ClassDescriptionAbstract class handling the Web Socket broadcast messages.The base implementation of IWebSocketProcessor.A behavior that contributes
A class used byIWebSocketConnectionFilter
s when they need to reject a connectionA copy of the HttpSession used at the WebSocket connection creation timeCommon interface for native WebSocket connectionsCommon interface for rejecting connections which are not meeting some of the security concerns.Processes web socket messages.An interface for outbound communication with web socket clientsWicket proxy interface to javax.websocket.Session.Allows to configure theIWebSocketSession
A copy of the http servlet request used to create the WebSocket.A behavior that provides optional callbacks for the WebSocket messages (connect, message, close)This filter will reject those requests which contain 'Origin' header that does not match the origin of the application host.AnIRequestHandler
that broadcasts the payload to the page/resourceAllows pushing events for processing to Pages that have active web sockets.AWebRequest
implementation used for the lifecycle of a web socket connection.A handler of WebSocket requests.An IResource that can be used as WebSocket endpointAResponse
used to cache the written data to the web socket client when Wicket thread locals are available.A resource reference that provides the JavaScript that may be used to create WebSocket connections in the browser.