Class AuthenticatedWebApplication

    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init()
        Description copied from class: WebApplication
        Initialize; if you need the wicket servlet/filter for initialization, e.g. because you want to read an initParameter from web.xml or you want to read a resource from the servlet's context path, you can override this method and provide custom initialization. This method is called right after this application class is constructed, and the wicket servlet/filter is set. Use this method for any application setup instead of the constructor.
        init in class WebApplication
      • hasAnyRole

        public final boolean hasAnyRole​(Roles roles)
        Description copied from interface: IRoleCheckingStrategy
        Whether any of the given roles matches. For example, if a user has role USER and the provided roles are {USER, ADMIN} this method should return true as the user has at least one of the roles that were provided.
        Specified by:
        hasAnyRole in interface IRoleCheckingStrategy
        roles - the roles
        true if a user or whatever subject this implementation wants to work with has at least on of the provided roles
      • restartResponseAtSignInPage

        public void restartResponseAtSignInPage()
        Restarts response at sign in page. NOTE: this method internally throws a restart response exception, so no code after a call to this method will be executed
      • newSession

        public Session newSession​(Request request,
                                  Response response)
        Creates a new session. Override this method if you want to provide a custom session.
        newSession in class WebApplication
        request - The request that will create this session.
        response - The response to initialize, for example with cookies. This is important to use cases involving unit testing because those use cases might want to be able to sign a user in automatically when the session is created.
        The session
      • onUnauthorizedPage

        protected void onUnauthorizedPage​(Component page)
        Called when an AUTHENTICATED user tries to navigate to a page that they are not authorized to access. You might want to override this to navigate to some explanatory page or to the application's home page.
        page - The partially constructed page (only the component id is guaranteed to be valid).