HeaderlessColumn<T,S> A column that does not have a headerToolbars that displays column headers.IColumn<T,S> An interface that represents a column in theDefaultDataTable
Data provider that can hold sort stateIStyledColumn<T,S> Interface that allows styling individuals DataTable columnsLambdaColumn<T,S> An implementation of column that adds a label to the cell whose model is determined by the providedSerializableFunction
that is evaluated against the current row's model objectToolbar that displays links used to navigate the pages of the datatable as well as a message about which rows are being displayed and their total number in the data table.Label that provides Showing x to y of z message given for a DataTable.A toolbar that displays a "no records found" message when the data table contains no rows.PropertyColumn<T,S> A convenience implementation of column that adds a label to the cell whose model is determined by the provided wicket property expression (same as used byPropertyModel
) that is evaluated against the current row's model object