Class AbstractFormValidator

    • Method Detail

      • error

        public void error​(FormComponent<?> fc)
        Reports an error against validatable using the map returned by variablesMap()for variable interpolations and message key returned by resourceKey().
        fc - form component against which the error is reported
      • error

        public void error​(FormComponent<?> fc,
                          String resourceKey)
        Reports an error against the validatable using the given resource key
        fc - form component against which the error is reported
        resourceKey - The message resource key to use
      • error

        public void error​(FormComponent<?> fc,
                          Map<String,​Object> vars)
        Reports an error against the validatable using the given map for variable interpolations and message resource key provided by resourceKey()
        fc - form component against which the error is reported
        vars - variables for variable interpolation
      • error

        public void error​(FormComponent<?> fc,
                          String resourceKey,
                          Map<String,​Object> vars)
        Reports an error against the validatable using the specified resource key and variable map
        fc - form component against which the error is reported
        resourceKey - The message resource key to use
        vars - The model for variable interpolation
      • variablesMap

        protected Map<String,​ObjectvariablesMap()
        Gets the default variables for interpolation. These are for every component:
        • ${input(n)}: the user's input
        • ${name(n)}: the name of the component
        • ${label(n)}: the label of the component - either comes from FormComponent.labelModel or resource key [form-id].[form-component-id] in that order
        a map with the variables for interpolation
      • resourceKey

        protected String resourceKey()
        Gets the resource key for validator's error message from the ApplicationSettings class.
        the resource key based on the form component