Class Nio2ModificationWatcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Nio2ModificationWatcher
    extends ModificationWatcher
    An extension of ModificationWatcher that removes the NotFound entries from the MarkupCache for newly created files. By default MarkupCache registers Markup.NO_MARKUP value for each requested but not found markup file. Later when the user creates the markup file the MarkupCache should be notified.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Nio2ModificationWatcher

        public Nio2ModificationWatcher​(Application application,
                                       Duration pollFrequency)
        application - The application that manages the caches
        pollFrequency - How often to check on IModifiables
    • Method Detail

      • checkCreated

        protected void checkCreated​(org.slf4j.Logger log)
        Checks for newly created files and folders. New folders are registered to be watched. New files are removed from the MarkupCache because there could be Markup.NO_MARKUP (Not Found) entries for them already.
        log - a logger that can be used to log the events
      • entryModified

        protected void entryModified​(Path path,
                                     org.slf4j.Logger log)
        A callback method called when a new Path entry is modified
        path - the modified path
        log - a logger that can be used to log the events
      • entryDeleted

        protected void entryDeleted​(Path path,
                                    org.slf4j.Logger log)
        A callback method called when a new Path entry is deleted
        path - the deleted path
        log - a logger that can be used to log the events
      • entryCreated

        protected void entryCreated​(Path path,
                                    org.slf4j.Logger log)
        A callback method called when a new Path entry is created
        path - the new path entry
        log - a logger that can be used to log the events
      • getWatchedKinds

        protected WatchEvent.Kind[] getWatchedKinds​(Path folder)
        folder - the folder that will be watched
        an array of watch event kinds to use for the watching of the given folder