Class CharSetMap

  • public final class CharSetMap
    extends Object
    This class maintains a set of mappers defining mappings between locales and the corresponding charsets. The mappings are defined as properties between locale and charset names. The definitions can be listed in property files located in user's home directory, Java home directory or the current class jar. In addition, this class maintains static default mappings and constructors support application specific mappings. This source has originally been taken from the jakarta Turbine project.
    Ilkka Priha
    • Constructor Detail

      • CharSetMap

        public CharSetMap()
        Constructs a new charset map with default mappers.
      • CharSetMap

        public CharSetMap​(Properties props)
        Constructs a charset map from properties.
        props - charset mapping properties.
      • CharSetMap

        public CharSetMap​(File file)
                   throws IOException
        Constructs a charset map read from a property file.
        file - a property file.
        IOException - for an incorrect property file.
      • CharSetMap

        public CharSetMap​(String path)
                   throws IOException
        Constructs a charset map read from a property file path.
        path - a property file path.
        IOException - for an incorrect property file.
    • Method Detail

      • loadResource

        protected static Map<String,​StringloadResource​(String name)
        Loads mappings from a resource.
        name - a resource name.
        the mappings.
      • setCharSet

        public final void setCharSet​(String key,
                                     String charset)
        Sets a locale-charset mapping.
        key - the key for the charset.
        charset - the corresponding charset.
      • getCharSet

        public final String getCharSet​(Locale locale)
        Gets the charset for a locale. First a locale specific charset is searched for, then a country specific one and lastly a language specific one. If none is found, the default charset is returned.
        locale - the locale.
        the charset.
      • getCharSet

        public final String getCharSet​(Locale locale,
                                       String variant)
        Gets the charset for a locale with a variant. The search is performed in the following order: "lang"_"country"_"variant"="charset", _"country"_"variant"="charset", "lang"__"variant"="charset", __"variant"="charset", "lang"_"country"="charset", _"country"="charset", "lang"="charset". If nothing of the above is found, the default charset is returned.
        locale - the locale.
        variant - a variant field.
        the charset.
      • getCharSet

        public final String getCharSet​(String key)
        Gets the charset for a specified key.
        key - the key for the charset.
        the found charset or the default one.
      • getCharSet

        public final String getCharSet​(String key,
                                       String def)
        Gets the charset for a specified key.
        key - the key for the charset.
        def - the default charset if none is found.
        the found charset or the given default.
      • setCommonCharSet

        protected final void setCommonCharSet​(String key,
                                              String charset)
        Sets a common locale-charset mapping.
        key - the key for the charset.
        charset - the corresponding charset.